Subcutaneous tick in cats: treatment at home and prevention

Pets often suffer from diseases caused by various parasites. The most common is subcutaneous tick in cats. The official name is demodicosis. Cats of any age and all breeds are affected. It is important that for a person the disease is not dangerous, but for a four-legged pet it brings considerable discomfort. Significantly undermine the animal’s health, the mite eggs that females lay in the hair follicles. It is useful for all breeders and lovers of furry tailed pets to know the symptoms of the disease, as well as preventive measures and treatment methods.

Subcutaneous tick in cats - treatment

Subspecies of parasites

The subcutaneous tick in cats is incredibly small in size. It cannot be seen with the naked eye. The veterinarian makes an examination with a microscope and the only way to consider the microorganisms that cause demodicosis. Specialists distinguish two subspecies of the disease - generalized and localized. In the first case, the disease is much more complicated, because parasites attack large areas of the body. In the second case, the problem is less dangerous, since only a separate part of the body is affected, but this situation with the pet requires attention.

The generalized form of the disease is also dangerous because, after complete cure, the subcutaneous tick in cats is transmitted to future offspring. Therefore, it is recommended that the animal be sterilized after cure to prevent the appearance of sick kittens.

Subcutaneous tick in cats than dangerous

Symptoms of the disease

It is important for all lovers of tetrapods to know what a subcutaneous tick in cats is, the symptoms and treatment necessary in this case. The disease is dangerous because it is difficult to immediately notice it. When visible symptoms appear, the parasites are already attacking most of the body. Therefore, with any suspicion of demodicosis, you must consult a veterinarian. The longer the tick parasitizes on the skin of the animal, the more it affects the decrease in immunity. This leads to the fact that cats often get sick. The first symptoms that should alert the host are the following:

  1. The wool rubbed its former luster and silkiness.
  2. The skin around the eyes turned red and began to peel off. Dandruff may occur.
  3. Constant pruritus causes the pet to rip out shreds of hair and itch with claws and teeth.
  4. Wool can independently fall out in whole bunches.
  5. On the skin, you can find small growths, slightly protruding above the surface.
  6. On bald areas, pustules appear. Gradually oozing begins to oozing.


Demodecosis during a routine examination is not detected. The doctor can only speculate and prescribe several samples. To do this, take a scraping in a suspicious place and carefully examine it under a microscope. Only after the final diagnosis is made, the specialist will prescribe the appropriate treatment, which will depend on the form of demodicosis.

Subcutaneous tick in cats, as transmitted

Localized form

A subcutaneous tick in cats becomes a big problem. Treatment is comprehensive and begins with therapeutic baths. The veterinarian usually recommends specialized products that are designed to cleanse the skin and coat of an animal - "Elite" or "Doctor." After bathing, all crusts must be well cleaned and disinfected with Chlorhexidine. It is allowed to replace the product with hydrogen peroxide. After processing, let the crusts dry well.

This treatment will cleanse the skin of scabs. After that, the veterinarian examines the cat again and prescribes one of the following drugs:

  • Perol.
  • "Tsipam".
  • Neo-Stopped.
  • Ectodes.
  • Mycodemocide.
  • "Amide".

It is possible that a specialist will also recommend the use of sulfuric ointment. In addition to funds that have a local effect, drugs will be needed to increase immunity. It can be - "Immunol" or "Maksidin". If a subcutaneous tick in cats is detected on time , treatment has a favorable outcome.

Treatment of subcutaneous tick with folk methods

Generalized form

If the disease has already spread to large areas of the skin, then the treatment will be much more difficult. It does not always lead to a positive result. All veterinarians agree that the animal needs to be trimmed first. This is done in order to accurately determine the location of skin lesions by parasites and to facilitate the processing of ointments.

For a long time and difficult to destroy generalized subcutaneous tick in cats. Symptoms and treatment in this case do not change dramatically, but require additional medications. To begin with, a scheme is assigned, as in a localized form. After that, injections to the cat from a subcutaneous tick will be required, because this form often causes complications. For injection, a solution of "Cydectin" is used.

For effective treatment, antibiotic therapy is prescribed in a mandatory order. Veterinarians may prescribe one of the following drugs:

  • Amoxicillin.
  • Betamox.
  • "Kamacidin".
  • Baytril.

It is important after the course to maintain the cat's health and restore its immune forces. Ligfol is well suited for this. The vitamin-mineral complex is also an indispensable item in the treatment of a generalized form of subcutaneous tick.

