Does the dog have diabetes? We are sure that many people, especially those without pets, will answer this question in the negative. But in fact, dogs get sick with diabetes and less often with diabetes insipidus quite often. These two different diseases are united by one symptom: animals suffer from polyuria (increased urination).
Diseases have different etymologies and differ in treatment methods. Both diseases are fraught with serious consequences for the animal’s body, therefore, having discovered the first symptoms of diabetes in a dog, treatment in a veterinary clinic should be started immediately. These diseases require complex and lengthy treatment.
This disease in dogs cannot be cured, but with good care and compliance with all the prescriptions and recommendations of the veterinarian, it can be controlled. Your four-legged friend will live happily ever after, and no one except you and the veterinarian will know that the dog is sick. An important role in this process is played by professional treatment and properly organized nutrition.
Diabetes mellitus in dogs and humans has many common symptoms. However, there are a number of differences in the mechanism of the development of the disease and its manifestations. Accordingly, the treatment approach is different. Many medications that are effective in treating diabetes in humans are completely useless for dogs. Most often, the disease develops in animals aged seven to nine years.
Causes of the disease
In the development of diabetes in dogs, a hereditary predisposition is of great importance. Unfortunately, in most cases it is difficult to establish the true cause of the disease. A number of provoking factors leading to hyperglycemia were identified:
- pancreas inflammation;
- the use of hormonal drugs;
- the first months after estrus;
- overweight;
- pregnancy.
Symptoms of diabetes in dogs
The most common disease is manifested by the following symptoms:
- polydyspepsia (severe thirst);
- polyuria (frequent and profuse urination);
- lucosuria (increased glucose in the urine);
- dehydration.
There is so much sugar in the blood that it begins to be excreted from the body of the animal in the urine. Together with it, glucose removes a lot of fluid from the body. There is lethargy and at the same time increased appetite, weakness of the hind limbs, as a result, damage to nerve fibers. Due to the fact that pancreatic cells do not process glucose in dogs with diabetes, the body responds with a strong feeling of hunger.
Excess sugar provokes the multiplication of pathogenic microflora, loss of vision. Diabetes in dogs leads to clouding of the lens, obesity, or weight loss. The body of the animal consumes muscle energy reserves, and only after that proteins and fats are broken down. A dog eats significantly more food, but usually loses weight rather than gaining it. The urine acquires a light yellow, almost white color, becomes more fluid, with a specific sweetish sugary odor.
The listed symptoms of diabetes in dogs can occur together or separately. Obesity in most cases is the result of malnutrition, polyuria - renal failure, deterioration, and sometimes loss of vision can be due to the age of the animal.
During a clinical examination of the animal in severe cases, the following can be detected:
- weakening of heart sounds;
- tachycardia;
- heart weakness;
- lowering the temperature;
- swelling
- fading of sexual reflexes;
- hair loss;
- furunculosis,
- eczema;
- hard and dry skin;
- hypotension.
The disease is characterized by a slow course, often over several years. Diabetes in dogs and cats often proceeds in a latent form, without clinical symptoms. Despite the large amount of glucose in the blood of the animal, it does not reach the cells. For this reason, the dog almost never feels full, and the animal’s appetite is increased. This does not affect its mass - the dog does not gain weight. On the contrary, she begins to lose weight due to a lack of glycogen. This depletes the body, which burns reserves of proteins and fats.
Diabetes mellitus in a dog causes problems in the functioning of organs and systems. Quite often they are associated with the genitourinary system, vision and the musculoskeletal system. If you notice that your four-legged friend's eye lenses are cloudy, he has signs of cystitis (frequent urination) or has problems with his paws, you should immediately go to the veterinary clinic for an examination.
Characteristic symptoms of diabetes in dogs are: impaired gait stability, refusal to eat, the presence of seizures (as a result of dehydration), loss of consciousness. We have described only the most typical symptoms of the disease, but they can be different. It depends on the age of the animal, its state of health, the presence of other chronic diseases. Therefore, in order to make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a number of studies in a clinical setting: take urine and blood tests, take an X-ray, undergo an ultrasound, ECG.
How is the treatment carried out?
