Irish Terrier. Irish Wheat Soft Coated Terrier

Today we offer a closer acquaintance with two interesting dog breeds, which at one time were born in Ireland. For hundreds of years, these four-legged beauties were faithful companions and helpers of man. They remain so today.

irish terrier

Irish Terrier: photo and appearance

Representatives of this breed should give the impression of a moving, energetic, strong and very hardy dog. The Irish Terrier is a medium sized dog. The height at the withers of the representatives of the breed is from 46 to 49 centimeters, and the weight varies from 11 to 13 kilograms. This native of Ireland has a proportional square-shaped physique with long strong legs, a wide chest and a long neck. The head of the representatives of the breed is elongated, like a brick, with triangular small ears and almond-shaped expressive dark eyes. Irish terriers are characterized by the presence of a mustache and beard on their faces.

Wool and color

The fur coat of these dogs consists of two layers of hair: a thick, wire-like outer, and a thin soft inner. The breed standard allows the following color options for the Irish Setter: solid wheat, light red, red-wheat and golden red. Representatives of the breed fade slightly, but they need to be combed out regularly with a stiff brush.

irish terrier Price


These dogs are very energetic, courageous, loyal and quick-witted. However, sometimes they are very quick-tempered. The Irish Terrier is very attached to his family and enjoys spending time both in a relaxed atmosphere with adults and in fun games with children. Representatives of this breed become excellent watchmen and bodyguards, ready to protect the life and home of their master to the last drop of blood. In relation to other pets or strangers, the Irish Terrier is often aggressive. Due to the fact that these dogs are quite temperamental, it is not recommended to bring them to people who do not have experience with dogs.

Maintenance and care

Representatives of this breed can easily get along both in a country house and in a compact city apartment. However, in both cases, the owner's duty is to provide his pet with a sufficient level of physical activity, since these animals are very active by nature. If your dog will often be left alone and be bored idle, his character will inevitably deteriorate, which can lead to very undesirable consequences.

As for hair care, you should regularly comb the Irish Terrier with a stiff brush. Bathing representatives of the breed is recommended only in case of emergency and exclusively using a suitable shampoo for dogs.

A very important point is early socialization and the passage of a general training course with your pet. Due to the fact that the Irish setter has a high intelligence and is distinguished by obedience, as a rule, there are no special problems for the owners with a similar process.

irish terrier photo

Breed history

These dogs were born in the XVIII century in Ireland. Today they are rightly referred to as the oldest varieties of terriers. For many years they were faithful helpers to local farmers: they guarded housing and livestock and were used for hunting. During the war, representatives of the breed were actively used to transmit messages, as well as to search for wounded soldiers. Today, the Irish Terrier, the price of which ranges from 500 to 1000 US dollars, is a fairly popular dog. It is used not only as a pet and companion, but also successfully trained to serve in the army and police of different countries.

Health and Life Expectancy

In general, the Irish Terrier is a healthy enough, strong and hardy dog. However, representatives of this breed are prone to the following diseases: various allergies, melanoma and hip dysplasia. The longevity of these magnificent dogs is typically 12 to 15 years.

Irish Wheat Soft Coated Terrier: appearance and description

Representatives of this breed are compact and proportionately folded dogs. They are characterized by a square-shaped physique with long strong legs, an elongated neck, a straight back and a high-set tail of medium length that sticks up and can be docked at the request of the owner. The Irish Soft Coated Terrier has an elongated head resembling a brick. Representatives of the breed are characterized by small V-shaped ears, almond-shaped dark eyes, a large black nose, as well as a pronounced beard and mustache on the face. As for the dimensions, the height at the withers of these dogs is 43-51 centimeters, and the weight varies from 14 to 20 kilograms.

Irish Soft Coated Terrier

The color and coat of the breed

These four-legged natives of Ireland have a wavy thick coat of medium length. As for the color, any shades of wheat color are allowed by the breed standard. Moreover, puppies are born dark brown. The final color of their fur acquires at the age of two years.

Character of Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier

Representatives of this breed are strong, agile, energetic and friendly. They are very fond of children and usually get along well with other dogs and pets. However, if you do not engage in the upbringing and socialization of the dog from the very first months of its life, it can grow up naughty and aggressive. Irish soft-haired terriers are of high intelligence, which makes the process of their training quite simple.

Irish Wheat Soft Coated Terrier

Care and maintenance

Since the Irish Wheaten Terrier is very energetic and agile, it is best to keep it in a country house with a large courtyard, where your pet will be able to frolic in plenty. However, representatives of this breed can easily get along in a city apartment, provided that you provide them with regular long walks with the opportunity to run without a leash.

As for hair care, you need to carefully comb your terrier several times a week, removing dead hair. If necessary, representatives of the breed can be bathed, using special shampoos for dogs for this purpose .

Despite the fact that these dogs, as a rule, do not show aggression, they need a certain upbringing and initial training.

Irish Wheaten Terrier

History of the Irish Wheaten Terrier

Experts believe that the representatives of this breed are descendants of dogs that have lived in Ireland for many thousands of years. In addition, later Irish and Kerry Blue Terriers were also used in breeding. These dogs were universal helpers of local farmers: they were engaged in the destruction of rodents, grazed cattle, guarded the owner's house and property, and were also used in hunting.

Health and longevity of the Irish Wheaten Terrier

With good care and proper nutrition, as a rule, there are no problems with the health of representatives of this breed. However, there are a number of diseases to which these dogs are predisposed. These include nephropathy, Addison's disease, renal dysplasia, and enteropathy. The life expectancy of the breed is an average of 12-15 years.

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