It is important to understand that if the disease has spread to many parts of the body, then the veterinarian should prescribe treatment. At home, you can carry out all the procedures, but the specialist must control the process. Only a doctor can prescribe how to treat a subcutaneous tick in cats, as well as choose the right drugs. Often, drugs that are suitable for one cat may not be suitable for another pet at all.

What does a subcutaneous tick look like in cats?

Alternative methods of treatment

It must be clearly understood that the subcutaneous tick in cats is a rather dangerous disease. Therefore, self-medication without the consent of a veterinarian is prohibited. Such actions can lead to irreversible consequences. The skin of cats is very thin and sensitive to various kinds of amateur drugs. It is possible to use folk remedies for demodicosis if the veterinarian approves them and finds no contraindications.

The most common methods that you can resort to at home are:

  1. Bathing every three days using a specialized shampoo. After the procedure, the wounds are treated with tinctures of sage. You can use chamomile.
  2. If there is no special shampoo, you can use tar soap. Bathing should also be done once every three days. After that, the affected areas are treated with tincture of calendula.
  3. If the conditions do not allow using other methods, it is possible to treat pustules with kerosene. It is necessary to wait until the wounds are completely dry, and after that the animal should be bathed.

Only the attending physician will tell you how to cure a subcutaneous tick in a cat. As an addition to the prescribed treatment, folk remedies can be used. However, in this case, monitoring the condition of the cat should be constant.

Subcutaneous tick in cats - symptoms and treatment

Preventive measures

It is important to understand what a subcutaneous tick looks like in cats. This is necessary in order to seek help and appropriate treatment on time. In order not to fight the disease, it is easier to prevent it. The main means of prevention is treating a pet with antiparasitic drugs that relieve ticks and fleas. It is also necessary to give medicines for worms and make sure that the pet's nutrition is complete and balanced.

It is better to limit contact with animals whose health condition is a concern. Safety net is much simpler than the subsequent treatment of demodicosis. It is also important to maintain the pet's immune strength if it is often sick. The necessary preparations can be advised by a veterinarian.

A rather unpleasant and difficult to treat disease is a subcutaneous tick in cats. Symptoms are important to notice as soon as possible, because the prognosis substantially depends on the form of the disease.

The problem of demodicosis is not only the complexity of the diagnosis and the upcoming treatment. The disease brings the animal discomfort and many unpleasant minutes. The skin constantly itches, the cat tears it with its claws and introduces a secondary infection into the wounds. Pustules appear, undermined immunity does not allow you to successfully fight the disease, so side diseases can join.

How does infection happen?

The subcutaneous tick in cats is successfully cured if timely comprehensive assistance from a specialist is obtained. It is important to understand that any animal is at risk, because infection occurs not only from a sick pet, but also through land or water. Parasites successfully live in soil, water bodies and on the body of other animals.

It can not be considered that the cat is completely safe from infection, even if it never leaves the house and does not come into contact with other animals. After all, microorganisms parasitizing on the skin successfully enter the room along with the street shoes of the owner. Also, the parasite can be on the clothes of a person if he was in contact with a sick cat. Thus, a pet can become infected.

Ticks are so small that the human eye cannot detect them. The problem appears only when the animal begins to itch, bald patches form and small tubercles on the skin are palpated. Do not rely on washing things. Parasites survive in extreme conditions, and only open fire allows them to destroy.

what drugs to treat a cat

Potential hazard

Many mistakenly believe that the tick does not harm the cat, except for constant itching. But such a position is not true. Parasites may well be carriers of many dangerous diseases. Ticks can not only get under the skin, causing severe discomfort, but also in the ears, which leads to hearing problems.

Danger to humans

Special care should be taken when treating a sick pet, because there is a risk of getting inflammation if the animal owner has wounds or abrasions on the skin. Many are interested in whether a subcutaneous tick is transmitted to humans in cats or not.

This creature parasitizes only on cats. People sometimes suffer from a similar form of demodicosis, but it causes a completely different tick, which constantly lives in the sebaceous ducts of a person. He activates his activity while reducing immunity in his master. This disease has no connection with animals. However, there is a risk that the cat tick will cause an allergic reaction in humans.


A cat infected with a subcutaneous tick can behave quite aggressively. Therefore, when processing it is worth taking special care. It is always necessary to protect your hands and not allow yourself to scratch.

In addition to treating the pet directly, all things belonging to it are subject to disinfection. This applies to beds, bowls, favorite toys. It is necessary to process carpets and textiles in the house with special preparations.

It is worth noting that the main success in treatment depends on timely treatment

to the veterinary clinic. Sometimes it is necessary to treat a pet in a hospital and only with a local form can treatment be provided at home. The whole process can last up to one year.

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