Pediatricians are usually advised to administer the first complementary foods for babies at the age of four to six months, starting with buckwheat. After that, other cereals are gradually added to the child’s diet. Heinz baby food will help the baby’s immunity and health. Let's see why it won the hearts of mothers around the world.
Heinz Products
The American company Heinz, baby food production of which occupies a leading position in the modern market, believes that even the simplest thing should be of high quality, and only in this case can customer recognition be achieved. This principle is laid in the foundation of the company. In our country, Heinz fell in love with many for the fact that this product does not contain dyes, GMOs, flavorings, preservatives or artificial additives. Indeed, the absence of harmful components is so important for a growing organism.
The company is responsible for the compatibility of the various components that make up the products, as a result of which the food is quickly and well absorbed by children. The recipe is developed with the help of pediatricians and nutritionists.
Sanitary requirements for raw materials, as well as conditions for the production, storage and transportation of products are taken into account. In case of non-compliance with all standards, the product does not go on sale. Therefore, there is no doubt about the quality level of Heinz provisions found on store shelves.
Baby food, the range of which the company has is very wide, will satisfy even the most demanding customer. These are milk and dairy-free mixtures, cereals, juices, mashed vegetables, biscuits, teas, soups, puddings and vermicelli.
Porridge for kids "Heinz"
Heinz cereals are produced with all the requirements of the World Health Organization. They contain only natural ingredients. Depending on the age of the kids for whom the product is intended, cereals are enriched with the necessary vitamins, minerals and trace elements, which contributes to the full development of the child. This food is intended for children from four months.
But the choice of any cereals should be approached wisely, because even useful substances, if used improperly, can harm a child. For example, oat or semolina can interfere with the absorption of calcium by the baby's body. And cereals, consisting of a large amount of carbohydrates, should not be given to children who are predisposed to be overweight. Therefore, before buying baby food, you should definitely consult with your doctor.
If your baby is allowed to start eating cereals, it will be useful to know that regular consumption of cereals strengthens the immunity of the baby, as well as bones, teeth and the nervous system. And the natural dietary fiber contained in these products - prebiotics (namely oligofructose and inulin) - have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and help to avoid such an unpleasant problem as constipation.
Dairy-Free Heinz Blends
Moms have the opportunity to choose food for babies with and without milk, which is part of their composition. The company recommends dairy-free mixtures, primarily for the first feeding. They are also shown to babies who are diagnosed with protein intolerance to cow's milk, since the product is hypoallergenic.
Customers can choose the following Heinz cereals: buckwheat with apple, multi-cereal of five cereals, oatmeal with plum, buckwheat with omega-3 and wheat-oatmeal with fruits. They consist of flour, which is made from cereals, sugar and fruits, and is also enriched with vitamins and minerals.
You can notice that the assortment of this variety of food is quite wide, there is an opportunity to choose what is really to the taste of the baby and useful for his health - porridge with and without fruits , single or multigrain, without additives or with their use.
Special lines of dairy-free cereals
The company also created a low-allergenic series specifically for the first feeding. It includes four types: Heinz porridge buckwheat, as well as rice, corn and oat. These products are gluten-free, and do not yet contain sugar and salt, and therefore are well absorbed and suitable even for painful and allergy-prone babies.
Recently, a line of dairy-free cereals "Cereals and Vegetables" appeared on store shelves, which included wheat-corn and wheat-rice mixtures with the addition of pumpkin or zucchini. These foods are a great option for a healthy meal for your child.
Milk formula "Heinz"
The choice of these cereals for children at the company is really huge - here you can choose a product for every taste. Heinz milk porridges are intended for babies from six months old who tolerate lactose well. The company produces products of this variety from any cereal, as well as with or without fruit.
All cereals are enriched with vitamins and miners, so necessary for the health of the child, and also have fiber in their composition to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and remove toxins from the body.
The content in the product of dried whole cow's milk provides high nutritional value of cereals, which allows you to create a feeling of satiety in the baby for a sufficiently long time. In addition to milk, they contain only cereals, cream, a vitamin and mineral complex, and also (in some varieties) fruits.
Heinz cereals are presented in the following assortment: buckwheat, wheat with pumpkin, oatmeal without any additives or with peach, apple or banana, as well as rice and others.
Porridge Goodies
For children older than one year, the company developed a special line - cereals from a mixture of different types of cereals "Lubopyshka" with the addition of fairly large pieces of fruit and cereal. Such a Heinz milk porridge will help the child develop chewing skills.
