Happy Birthday Comic

For lovers of humor, positive-minded people, waiting for a variety of surprises from life and adequately responding to all kinds of surprises, there are comic birthday greetings. However, in no case should you congratulate people who do not have a sense of humor in such a way so as not to accidentally offend a person, and even on his birthday. Among the huge number of ways to bring joy to the birthday man, you can pick up a really cool greeting. Each person is special, each needs an individual approach. Knowing that the word can hurt the soul very much, we will be extremely helpful and comic birthday greetings for those we know as ourselves.

And yet, what could be better than a joke? Of course - a good joke that will cheer up the birthday man, make him laugh heartily! Puzzling over how best to congratulate a person so that it is fun and not offend him, one should remember about subordination. Such congratulations can be prepared for those who understand and appreciate them properly, namely, for a friend (girlfriend), employee, brother, etc.

Comic birthday greetings can be picked up, as they say, for every taste, you can even generate an individual greeting with an indication of the name, profession, mentioning the personal qualities of the hero of the occasion. In addition, a comic text, SMS, poem or song can be sent to the birthday man’s mobile phone. And it can be a voice greeting from a celebrity (from Putin, Medvedev, etc.) or a joke from a police station and many different cool greetings that are designed to amuse a person on his birthday.

Comic birthday greetings to a friend are very popular, since it is friends who most often like to tune out all kinds of unforeseen, and therefore even more fun, practical jokes. At the same time, to come up with an original congratulation, you should really break your head, because not everyone has the ability to compose poetry or prose for a particular occasion. And still, no one knows your friend the way you do, and you have to decide which congratulations to choose - sensual and touching, solemn and serious, or comic and funny.

Almost all people expect something unusual from their birthday , this is because at heart everyone hopes for a miracle. Do not disappoint a birthday boy or a birthday girl, let something very pleasant happen with your help, because it is for this that close people are needed. Comic birthday greetings to a woman should be selected with particular scrupulousness, they should lead the hero of the occasion in an indescribable delight. And let your jokes be good, uplifting. And no matter what it will be - a message, an email, a regular or interactive postcard, be sure to show your imagination and decorate the message.

Happy Birthday Greetings

To be successful at the age of 7 is to be able to wake up in a dry bed.

To be successful at the age of 17 is not to blunder in bed with a girl.

Be successful at 25 years old - choose the best girl and make her your wife.

Being successful at age 35 is a prosperous family and a successful career.

To be successful at 65 is not to blunder in bed with a woman.

To be successful at 85 years old - to be able to wake up in a dry bed.

So be successful at any age!

Everyone has long known that money is just rubbish ... So you become the owner of a landfill from such rubbish!

I want to wish you all that fits into the word "happiness", for example - let your table break with food, and your bed with pleasure!

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