After the dog’s diagnosis of diabetes is confirmed, the doctor will first correct the lack of insulin in the blood. To do this, your pet will receive an injection of a medicinal substance. Only a specialist can correctly prescribe a dose of insulin, taking into account the weight of the animal and a number of other characteristics.
Dog treatment for diabetes is not limited to regular injections. The complex treatment program should include regular visits to the veterinarian, laboratory tests to judge the condition of the dog, and examinations by the veterinarian. All this will help to make sure that your friend is recovering, or to timely detect that the condition of the animal has worsened.
The most dangerous increase in glucose occurs after feeding the dog. In this regard, in order to prevent a dangerous load on the body of the pet, the owner must provide him with proper and balanced nutrition. A special diet will help slow down the flow of glucose into the body. Consult with your veterinarian about your diet, what should be the serving for a sick dog. Usually, with such a disease, medicinal prepared feeds with a low calorie content and the required amount of protein are used. It is important to prevent the animal from being overweight, as being overweight only exacerbates the situation.
Possible complications
A prolonged course of this disease can lead to a critical condition of the animal - ketoacidosis. Blood oxidation can cause death of the animal. Diabetic ketoacidosis has very bright and characteristic symptoms:
- lethargy;
- smell of acetone from the mouth;
- rapid breathing;
- refusal of food;
- nausea and vomiting;
- diarrhea;
- temperature drop;
- coma.
An animal in this condition requires intensive therapy with the use of short-acting insulin.
Hypoglycemic preparations for dogs We present you the most effective and popular drugs that are recommended by veterinarians:
The drug makes the tissue more sensitive to insulin. Used for sick animals that still have the ability to independently produce insulin, but due to loss of appetite or vomiting, the use of insulin is limited.
A drug with properties similar to insulin. It is a quality vitamin supplement.
An agent that promotes the gradual flow of glucose into the intestines. As a result, an even level of sugar is maintained in the blood. The drug has side effects, so its use is justified only in cases where insulin therapy can not cope with hyperglycemia.
Dog food
Comprehensive diabetes treatment for dogs involves the use of special therapeutic feeds, which contain an increased amount of fats and carbohydrates. Dietary foods containing a minimum of calories are also suitable. Today, many manufacturing companies have developed special formulations for dogs with diabetes (Royal Canin Diabetic, Hills W / D Low Fat / Diabet, Farmina Canine Diabetic, Purina Pro Diabetes Management). In these products, manufacturers replaced simple carbohydrates with complex carbohydrates (fiber and grain). Such feeds are available in canned and dry form.
Dog diabetes in diabetes: symptoms
Endocrinological disease caused by a chronic metabolic disorder. In the animal’s body, a deficiency of ADH (antidiuretic hormone) is formed and the water-salt balance is disturbed as a result. Due to the fact that the process of reverse absorption of fluid is disrupted in the renal tubules, all of it is excreted in the urine, which therefore has an extremely low density.
The most characteristic symptom of diabetes insipidus in dogs is excessive and frequent urination, which is why the disease has another name - diabetes. If fluid loss is not fully compensated, dehydration occurs - a dangerous condition that threatens the dog's life. In order to prevent this situation, you should know what causes the disease, what symptoms are characteristic for it, and how this disease is treated.
Types of disease and their causes
Dog diabetes is subdivided into several varieties that are characteristic of relative or absolute ADH deficiency
- Central diabetes insipidus
The causes of this type of disease include: violation of the release of the hormone ADH into the bloodstream, pathologies of the hypothalamus, which lead to impaired secretion of the hormone ADH. The central form of the disease, in turn, is divided into idiopathic and symptomatic.
Most often, the idiopathic form of hereditary origin and is characterized by a congenital violation of the synthesis of ADH. The cause that causes this form of the disease may be a congenital autoimmune reaction to hypothalamic cells that produce ADH.
It may be the result of another disease that leads to disorders in those parts of the brain that are responsible for the synthesis of ADH. In addition, the disease can be congenital (a mutation of the gene responsible for the synthesis of ADH) and acquired character after traumatic brain injury, brain tumors, dog plague, encephalitis.
