In a family where there are small children, pets, there are frequent cases when, due to the negligence of the former or due to the mischief of the latter, spots appear on your favorite upholstered furniture. But you should not blame only children on everything. Many people have the habit of having dinner, sitting on the couch or in their favorite armchair in front of the TV, after which the traces of the evening meal remain on the furniture. As a result, a chemical cleaner for upholstered furniture becomes indispensable .
Due to the great demand for these products, the market today has a huge range of chemicals that are designed to clean furniture from contaminants. The basic rule when using them is to strictly follow the instructions on the packaging. Otherwise, instead of the expected purity, there is a chance to get faded spots and stains.
There is also such a method as dry cleaning of upholstered furniture. Using various technical means, for example, a vacuum cleaner, is not recommended in these cases, since these actions can lead to damage to the fabric, more precisely, the pile on the upholstery. Long-pile upholstery is best wiped with a microfiber cloth that is moistened with the product. After that, the furniture should dry itself, without the use of a hair dryer or other means for drying.
An important circumstance in the fight against pollution on the surface of upholstered furniture is time. That is, the faster you take up the elimination of stains and do not wait until the stain dries, the more likely it is that the measures taken will have a positive effect. And for the best result, you can use "Vanish" for cleaning upholstered furniture.
How to clean your home furniture yourself
Depending on the type of contamination, there are different ways to remove stains. The most common drink that appears on your favorite furniture is coffee. To remove fresh stains from coffee, you can use a simple folk remedy for cleaning upholstered furniture - soap. It is enough to rub the place of contamination with soap, then with a damp cloth, and then let the stain dry. This method is quite effective for removing stains from chocolate.
Such a husband’s habit, as watching football broadcasts in front of the TV, can turn into stubborn stains for the hostess. To begin with, it is recommended to treat the beer stain with simple soap and wait until the fabric dries. Then you can use such a product for cleaning upholstered furniture as vinegar. To prepare it, you need to add 2 full tablespoons of vinegar to a liter of water. Apply the resulting solution to the stain and allow to soak. Then the place of contamination should only be washed with water and allowed to dry.
In order to get rid of stains that remain from spilled juice, you can use such a chemical agent for cleaning upholstered furniture as ammonia. To do this, mix ammonia and vinegar in equal proportions. The resulting solution is applied to the stain and allowed to dry.
It is worth remembering that household items are designed to serve a person, and are not museum exhibits. Therefore, do not be upset if you left a stain from spilled juice, coffee, as now you know how to remove it!