How to treat diaper rash in the groin of a child: causes, treatment methods, prevention

The skin of a young child is very delicate. But sweat glands are not sufficiently developed at such a young age. The heat transfer system in a baby is not the same as in an adult.

If the child overheats, and mothers often wrap up their baby, then the excess heat is removed through the lungs, as the sweating process can not cope with this task. In this case, the baby experiences a load on the undeveloped sweat glands, which ultimately leads to skin injury and diaper rash.

The upper layer of the epidermis in young children is much thinner than in adults, so its surface is damaged more quickly when exposed to various physical or chemical factors.

The smoothness and silkiness of children's skin is due to the presence of a large number of lipids. They help to quickly dissolve substances on the skin. Moreover, they are not always useful. For example, ammonia present in urine, or feces enzymes, the remnants of washing powder on children's things. All this can cause inflammatory skin diseases, diaper rash, and even provoke deep wounds in the folds of the skin.

Redness in the groin of a child

In the article, we will consider how to treat diaper rash in the groin of a child with medicinal and folk remedies. To begin with, we will deal with the main causes of the appearance of redness and skin irritation, as well as what needs to be done in order to eliminate the main factor that causes such inflammatory processes in the baby. Treatment of diaper rash in the groin of a child cannot begin until the cause of this phenomenon has been clarified.

Although redness is a concern to the mother, they heal quite quickly with proper treatment. The skin of the child is saturated with blood vessels. In addition, babies have a quick metabolism in the body, which contributes to the healing of skin lesions in the shortest possible time. The main thing is to understand the cause of their occurrence and eliminate it in time.

Causes of diaper dermatitis

Before you learn how to treat diaper rash in the groin of a child, let's look at the most common causes of their occurrence:

How to care for baby's skin?

  1. Frequent bowel movements create a moist, favorable environment for the growth of bacteria. Urine and feces, especially liquid, irritate the skin with an acidic environment, causing redness.
  2. When using low-quality diapers, urine is not so quickly absorbed into products, the skin remains wet for a long time. Moreover, under such conditions, it warms up in a closed form, which also provokes diaper dermatitis.
  3. When changing diapers, a child must be washed. Even if the skin visually looks clean, there are still traces of urine on it, which will continue its negative effect on delicate skin even under a new, dry diaper. If you change the product outside the home, then use baby hypoallergenic wet wipes to wipe all the folds in the groin.
  4. Diaper rash can occur when wearing diapers that are not the right size for the baby. Friction causes skin irritation when wearing artificial clothing. Try your child to choose things from cotton or other natural fabrics.
  5. One of the causes of diaper rash in the groin of a 3-year-old child may be an allergy to washing powder, fabric softeners, lotions, and other cosmetics. It’s best to wash your baby’s things with baby soap or baby detergents based on natural substances.
  6. Allergic rashes may appear as a reaction to foods eaten by both the baby and his mother during breastfeeding. New feeding is introduced to the child 2 weeks after the previous one, which gives time for the body to get used to the product. During this period, the mother should carefully monitor the reaction to it, monitor the stool of the child.
  7. One of the reasons for diaper rash can be a banal overheating of the baby, when the skin under the diaper overheats, sweats and becomes wet.
  8. If a mother suffers from candidiasis of the genitals or nipples during breastfeeding, treats the thrush with antibiotics, then the child also has an infectious skin lesion. First, bacteria spread to the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, causing a white coating, then along the digestive system the anus is also affected, which causes diaper rash in the groin in a child up to a year old.

How to treat these irritations, we will consider further in the article. But first, we will teach mothers to recognize the first symptoms of the disease so as not to trigger diaper dermatitis. The sooner treatment begins, the faster the skin gets its original appearance.

Symptoms of diaper rash

Treatment with folk remedies for diaper rash in the groin of a child can begin as soon as the first symptoms appear. These are small red pimples that sleep in the folds of the baby's inguinal region . If you missed the onset of the disease, then cracks form in them. Sometimes even blood comes from them.

