In fact, understated cats are a very rare and unique breed of cats with short legs - munchkin. Quite often they are called "dachshund cats". This definition is not entirely true. Dogs with short legs have an elongated body, and cats are naturally endowed with a normal-sized body. This is not a breeding breed. She appeared as a result of a spontaneous mutation.
Breed history
In the forties of the twentieth century, cases began to be recorded when in an ordinary litter lowered cats appeared - animals with short paws. This began to happen in different parts of the Earth. In 1944, a veterinarian from the UK described four generations of these animals. They were completely healthy and differed from other animals only by the length of their paws. In nineteen eighty-three, a woman sheltered a pregnant stray cat in Louisiana. In her house she gave birth to babies. Half of the offspring were understated cats (munchkins).
First public appearance
For the first time, the general public saw these animals in 1991 at an international cat show. Opponents of the breed argued that further breeding of these individuals spoils the health of animals and threatens with deformities. One of the judges resigned in protest, announcing this right at the exhibition. He called this unusual breed "an insult to breeders." Immediately after this scandal, understated cats (munchkins) were thoroughly investigated in the laboratory of the University of Kansas. No abnormalities were found in animal health.
Official recognition
As a breed, understated cats (munchkins) were recognized in nineteen ninety-fifth in TICA. Meanwhile, there are still many associations in the world against this. This is probably why these animals are extremely rare in European countries. However, all the disputes of specialists do not prevent the munchkins from evoking a feeling of sympathy among ordinary cat lovers. These are very playful, good-natured and affectionate creatures.
Character and habits
An understated cat (breed munchkin) is an amazing animal. Owners claim that they adopted many habits from dogs. They are happy to walk with the owner on the harness, always peacefully and friendly with other animals, easily adapt in the new environment.
The understated cats, whose photos you see in this article, are loyal companions. They love to travel, provided that their beloved host is nearby. Animals are very mobile, can easily jump to fairly high surfaces. True, it is hard for them to go down later because of the unusual structure of the body, so they do it like martens. Manchkin owners need to know that falling from a height for these animals is fraught with serious injuries, so it’s better not to leave them unattended on the street.
Breed features
It is interesting to watch these animals from the side. To look around, they sit on their hind legs, and the tail at this moment serves as a kind of backup. In this position, they can sit for quite some time. Due to the short paws, the Manchkins are not very good hunters, but they have one rare and surprising feature. Like magpies, they pick up little things and hide them in a secluded, only known place.
Understated cats (munchkins) are semi-long-haired and short-haired. The colors of these animals are very diverse.