Toxicosis in early pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most important event in every woman. But the feeling of joy and happiness is overshadowed by the begun signs of toxicosis - a general malaise. For most women, nausea, combined with a delay in menstrual syndrome, is the first sign of an "interesting situation." Toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy is a normal phenomenon through which almost all women go.

Few girls managed to avoid unpleasant sensations: morning nausea and the need to send the contents of their stomach after taking hitherto a favorite dish, an unpleasant reaction of the body to an irritating smell, once beloved perfumes.

Do not confuse mild morning sickness, which passes immediately after a meal, with toxicosis. This phenomenon usually occurs as a result of a lack of nutrients for both your body and the unborn baby.

If during the day you experience nausea that does not go away even after eating, then this is a clear sign of toxicosis.

The causes of toxicosis

In fact, scientists have not yet determined the cause of its appearance. Some are sure that toxicosis in early pregnancy is a protective reaction of the female immune system to a foreign body (in this case, an embryo). Others suggest that this is a female reprocessing of nerve impulses from the embryo by the female body. And others are sure that toxicosis is a "riot" of increased hormonal levels. But still, I would like to dwell on the generally accepted statement, which suggests that toxicosis is a kind of mechanism for the adaptation of the female body to pregnancy.

Forms of Toxicosis

As a rule, toxicosis begins from 3 to 5 weeks. During this period, the woman often does not even know her situation, but already feels the first signs - loss of appetite, mood change and negative reaction to smells. Early toxicosis of pregnant women lasts during the first trimester, and up to 11-13 weeks.

All toxicoses are divided into:

  1. The mild form is most often manifested by morning sickness and nausea. Usually during this period, women lose up to 4% of body weight. Sometimes there is apathy and a feeling of tiredness.
  2. The moderate form is manifested by vomiting up to 5 times a day. At this time, most women have a 5% weight loss, pale skin and peeling are observed. They are advised, if possible, to drink more water in small portions.
  3. Severe form - vomiting in pregnant women occurs up to 12 times a day. Heart palpitations, weakness and fatigue are observed. Women need professional medical attention. If toxicosis is not treatable, the pregnancy is terminated.

Relieve malaise

How can I relieve toxicosis in early pregnancy? There are a lot of such remedies; they can be various preparations, vitamins, or alternative recipes.

Oddly enough, but it is vitamins that perfectly inhibit toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy. These drugs include Mange B6, which not only relieves nausea and vomiting, but also has a relaxing effect, optimizes uterine tone and creates favorable conditions for the course of pregnancy. This drug is usually prescribed by doctors at the first visit, in combination with other, equally important vitamins.

If you experience toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy, and you do not have enough time to visit a specialist, we recommend using traditional medicine recipes.

  1. Tea made from lemon balm. Prepare the broth: 1 tbsp. hot water take 1 table. lies. herbs. Boil on fire for 5 minutes. And take cooled 50 grams 3 times a day
  2. Peppermint infusion. 1 table. lies. mint add in 2 tbsp. boiling water. Insist 4 hours, and then take 1 table. lies. up to 5 times a day.
  3. Green tea with lemon will come in handy. It will perfectly relieve nausea, and you will get a lot of vitamins and pleasure from the drink.

Remember to consume water as much as possible. It is able to purify the blood and remove toxins. Only clean, still water can make up for the loss of your body. Take care of yourself and try to visit a gynecologist regularly. Remember, your neglect of health can be detrimental to nascent life.

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