The child begins to be capricious, after bowel movements, cracks cause pain, burning, which, of course, is manifested by the crying of the baby. At this time, the appetite falls, the child does not sleep well, when touching the crack, the baby experiences pain. And so it becomes irritable.

Diaper rash from simple reddening into bloody cracks literally progresses in a couple of days, so you need to act immediately so that infections do not open access to infections.

Grades of diaper rash

  • The first sign of dermatitis is red spots of different sizes. This is the beginning of the inflammatory process, when you already need to think about how to treat diaper rash in the groin of a child.
  • Further, skin irritation occurs, microcracks with purulent contents appear.
  • The neglected variant of the disease is manifested by exfoliation of the upper layer of the skin, the cracks become deep, a secondary infection penetrates the wounds. The case takes a dangerous turn, so that without the help of medicines can no longer do. Urgently need to run to a consultation with a doctor. It is advisable not to allow such a denouement, and to begin treatment at the very beginning of the disease, especially since there are a lot of folk methods for combating dermatitis.

Hygiene of the skin

In order not to encounter a problem and not figure out how to treat diaper rash in the groin of a child, basic hygiene rules must be observed. After each bowel movement, the child needs to be washed with water or, in extreme cases, thoroughly wipe the skin with wet baby wipes. Very well protected from diaper rash handkerchiefs impregnated with aloe balm. There are even diapers with this coating on the inside.

Every day, the baby needs to be bathed using herbs that have an antibacterial effect. This is an infusion of chamomile or a string. Soap should be used only for children, preferably liquid. After bathing, all folds are treated with special oils or powders.

Baby bathing

It’s not worth saving on diapers; choose products of only high-quality manufacturers. Pampers should be of the right size so that the edges between his legs do not rub, urine does not leak out of the product.

The room where the child is kept should be well ventilated, the room should not be too hot. If the heating batteries are very hot in winter, then you need to use a humidifier.

More often, leave your baby naked so that the body is ventilated. This will improve the condition of the skin. You need to start air procedures from a few minutes and gradually increase the time spent without clothes to an hour.

How to treat diaper rash in the groin of a child at home

If diaper rash is manifested by the presence of pink spots, then it is often enough to leave the child without a diaper so that the body is ventilated and the skin dries.

Did you notice more intense redness? You can make baths with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. Before the procedure, be sure to filter the solution through several layers of gauze so that even the microscopic granule of the chemical does not burn the baby’s skin.

In no case do not wipe the resulting cracks with wet wipes. This will only aggravate the situation. They are used only for prevention, wiping healthy areas. Cracks and severe redness are wiped with a swab dipped in infusion of a string or chamomile.

Dry chamomile

Make it as follows - in the morning in an enameled pan pour 30 grams of dry grass and pour a liter of boiling water. Close tightly with a lid and insist until the evening. Before going to bed at night, you can bathe your baby in the bathtub by adding strained mixture. To wipe it will be enough to prepare an infusion of 0.5 liters of water.

You can make a decoction much faster. The recipe for cooking is as follows: 30 grams of herbs are poured into 1 liter of boiling water and put in a water bath. After 15-20 minutes, remove the pan and leave to cool completely. Before treating diaper rash in the groin of a child with folk remedies (infusions or decoctions), they need to be filtered through a strainer or gauze, folded in several layers.

It is useful to bathe the baby in the infusion of oak bark (5 tbsp. L. + A glass of boiling water - insist 1 hour) or from birch buds (3 tbsp. L. Mixed with 2 tbsp. L. Vaseline, pour 10 l of boiling water, after cooling, you can swim in given solution).

Herbal lotions

One of the most effective folk methods of getting rid of diaper rash in a child is lotion on sore spots. A piece of gauze is folded several times (you can take a bandage), soaked in an herbal infusion and applied to affected skin areas for 15 minutes 3 times a day.