Impaired production of ADH, which regulates water-salt metabolism, leads to an imbalance in the body. The kidneys lose the ability to concentrate urine, which leads to its increased excretion, extreme thirst and dehydration of the body.
Diabetes insipidus
With this type of disease, the perception of the hormone by the renal tubule receptors is impaired, which must be activated by the hormone ADH and carry out a reuptake of the fluid that enters the kidneys (reabsorption). But due to the anatomical inferiority of nephrons, acquired or congenital insensitivity of receptors, this function is impaired.
Diagnosis of the disease
The primary diagnosis is made to an animal in a veterinary clinic after receiving the results of all laboratory tests of urine and blood: a urinalysis indicates the presence of pathology, fixes its low density, the presence of hypokalemia and hypercalcemia.
A biochemical blood test allows you to differentiate diabetes and diabetes mellitus, as well as to determine the amount of ADH in the blood.
The cause of diabetes insipidus is identified by instrumental methods: the condition of the kidneys is studied using ultrasound or radiography with a contrast medium; pituitary pathologies are detected by computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.
An additional, clarifying diagnosis is the use of a special test. During a 12-hour fast (dry), the dog is weighed several times and determine the composition and amount of urine excreted. If over time the weight of the animal significantly decreases with a low concentration of urine, experts conclude that there is a pathology.
How is diabetes insipidus treated?
It is extremely difficult to completely cure such diabetes even by an experienced and qualified veterinarian, so there can be no question of self-treatment of diabetes insipidus in dogs at home. The goal of all medical activities is aimed at:
- the return to the dog's body of sensitivity to vasopressin or the filling of its deficiency in an artificial way;
- rid the animal of heart failure problems and take possible preventive measures;
- adjust the ionic composition of the blood.
The choice of medications for treating diabetes insipidus depends on the cause of the illness, which diabetes symptoms in dogs may not always be described. If the disease caused problems in the brain, use a synthetic analogue of the hormone lacking in the body. If diabetes insipidus occurs due to kidney problems, it is treated with pituitrin. Such treatment is dangerous in the treatment of pregnant dogs.
Veterinarians give a very cautious prognosis for the outcome of this disease. Without medical assistance, a dog with diabetes insipidus is doomed to a rather quick death. This comes from dehydration. Hormone replacement therapy started in a timely manner will help stop the manifestations of the disease and give the animal a few years of normal full life.
Veterinarians believe that a full recovery is possible, but only if it is possible to completely cure the pathologies that caused diabetes insipidus.
Ill animals should be provided with lifelong thorough care and constant monitoring of the pet’s health.
How to feed a pet
In diabetes, feeding your dog natural foods is based on those that are high in protein and low in sugar. Sweet and fried, baked goods and canned food, fatty foods - all this should disappear from your pet's diet. Such foods can harm healthy animals, and for diabetic dogs, such foods pose a mortal danger.
We talked about the choice of finished feed at the beginning of this article. Any goodies are better not to buy in the store. The fact is that products prepared in an industrial way, as a rule, contain a lot of fat and sugar. As an encouragement, give your pet food that is rich in protein and fiber. For example, cubes of zucchini or chicken.
Prohibited foods for diabetic dogs include:
- grapes and raisins;
- canned food;
- wheat and corn flour;
- fat meat;
- White rice;
- garlic;
- chocolate;
- baked goodies for animals;
- sweeteners.
Veterinarian Tips
Diabetes is a serious, difficult to treat disease. In order to alleviate the condition of his pet, the owner must strictly follow all the recommendations and advice of a veterinarian. If you find at least one sign of diabetes in dogs, do not waste time, show your pet to the veterinarian. The specialist will prescribe a course of treatment in accordance with the age and general condition of the animal, give recommendations on feeding and caring for the dog. There are many subtleties that should be considered if the animal is diagnosed with diabetes. For example, there should always be a supply of insulin at home and on a trip. In this case, you should know that you can store an open package of the drug for no longer than two months. Do not ignore regular visits to the clinic so that the specialist can observe the dynamics of the disease. And, of course, give up even the thought of self-medication - diabetes does not tolerate experiments.