Today in the world there are a huge number of different breeds of dogs. Some are bred exclusively for work, for example, on pastures, others are chosen as assistants for hunting, and some are a kind of accessory, spending most of their lives in the hands of their master. We offer to get acquainted with the hunting breed of dogs, the basins, which among dog breeders is also known as the Central Asian Greyhound.
Origin history
The breed of dogs of a basin was bred many centuries ago. The "breeders" who gave these greyhounds to the world are the tribes of Turkmen nomads who lived in Central Asia. These people treated with special trepidation not only to their Akhal-Teke horses, which rode through the deserts, but also to the dogs left after the Arab raid in the 8th century. Thanks to many years of painstaking work on proper upbringing, as well as crossbreeding of greyhounds, they managed to develop a new species that, judging by the reviews of the owners, endured the difficult climate of the Asian steppes without any problems. These animals could work all day, completely ignoring the hot sands and the lack of moisture.
Turkmen hunting dogs have proven their worth, which has influenced the growth of their population. Years later, Kazakh pots appeared. The formation of the main differences between the two groups of dogs, which belong to the same breed, was influenced by climatic and geographical conditions. Turkmen basins, despite living in arid deserts, always received high-quality individual care. Not only Turkmens admired these dogs. For example, the Russian zoogeographer M.N. Bogdanov, who was engaged in research activities in the second half of the 19th century, described the representatives of the breed as follows: “Just look at the purebred pelvis once to realize that you have a highly cultured breeding animal. These dogs are distinguished by their grace, external data, which wonderfully look perfectly proportional. "
Turkmen basins
Representatives of this breed have a bright red color, only the tips of the hair growing on the back, ears and suspensions are black. Most Turkmen hunting dogs have dark hairs located on the tip of the nose and around the eyes. Less common are the following colors: black-pinto, black, white and pinto. As a rule, Turkmens watch their dogs in the pelvis breed just like their beloved horse. They will always feed the shaggy helper to the full, and in a cold or intense heat they will cover him with a nightcloth. The future owner very carefully chooses a pet, studying his pedigree for several generations.
Thanks to the good grooming in Turkmenistan, the dogs of the pelvis breed were always distinguished by their silky hair, and also almost completely preserved their external similarity with their ancestors.
Kazakh pots
The breed of pelvis dogs bred on the territory of Kazakhstan cannot boast either grace or excellent external data that are inherent in Turkmen relatives. She has a shorter and coarse coat, a slightly “angular” muzzle and a smaller blast on her stomach. They lost the saluki elegance, and also lost some hunting skills.
The fact that the Kazakh breed of dogs of the pelvis has undergone such serious changes is not surprising. And the main role in this was played not only by the climate and the terrain where the tribes living in breeding these greyhounds lived. The fault is poor selection work. Dog owners absolutely did not follow with which breed representatives they were crossing their pets. Often basins were mixed with outbred dogs, which seriously affected their working qualities.
But despite the significant mistakes made in breeding, the Kazakh breed has its own standards. Clay and clay-fawn colors were traditional for these dogs. The rarest ones are dirty white, black, dirty white with gray spots, red with a dark strip along the ridge, and also black-piebald.
On the brink of extinction
To date, there are very few Kazakh dogs of the pelvis breed, although in the middle of the last century their number varied within 7-10 thousand individuals. Attitude to this species has changed dramatically. Their selection is strictly monitored by the owners who have been breeding these dogs for more than one generation. According to the owners, the pots are real family members and, unlike other animals, have the right to live in a yurt with people.
If you believe the reviews left at various forums, Kazakh basins are practically not used as working dogs, but are bred, as a rule, for aesthetic pleasure, demonstrating their favorites at exhibitions of various levels. Since their number is at a critical point, finding and buying a purebred animal is not an easy task. In Kazakhstan, there is only one kennel in which you can reserve a dog of the pelvis breed. Judging by the reviews, the price of these handsome men with a pedigree is from 200 thousand tenge, which in translation into rubles is about 34 thousand. Despite the high cost, people line up for a purebred puppy. As a rule, the owners leave only flattering reviews about the pots, which delight them for 12-14 years (this is how many dogs live). These are great friends and companions.