  • Yarrow infusion. Ground plant - 3 tbsp. - poured into a bowl and pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, cover with a saucer. It is infused until the liquid cools, then the solution is filtered through a sieve, a gauze swab is lowered into it, the cloth is slightly squeezed out so that the excess glass liquid is applied to the problem place.

Lotions with eucalyptus infusion. For 2 tablespoons of leaves - a glass of boiling water. Pour everything into an enameled pan, put on fire for 2-3 minutes. The solution for lotions is ready!

Eucalyptus leaves

  • A mixture of medicinal herbs. Before treating diaper rash in the groin of a child from a diaper, you need to mix the herbs in a dry form. Take 10 grams of sage, 25 grams of horsetail, 15 ml of valerian. The mixture is poured with 0.5 l of boiling water overnight, and over the next day 5 times apply lotions to the folds in the groin.

Aloe Balm

How to treat diaper rash in the groin of a child? Folk remedies have shown themselves to be excellent. Let's look at another effective and inexpensive drug - aloe balm. It is part of many types of skin care cosmetics, has a number of useful properties - it helps to heal and soften the skin, has an anti-inflammatory effect.

People from ancient times used such a healing remedy. You can make balm at home. To prepare, mix a few drops:

  • aloe extract;
  • stearic alcohol;
  • petroleum jelly;
  • mineral oil.
Aloe Juice Balm

In a ceramic bowl or plastic container, everything is mixed and finger applied to all folds before putting on a new diaper for the baby.

If you think that making it yourself will be difficult, you can buy diapers from well-known companies that have long used this balm, applying it with stripes on the inside of the product.

Before buying a diaper, read about its special features. This will facilitate the task in the treatment of diaper rash in the groin of a child. At 1.5 years old, the children are very active, while moving the balm in the diaper will touch the skin and protect it from irritation.

How to make a powder yourself

Good effect on moist inflamed cracks with diaper rash powders. They absorb excess moisture and heal the wounds, but after each diaper change it needs to be washed off so that the loose mixture does not roll into hard balls from moisture and does not irritate the skin even more.

To prepare the powder, you can use a mixture of talc and corn starch (50 g / 20 g), in addition you need to add 7 g of zinc oxide, 2 g of allantoin and a couple of drops of lavender oil. Only clean, washed skin fall asleep. You can not rub sore spots with a towel, it is recommended to gently pat them with a napkin.

How to treat diaper rash in the groin of a child at 2 years old? Buckwheat flour is often used as a powder, you can make it yourself by grinding raw buckwheat in a mill. Sprinkle only dry skin.

Healthy oils

Let's look at how to treat diaper rash in the groin of a child of 1 year. Easy to use oils. You just need to lubricate them with all the cracks and redness on the baby's body.

Sea buckthorn oil has an antibacterial effect, contains vitamins E, K and C. Due to its healing properties, the use of this product promotes the rapid healing of cracks, restoration of the skin, and stops inflammatory processes.

Sea buckthorn oil

Before smearing on the skin, it is recommended to warm the oil slightly in a water bath and apply it warmly to sore spots.

When bathing the baby in the bath, you can drip 2-3 drops of tea tree oil, which has excellent properties, heals wounds, relieves inflammation. This is a powerful tool that has gained great popularity recently.

Juices for rubbing the skin

  • Pumpkin juice. Grind the pumpkin pulp on a grater and squeeze the liquid through gauze into a container. You can wipe it with diaper rash right by hand.
  • Juice from fresh leaves of coltsfoot. It is advisable to add a little linseed oil.
  • Juice of fresh leaves of plantain.
Treatment of diaper rash folk remedies

The article describes how to treat diaper rash in the groin in a child at 2 years of age and in newborn children with alternative methods. First, be sure to find out the cause of the disease, otherwise diaper rash will appear again and again. If you can’t get rid of the problem, then be sure to consult a doctor. Maybe a secondary infection has occurred and more serious medications will be needed to deal with cracks and wounds on the baby's skin.

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