Orthopedic pillow for a baby: why?

Does a newborn need a pillow? Many mothers and fathers, answering this question, will give a negative answer. Of course, if you are going to put your pillow or small sofa under the baby’s head, there will be more harm than good. However, an orthopedic pillow for a baby is now on sale . It can be used as early as two weeks from birth. It will allow the cervical spine to develop correctly, will serve as a prevention of torticollis and other disorders.

orthopedic pillow for baby Price

Taking into account the anatomical and physiological features of the skull and neck of the baby, an orthopedic pillow for the baby is an excellent choice for babies from birth to two years. The correct choice of this item for sleep is very important, in the first months of life, the baby sleeps most of the time.

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orthopedic pillow for babies

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children's orthopedic pillow for newborns

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3. Do not dry it on a hot battery or in strong sunlight - the product filler may be damaged.

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