How much electricity does a laptop consume per hour and per month?

Now in the world of information technology, modern technology is coming to the fore. Probably few people thought about how much electricity the laptop consumes per hour. Due to the increase in tariffs, even rich people begin to save. So how much power does a laptop consume per hour of work? Let's deal with this interesting question.

how much power the laptop consumes in sleep mode

Laptop selection

If you are just planning on buying a laptop, then try to pay attention to energy-efficient models. Perhaps the computer will cost you a little more, but so you save on electricity, and over time it will pay off. Remember that different models use electricity differently. To a greater extent, this depends on the purpose of the laptop. To find out how much electricity a laptop consumes per hour, you need to consider its various types. Unfortunately, we will not be able to get the exact result.

how much power does a laptop consume per hour

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  2. . ? 190 . , , . , 6 . 1,14 , 34,2 . .
  3. . , , - . , , – ( ). 30 . 24 , 0,72 , 21,6 .

how much power does a laptop consume


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    how much does the laptop consume electricity per hour

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how much electricity a laptop consumes per month

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    how much power does a laptop consume per hour

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how much power the laptop consumes in sleep mode

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