Some of the best hunters are pots
Judging by the characteristics and description of the breed, bred by peoples living in Central Asia, the basins are very similar to their ancestors - Persian saluki. They have a dry body constitution. They grow to medium and higher growth. Despite the rather impressive external data, this breed is distinguished by its balanced psyche. It has great physical strength and is very hardy. In their reviews, the owners of the dog note that she is able to develop an impressive speed, pursuing prey, and is also persistent during the hunt. The animal is very quick both at short and at considerable distances.
Puppies and adolescents train basins, as a rule, for hunting foxes and hares. The hunters say that they have a well-developed sense of smell and are able to smell the smell of game until the moment she notices the dog.
Ideal friends
Judging by the reviews of the owners, the dogs are very soft and flexible. Representatives of this hunting breed always become excellent companions for humans. They never show aggression towards strangers unless the situation requires it, which makes the dog safe for others.
Basins: Description
As we have already mentioned, pots have a dry constitution. They are very fast and elegant. They are distinguished by an impressive reserve of strength, hard work. The head is elongated, dry. The cranial part is moderately wide. If you look at the dog’s head from above, it forms a very sharp wedge. The occipital protuberance is moderately developed, the parietal crest is weak. Gracefulness gives the dog a smooth transition from forehead to face. The forceps are dry, slightly sloping from below, which on the side looks rather pointed, but not very long.
The teeth are white, well developed, creating a scissor bite. The eyes are usually almond-shaped, large, oval in shape. Hazel, regardless of the color of the animal. Dark edges of the eyelids give expressiveness to the look.
Ears - in "burkas", hanging, slightly raised on the cartilage, very thin. Ear planting - at eye level or slightly higher. If the ear is slightly extended, it should reach the edge of the lips, which in these dogs are thin and fit snugly together. The nose is black. If the dog has a lighter color, the nose may have a brown tint.
The chest is quite developed, wide and powerful, rounded in shape. Rib at the level of the elbows. The back is muscular, straight and wide, with a well-defined withers. Short loin slightly convex or straight, with developed muscles. The croup is wide, proportionately short, sloping, long. Macaques are well defined, and the width between them (in a medium-sized dog) is 80 mm. The abdomen is well matched. The tail has the shape of a saber (in a relaxed position), during active games or hunting it rises slightly above the back line.
The coat is short, single layer, soft. The coat on the ears is long, descending 50-60 mm below the tips of the ears. In the same range, the length of the hair and on the underside of the tail, which forms a rare suspension. Color, as a rule, black, red and gray (all shades).
The limbs are strong, well developed, straight and backward. Paws are oval, slightly elongated. Fingers tightly pressed, claws bent, directed to the ground.
Despite the fact that these dogs need regular brushing, this activity, according to reviews, will not take you much time and effort. Breeders recommend wiping the animal with a rubber glove. Periodically, you will have to cut the claws, brush your ears and teeth, and also treat the area around the eyes of the pelvis. Pet care, according to the owners, is not only the aesthetic beauty of the animal, but also the guarantee of its health.
Geography of the breed
Many enthusiasts made tremendous efforts in order to open as many nurseries as possible, in which pelvis puppies would be displayed. However, the breed never became popular. Specialized nurseries exist only in the Asian republics of the former USSR, as well as in Russia, the Baltic states and Ukraine. In Western Europe, this breed can be found in Denmark, Germany, Britain and Finland. Judging by the reviews, the Europeans engaged in hunting are ready to shell out decent money for Kazakh or Turkmen basins, which have proven themselves excellently in catching foxes and hares. The most successful breeder involved in breeding these dogs outside the historical homeland is considered a kennel located in the cultural capital of the Russian Federation - St. Petersburg.
Owner reviews
People involved in breeding, note that the pots are very effective in hunting marmots, badgers, roe deer and hares. In this case, you can use a tandem of golden eagle and pots, which in a pair can attack wolves and even wild cats. Hunters note the fearlessness of dogs, the ability to camouflage and attack with lightning speed.
But even ordinary people who are not keen on hunting, liked these graceful animals. They are cute, smart, have a meek character and get along well with other pets, but they won’t give themselves offense. Do not whine and do not bark in vain. According to the happy owners, these are loyal friends and excellent helpers. A look! Scheherazade, and more!