Launcher "Skyrim" does not see fashion! How to solve this problem?

The universe of "Ancient Scrolls" conquered the players not only with a rich history, a carefully designed world, colorful characters, but also with the ability to customize the game completely for themselves. If desired, you can make the hero freeze, traveling through the snowy lands of Skyrim, so that he needs food and water, rest. Or maybe someone just wants to cut through the tundra on the Cossack ... For every taste and color, there are fashion. But sometimes the Skyrim launcher does not see fashion. And it becomes very disappointing, because other players can improve the game ... Why does the launcher not see the mods for Skyrim and how to fix this problem?

Possible problems

There are 2 types of problems with the inability to connect mods for the game. Option one: in the launcher, all the labels are active except the “Files” tab itself, clicking on it in this case will not work. Accordingly, no modifications to the game can be connected. It looks as follows.

the files tab is off

Another option is also possible, the “Files” tab works, but the Skyrim launcher does not see the mod, the window that opens in this case is simply empty or it displays only standard add-ons.

To solve these problems is quite real.

If the Files tab is off

If the “Files” tab is inactive and you can’t even see which mods can be connected, then the problem is in the SkyrimPrefs.ini folder. For the launcher to work correctly and the ability to connect mods, you need to open this document in notepad or another text editor, and then add a line in the Launcher section.

bEnableFileSelection = 1

How to find this file? With a standard installation of the game, the file should be located in the system drive (most often it is C: \ drive), in the My Documents folder My Games \ Skyrim \.

Solution tab is off

If the launcher does not see fashion

In this situation, 2 reasons are possible and, accordingly, 2 solutions to the problem.

Option 1. If the game sees standard add-ons, but downloaded from external resources - no, check if the mods are installed correctly. Modifications must be installed in the Data folder, which is located in the root directory of the game. In this case, the downloaded files must be unpacked (if they were in the archive). If there is a Data folder in the folder with the downloaded mod, then you need to drop it into the folder with Skyrim (where there is a Data folder with subsequent merging).

Install Mods

If the archive contains folders with meshes and textures, as well as files with the extension esp and bsa, then the contents of such an archive must be extracted into the Data folder of the game.

Perhaps it is the correct installation of mods that will allow Skyrim to see modifications.

Option 2. It is possible that the game does not see mods at all. In this case, some kind of error occurred in the combination of the registry and file system. For example, the appearance of such a problem is possible if you renamed the game folder, moved it, or just some kind of registry crash occurred. In this case, you need to open the registry with the Windows + r command (or Start Run) to write the word regedit.

Fashion registry

You need to find the following path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Bethesda Softworks / Skyrim /

In the Installed Path line, the path to Skyrim is most likely incorrect. Perhaps the Skyrim launcher does not see fashion for this reason. It is necessary to indicate the correct path to the game and this problem will be solved.

Whatever the problem with Skyrim modifications, it can be solved. We hope that the methods described in this article helped get rid of the problem when the Skyrim launcher does not see the fashion.

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