Yandex.Disk Settings - Walkthrough

Today, all kinds of cloud storage are gaining popularity. It is understandable. These services are much more reliable than a computer hard drive, which can fail at any time. However, some users doubt their privacy. But in vain. Information in cloud storages is reliably protected. Now everyone is hearing services such as Dropbox, Google Drive, and so on. But there is one domestic service that will give odds to all foreign ones. This is Yandex.Disk from the ubiquitous Yandex. This is a really good service. The only thing that may cause some difficulties for an unprepared user is the Yandex.Disk setting. We will talk about how to properly configure it. But not before we talk about the service itself.

Yandex disk setup

What is Yandex.Disk?

So, Yandex.Disk is a cloud storage that allows you to remotely store user files. This thing is useful if the OS on the computer (or some of its components) is not stable. In this case, there is one hundred percent certainty that important files will not be lost and will always be at hand. Yandex.Disk was created relatively recently as an alternative to foreign cloud storage (Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive and so on). Millions of domestic users have already appreciated the service. And even setting up Yandex.Disk did not cause tangible problems. So why don't we try? Moreover, it is completely free. When registering, the user is provided with 10 gigabyte of cloud storage. This is quite enough to evaluate all the features of the service. If in the future more gigabytes are required, then they can be purchased at a completely undemanding price.

Yandex drive folder synchronization setting

Features of Yandex.Disk

So what can Yandex.Disk offer the user? Will he be able to overshadow the “Dropbox" and others like them? It is worth noting that this cloud service has quite extensive features.

  • Instant file downloads. If you install the appropriate application from Yandex on your PC, you can upload files to Disk by simply dragging and dropping from one window to another.
  • Automatic download. There is an option to automatically upload photos and videos from a smartphone or other device. For this, Yandex.Disk offers unlimited storage.
  • Auto sync. If the files on your PC or smartphone were even slightly changed (even simply renamed), then the “Disk” instantly synchronizes the files in the cloud and brings them in exactly the same form.
  • Support for any type of file. You can upload any files to the cloud storage. And the internal system will give a full opportunity to view them.
  • Download to PC in the archive. When downloading folders from the storage to a PC (with the goal of restoring them), they are packed into an archive in order to reduce the size of the folder.

In general, Yandex.Disk has a lot of "chips", but it’s been a long time to consider them. Therefore, we dwell on the already listed. Now let's talk about how the initial setup of Yandex.Disk is performed.

Yandex drive enter your page

Initial setup

What needs to be done at the very beginning? First, you should register an account on Yandex (if it is still not). Without it, you will not be able to use cloud storage. What do I need to do?

  1. Open the browser and load the Yandex home page.
  2. Among other content there will be a button "Get Mail". Click on it.
  3. Now come up with a login. It should consist only of letters of the Latin alphabet and numbers.
  4. We come up with a password (do not use too simple).
  5. Enter the first and last name.
  6. Click the "Create" button.
  7. Log in to your account (inbox).
  8. Click on the user avatar button (in the upper right corner of the window) and select the "Drive" item.
  9. Click on the "Create Disk" button.
  10. We search next to the button with the inscription "Download" Yandex.Disk "and download the version for Windows.
  11. Install the program in a standard way.
  12. We start it, enter the just created login and password and click the "Login" button.

Now Yandex.Disk is installed on a computer with standard settings. So, you can go to other options. For example, to the synchronization settings.

setup Yandex linux disk

Folder sync

Now let's move on to other settings of the Yandex.Disk application. Setting folder synchronization is one of the most important parameters. What needs to be done for this setup? The action algorithm is extremely simple. Even beginners will not have problems:

  1. In the system tray, right-click on the Yandex.Disk icon and select the "Settings" item in the menu.
  2. In the window that opens, move to the "Sync" tab.
  3. In the window below are folders that can be synchronized. It is required to select the necessary ones by setting the corresponding mark (checkmark) opposite them.
  4. Click "Apply."
  5. Click OK.

Synchronization will begin immediately. If something changes on the computer in these directories, then the corresponding changes will immediately begin in the cloud storage. Now let's talk about how to set up notifications. This is no less important.

setting up Yandex disk on android

Set up notifications

Notifications from Yandex.Disk help monitor changes in the directory structure of cloud storage and the general synchronization status of Yandex.Disk. Setting up notifications is, in principle, not required. It is already configured automatically. But if you need to turn off notifications, then you can do this in the following way:

  1. Go to the settings of Yandex.Disk and go to the tab "Basic".
  2. Uncheck the box "Show Yandex.Disk news".
  3. We move to the tab "Advanced".
  4. Uncheck the box "Show notifications about public folders."

That's all. Now Yandex.Disk will quietly work in the tray and not bother the user. Now let's move on to setting other parameters of the service. It's about startup.

Yandex drive notification settings

Startup Setup

Application autoload is enabled by default. It allows you to automatically download files from a connected camera or some other device to a computer. For many, this state of affairs does not suit, since traffic is consumed. But this option can be customized. How? Very simple:

  1. We open the Yandex.Disk settings again.
  2. We move to the "Startup" tab.
  3. Uncheck the box "Offer autoload photos and videos."
  4. Click "Forget the device."
  5. Confirm the action by pressing the "Forget" button.

Now Yandex.Disk will not download all the data from the connected device into the storage without demand. Traffic saved. Now let's talk about such a thing as setting up Yandex.Disk in Linux.

how to set up Yandex drive on a computer step by step

Yandex.Disk and Linux

No matter how strange it sounds, there is a similar application under Linux and Mac OS. There is also a program for Android and iOS. However, it makes no sense to consider setting up Yandex.Disk on Android (or any other mobile platform). All the same. But the option with Linux is required to consider in more detail. In principle, the application itself is exactly the same as in Windows. The differences are only in the installation process. Here we will analyze it.

  1. Open the terminal and enter the following command: "echo" deb stable main ">> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yandex.list". Press "Enter". This command will start downloading the application from Yandex servers.
  2. Then enter "sudo apt-get update". With this action we update the lists.
  3. Now type "sudo apt-get install yandex-disk" and press "Enter".
  4. You must install the application icon (user interface), because by default the client in Linux runs exclusively in the background. Enter "sudo apt-get install yd-tools".
  5. We make the necessary settings using the Yandex.Disk user interface. Login to your page will be required.

That's all. Now, Yandex.Disk is installed in Linux. And it will work no worse than in Windows (if not better). Now, let's look at user reviews about this cloud storage.

User reviews about the service

So, how to set up Yandex.Disk on the computer step by step, we have already figured out. Now it's time to learn from users about this cloud storage service. It is worth noting immediately that those who use Yandex.Disk are very satisfied. According to them, this service has repeatedly saved their personal files. For example, there were situations with a hard drive failure. And only Yandex.Disk helped restore lost files. Also, many note the high speed of the service. The service interface was also awarded laudable maxims. It is simple and straightforward. In addition, completely in Russian. Perhaps only Yandex branded colors spoil everything. But this opinion is subjective.


So, we coped with such complex work as setting up Yandex.Disk. This cloud service will help users save personal files under any conditions. In addition, it can be used completely free. And this is a huge plus. This service will not be superfluous. To use it, you just need to register and make basic settings.

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