Is it worth taking the Primo Victoria tank, and what is its feature?

, , , , , . , Primo Victoria, Sabaton. , , , .

Primo Victoria

, Primo Victoria, – . , Sabaton. , , «» .

primo victoria tank is it worth taking

, - Primo Victoria:

  1. . 230, - 280 .
  2. . 226, 258 42 .
  3. . 8 ( ).
  4. (Damage per minute). 1840-1900 .
  5. . .
  6. 100 . , . . 0.33 .
  7. . 65 .
  8. . 50 /, 900 .
  9. . , , . . 36 .
  10. . 1460 . .

tank primo victoria reviews

, – Primo Victoria. , Primo Victoria, , , : 2000 , , "" .

Primo Victoria, World Of Tanks, : 200 Centurion Mk , Primo Vitoria. 2017 Sabaton , 2000 . World of Tanks.


, , . , 5 , , , Primo Victoria.

primo victoria tank review

Primo Victoria:

  1. «S», - .
  2. .
  3. 6 , , Sabaton.
  4. ( ), .

, , Primo Victoria, . , , , « » World Of Tanks.

Primo Victoria:

, : . , Primo Victoria.

primo victoria tank tth


  1. , .
  2. – 5 .
  3. , . . .
  4. .
  5. .


  1. 5 , 4 .
  2. .
  3. .
  4. .
  5. Centurion Mk. 3

We hope that after reading this article about whether to take the Primo Victoria tank, you have decided on your desires as to whether this unit is worth the money, because in addition to ordinary silver, you will also need to spend a lot of gold, which in itself is not very pleasantly.

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