Continental toy spaniel (papillon, falen). Breed description

No dog show is held without representatives of the Toy Spaniel breed. The appearance of these dogs fascinates with its beauty. If you don’t know who the toy Spaniel is, then in our article we will try to describe the breed in as much detail as possible.


continental toy spaniel

Toy Spaniel is a small doggie. Its weight ranges from one to five kilograms. The height at the withers averages 25 cm. The head of such a dog is small. The skull is round, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is quite pronounced.

The muzzle is elegant, pointed. The nose is round, black, small. The lips are thin, tight-fitting, well pigmented. The teeth are strong. The eyes are almond-shaped, large, low-set, not convex, wide open. The eyelids are pigmented quite strongly. The eyes are dark in color.

The neck is medium in length, the lower back is slightly convex, solid. The chest is deep and wide. The tail is long enough, set high. The limbs are strong, straight, graceful.

The ears are strong, thin. Depending on the variety of breed, they can be semi-permanent or highly planted. They always have a kind of fringe of long hairs.

best dog for home

That's what a toy spaniel looks like. To further describe the dog, it must be said that the breed has two species: falen and papillon. What's the Difference? Now we will tell.

Papillon is a dog whose ears are set high and wide. The inner edge of the ears forms an angle of approximately 45 degrees. Outside, they are covered with long wool, which forms a fringe. Thin (usually wavy) hairs can be seen on the inside of the surface of the ears. In general, the shape of the ears of these dogs resembles a butterfly. Thanks to this, this breed variety got its name papillon, which means “butterfly” in French.

Falen - a dog with semi-stable, mobile, high-set ears. The restroom of her hair is wavy. He gives the dog a nice look.

Wool and color

Regardless of the appearance, the toy spaniel has a thick wavy shiny coat. It is resilient to the touch, not soft. The hairs are thin, curved by the wave, and fit well to the body.

On the muzzle, around the eyes, as well as on the front side of the limbs, the coat is short, on the body - moderately long. On the back of the thighs of representatives of the breed, you can see wool panties.

Many continental toy spaniels between the fingers have tufts of hair that can protrude slightly beyond the paws, giving them an elegant look and visually lengthening the limbs.

These dogs have an amazing color. The main tone is white. Against its background, any colors are allowed. White color should prevail on the body and legs. No matter what color the dog, lips, nose, and eyelids should be pigmented.

Characteristics of the breed

Continental toy spaniel is very affectionate, gentle, strongly attached to people.

Such a dog can not stand rudeness and scream. In the process of training one praise will be enough, as the toy spaniel adores to please its owner.

The dog needs to communicate with relatives, but this is not enough for a normal life. She needs regular, and prolonged, contacts with people.

The toy spaniel usually gets along well with small dogs. Larger can start to bark.

Representatives of this breed are very smart. Such dogs are especially good at tasks where it is necessary to memorize words, as well as find solutions in difficult situations.

Do not leave a dog for a long time alone, as it can make you sad.

Such a dog in the house will behave quite calmly. Toy spaniels, as a rule, are not prone to spoilage of objects, therefore, without special fear, you can leave your pet next to expensive furniture and other household items.

falen dog

With children, such a dog behaves very affectionately, does not bite, but too arrogant baby should not be trusted. Toy Spaniel can be a great pet for a responsible child. Such a dog will be happy to play and walk with a little friend.

The content of representatives of this breed

The rules for keeping dogs apply to all dogs, including small ones like the toy spaniel. Therefore, they should adhere to all the owners.

If you get a dog of this breed as a pet, then you need to understand the full responsibility of your choice. After all, you should become a leader for a little puppy, who is always calm and prudent.

papillon dog

From childhood, allow the baby only that which will be allowed to him in adulthood.

Be prepared for the fact that the dog will often check you, doing the opposite.

Although the dog looks very cute, you need to take the role of leader into your own hands, otherwise a small pet will instantly become a leader in your family.

Each dog in the house must have at its disposal the following items:

  • sleeping bag (bedding, old blanket or other warm thing);
  • two bowls (for water and food);
  • a tray (if you plan to train your puppy at home to do his “business”),
  • toys by age.

For walking you still need a collar (or harness) and a leash.

By the time the puppy appears in the house, a place should be prepared for him. For the first time, you can put some thing taken on the litter of the pet, taken where the doggie used to live. This will help the baby to smell the usual smell and feel confident.

I would also like to note that the continental toy spaniel often barks for no reason. Therefore, from childhood, you need to teach your dog a team "You can not!", Encouraging the proper performance of a treat.

Also, immediately establish the rule that the puppy should be in place during your meal. Otherwise, lunches and dinners will be accompanied by whining and groans of a small pet asking for a treat.

dog rules

Of particular importance in the development of the puppy are games. They should be given as much time as possible. If during the game the baby bites you, then gently click on his nose. Then continue your fun. In the future, do the same so that the puppy understands that this action causes unpleasant sensations.

Also, the baby needs joint fun with other dogs of the same size as him. However, such games are allowed only after the first vaccinations have been given to your pet.

If your four-legged pet has a pedigree, you can sign up for an event such as a dog show. At similar shows, this breed is very appreciated. However, before participating in the exhibition, you need to deal with your pet: teach him to walk nearby, keep his stance, and not be afraid of other dogs. A canine can help you with this. However, you can do it yourself.

dog show

How to feed such a dog? Power Features

The ration of the continental toy spaniel, as, indeed, of any other animal, must be balanced. Up to 5 months, the puppy needs to be fed five to six times a day, then this amount can be reduced to three to four. After seven months, you can give food only in the morning and in the evening.

Animal and plant foods should be present in the diet. This is necessary in order for the intestinal tract of the dog to function normally. A small puppy, like an adult dog of the Continental Toy Spaniel breed, should eat fresh food. After each meal, wash the bowl.

In no case do not overfeed the animal, otherwise there may be health problems. In the first months of life, give your puppy vitamins and minerals.

It is better to put the bowl on a raised platform so as not to spoil the puppy's posture.

Do not distract the dog while eating, as this can contribute to digestive problems.

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You can feed the toy spaniel with both ready-made feeds and natural food. In any case, representatives of the breed should not be given:

  • food from the table;
  • citrus;
  • chicken bones;
  • sweet (cookies, sweets, cakes, buns and more);
  • food with spices;
  • boiled bones, as they can damage the intestinal tract.

Parenting and training

Continental toy spaniels are smart dogs that are easy to train, but love to dominate. Therefore, the learning process should begin as early as possible.

You need to teach your pet gradually. First you need to show the dog where its place is. Next, you need to train her to cope with her need in the space allotted for this.

Commands must be given in a firm but calm voice. First, teach the puppy to “sit,” and then work out the other commands — “lay,” “place,” etc. Many toy spaniel owners also teach their pets amusing tricks.

Breed Health

Continental Toy Spaniel is distinguished by excellent health. However, there are diseases to which representatives of this breed have a genetic predisposition. These include:

  • dislocation of the patella;
  • progressive retinal atrophy;
  • deafness (congenital and acquired);
  • hypoglycemia (most often the disease occurs in puppies).

dog in the house

Little conclusion

Now you know what a continental toy spaniel is. This cute animal can become a friend for almost any person. Such a dog does not cause any particular problems. After all, it is not even necessary to walk it regularly and you can accustom it to the tray. Many people, especially the elderly, think the toy spaniel is the best dog for the house. It is difficult to argue with this, because in reality this breed has a lot of advantages and a minimum of disadvantages.

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