The composition of these products contains only substances useful for the baby: milk, fruits, cereals, as well as flakes of blueberries, currants, prunes and cherries. It is safe to say that this porridge will be a real treat for your child.
Among this variety of products, you can choose corn and wheat porridge with banana, cherry or peach, buckwheat with apricot, pear and currant, oatmeal with blueberries, apple and currant, multi-grain with apple and cherry, and others.
Kashka on the road
Traveling moms can no longer puzzle over how to feed a baby outside the home - Heinz has already taken care of this. Baby food, and in particular, cereals, are now available in drinking form. This is a completely ready-to-eat product that you can give your baby to drink from a bottle or through a tube.
The company has three varieties in the assortment of these milk porridges: oat, rice and five-cereal. The most essential kit to ensure that your baby is provided with healthy food anytime, anywhere.
All cereals are instant, which will be a big plus for many mothers - saving time will be significant, because you no longer need to stand at the stove for a long time, when it is already lacking. In addition, the product has a very pleasant taste, which kids like so much, and also cereals eliminate problems with the gastrointestinal tract in children and contribute to the normalization of digestion.
Vegetable Puree
Another great option for the first feeding - baby vegetable puree. It is he who is recommended to enter from four months by experts on the official website of the Heinz company, and this choice is approved by most pediatricians. But still, before deciding which product to use as a first feeding, be sure to consult a pediatrician. Only he can choose the food that best suits your baby and contributes to its full development.
Baby vegetable puree is suitable for many kids - it does not contain artificial additives and preservatives, as well as sugar and salt. In the composition - only vegetables and fruits in liquid form or mashed potatoes. It can be monocomponent products for very young children or food from several types of vegetables for the older age.
Among the one-component mashed potatoes, you can choose pumpkin, broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots. And this means that you can make a full-fledged diet for your child from these products and you will be sure that he will receive all the necessary nutrients and vitamins.
Benefits of Heinz puree
This product has a clear superiority over other brands. In the manufacture of the following conditions are met:
- soil conditions, cultivation, processing and transportation conditions must comply with sanitary standards;
- raw material suppliers must be certified;
- lack of flavor enhancers, artificial colors and preservatives;
- lack of genetically modified ingredients.
This type of baby food is also enriched with a vitamin and mineral complex and is completely ready for use.
How to start complementary foods with mashed vegetables?
If the doctor has prescribed you the introduction of the first complementary foods with vegetable mixtures, this product from the Heinz company will be most welcome. It is better to start drinking with one teaspoon per day, over time, increasing the portion so that the baby's body gets used to the new product.
If you stored mashed potatoes in the refrigerator, it is better to warm up the food a bit before you start feeding. You should not use any additives in the form of salt and sugar, even if it seems to you that the child may not like the taste. Keep in the refrigerator the contents remaining in the jar can be no more than twenty-four hours.
Parent reviews
Many mothers around the world choose Heinz baby food. Customer reviews note a good composition, which contains vitamins and minerals and, at the same time, there are no harmful components. They also praise packaging that preserves all the useful substances of products - these are multilayer foil bags.
Parents are also attracted by the content of prebiotics in Heinz products. Baby food with such components encourages the development of beneficial microflora in the intestines. These products are suitable for many babies as a first feeding, and the low-allergenic line has become especially popular, which has become a real salvation for allergic kids. An undoubted plus of the brand is that each dish is presented in a wide assortment. Therefore, if a child, for example, did not like rice porridge, it can be completely replaced with buckwheat.
Milk and yoghurt porridge with strawberries and banana, kiwi puree, beetroot soup with beef, and also multi-grain porridge won the most popularity among buyers. Porridge fell in love for its good solubility in water without the formation of lumps. A separate significant advantage for busy mothers was saving time when cooking for a child.
Fairly high cost is one of the few drawbacks of Heinz products. Baby food of some varieties of this company contains sugar, which also did not like most parents. They also noted the lack of dairy products in the brand, but I would like to feed the baby with Heinz yoghurts and curds and be sure that the child receives all the most useful substances with food!
The rather high cost of production is simply explained - the brand is one of the oldest in the world. His experience has more than 130 years, which affects the rating of the company: every year it is recognized as one of the best in the market for baby food.
Therefore, if you want your child to receive only the best from an early age, pay attention to the products of this company to be sure of the healthy development of the baby!