Relatives are people of the same blood, the most necessary and close to each other in this world. There can be many or few. Taking into account all the grandparents, brothers, sisters, etc. However, not only blood communication allows people to be called the word "family". The definition applies to spouses. And even more than that. To both their births. After all, it is in the newly created young family that new people appear.
Relatives are the closest
So, more details. Relatives are those people who literally feel each other even at a distance. These are those who always have something to talk about. And there is something to be silent about. And silence at the same time does not need to be filled at all. Between family people, even silence takes on a special meaning, and pauses do not bother. Their relationship is based on understanding, trust and respect. They will always listen to each other, consult, share problems. That's right, because in common people they are common.
Conflicts between relatives
However, things are not always so smooth ... Unfortunately, sometimes the meaning of the word "relatives" is simply lost ... People cease to understand each other. And, as a rule, everyone is to blame - someone more, someone less. It seems that something very important is breaking off between people. Most often, such problems arise between spouses. Which, it would seem, were so close yesterday. Relationships are crumbling before our eyes. And people come to a sad decision, whose name is "divorce." Usually this process is very painful, at least for one of the spouses. It’s a shame to be abandoned, it’s a shame to understand that for some reason you cease to be native to your loved one. It just becomes scary from the fact that there is no one else to share your thoughts with, from the fact that they no longer think about you. There used to be two of you, and now you are alone ... Previously, everything was “divided into two” - grief and joy ...
Not necessarily such problems concern spouses. The problem of fathers and children has always been and will remain relevant. Not always two different generations can understand each other. Therefore, they also move away from each other.
Brothers with sisters and representatives of two different clans face problems. In a word, there are difficulties that must be fought.
Solution of problems
In fact, relatives are people who must be able to overcome any obstacles. And for this it is only necessary to choose the right moment and talk with each other. As it was before the conflict. That is, in such an atmosphere and with the mood that accompanied your previous conversations. Remind each other that you were family people. Accordingly, you cannot become absolutely strangers in any way. Remember everything that was good between you, revise old photos. Understand that the time spent with family is invaluable. For this it is necessary to be grateful to each other.
Appreciate your family
And finally. Relatives are your closest people. And if you respect each other, love, understand, sympathize with each other and empathize - appreciate it. Unfortunately, not every family has a sense of intimacy. It would seem that everyone is happy, but this same feeling does not exist ... Each has his own life, his friends, his own work, his own responsibilities. As a result, people intersect only in case of emergency. Agree, this is not the most ideal option. In such families there is not enough kinship. Therefore, thank fate for the fact that in your life there are so close, so dear to you people. Do everything so that they do not have to be offended, upset and cry, but on the contrary, they would glow with happiness and joy. Believe me, they will treat you the same way. Do not forget that these are the most expensive people that you have. They will always come to the rescue and support you in difficult times!