Baby at 9 months: development and nutrition, regimen and care. What should a child be able to do at 9 months?

The first year of a baby’s life is very important. During this period, character is intensively formed, the body grows. Certain features has a child of 9 months. Development and nutrition are topics that this material will inform about.

Discovery Time

The kid is daily smiles, jokes and a lot of positive emotions. Almost a year is a time of training and new discoveries. The main task of parents during this period is to help the baby get acquainted with the environment.

baby at 9 months development and nutrition

At this stage, the worldview of the crumbs is changing. He enthusiastically watches his reflection in the mirror, perceives your words and realizes himself as a separate person. The child increasingly likes to walk and examine objects, more and more he is interested in toys. It should be noted that now he can independently and for a long time deal with new details.

Lessons of good behavior begin to be perceived later by a child of 8-9 months. Development and nutrition at this time form his personality, preferences and tastes, so you should control your words, actions and emotions with the baby. Of course, the baby will not be able to repeat everything that you have done, but the most vivid pictures remain in his memory.

Small man

Expressive emotions appear. A child can cry not only from discomfort and pain, but also from resentment. A sense of rage is not alien to him, if parents categorically forbid something. It should be noted that the word "no" your joy understands very well. He uses it himself, reinforcing his reluctance, shaking his head. If the baby is nice, he smiles.

The child begins to show his character at 9 months. Development, nutrition, care - all this affects his tastes. He likes some dishes, toys and melodies, he is indifferent to others. There may be things that even annoy him.

The vocabulary is increasing, and in addition to the usual "mom" and "dad" the baby is happy with new words. Often without even saying, he understands everything and can carry out such simple commands as bringing a typewriter or showing cubes. Also, the child skillfully imitates the voices of animals and the sounds of objects that he likes the most. Over time, babbling becomes clearer and closer to normal meaningful speech.

Already a full-fledged, smart little man - a child of 9 months. Development and nutrition, of course, are important, but no less attention must be paid to the moral aspect.

baby 9 months development and nutrition

Creativity is the key to happiness

From this age, the baby's movements become smooth. It’s easier for him to hold toys and learn them. Two objects can lie on the handles at once. If the toy is in one palm, then the other crumb can feel the thing. The baby will not only examine the contraption, but also do something with it: fold, knock, or disassemble.

It is important to show the child how to use the object correctly, because at this age the baby does not just rearrange everything from place to place, but works mentally. His little head already has its own schemes and plans.

It's time to learn how to stack cubes and pyramids. Such fun is especially loved by a child (9 months). Development and nutrition are inextricably linked, so parents can even try to get creative.

Is the kid trying to eat on his own? Let him try. Give him a spoon. If he likes to use his hands rather than cutlery, do not insist. Hand-to-mouth exercise teaches you to coordinate movements. The only minus of such practices is dirty clothes.

child 8 9 months development and nutrition

From fun to study - one step

Both new games and independence at the table develop motor skills. So, it's time to buy new toys for the son or daughter: designers, blocks and mosaics. These are objects that a child will fall in love with (9 months). Development, nutrition, what the baby can do - sellers in stores know all this. But when choosing a product, pay attention to the recommended age. And even if the package indicates that these items do not pose a threat to the health of the crumbs, it is better to pick up only large parts that your joy will not be able to completely put in your mouth and swallow.

Such an age is a period of skits. The kid will remember information better if presented as a game. Organize a home theater. Its actors will be cats, dogs and cars. It is very important to choose bright colors. All characters must talk and show emotions: joy, compassion, friendliness. This idea will be appreciated by the child (9-10 months). Development, nutrition, interactive games - all this will help to make a healthy little genius out of your child, so every area should be taken seriously.

For advice to a professional

In order to understand that your child is growing normally, it is not necessary to be a pediatrician. By default, children recover by 500 grams. The volume of the chest and head should increase by 0.5 cm. New gestures and words appear. Just compare the past week with the current one.

But there is a certain list of physical skills that a child must perform at 9 months. Development and nutrition, of course, are directly responsible for the body, but there are problems whose root is hidden deeper.

Each baby who has reached this age should be able to sit down independently. If the child still does this with your help, you should consult a doctor who will determine the cause. Perhaps this is a neurological disease that has not previously manifested. Pediatricians will establish the cause of the problem and give substantial advice on further development.

baby 9 months development nutrition what can

Learning to walk

A doll that does not know how to sit down will find it difficult to stand up. Such an action requires not only physical preparation, but also a moral attitude. The child must be aware of the process itself, engage the main muscle groups. If your child is just crawling and is afraid of an upright position, you should not worry. A baby at this age should actively climb or move in a sitting position.

It is very good when the baby, holding your hand, can independently go through several steps. If none of these tasks is feasible, the time to go to the hospital is where you will be prescribed treatment. Most often these are massages that mom can do on her own at home. Almost every child in 9 months needs such procedures. Development and nutrition are two more questions that the doctor can answer.

Usually teaching a child to sit or stand is easy. You see that the baby pulls his hands to you - help him. After all, even an adult without training is not able to achieve results.

child 9 10 months development of nutrition

Expanding the menu

Feed baby puree vegetables recommended from 6 months. At first, such a meal replaces one breastfeeding, and subsequently several. If you started treating this toddler later - that's okay.

The basic rules are very simple. One product should be given first. Usually start with zucchini, cauliflower or potatoes. Before moving on to something new, wait a week or two. Make sure that the baby perceives food well. Start with a teaspoon and gradually increase to 150 grams.

Vegetable cereals, lean pork, veal, buckwheat, rice, corn grits, cottage cheese - all this can safely eat a child (9 months). Development and nutrition are purely individual processes. It is better to give new dishes in the morning. Then the mother can see if the food is harmful to the ventricle and if allergic reactions occur. Do not forget about fruit juices (start with apples).

After each feeding, breast milk should be given.

baby at 9 months development nutritional care

Daily regime

The baby eats 5 times a day, every 4 hours. It is recommended to give solid dishes during the day and breast milk at night. Previously, all food had to be finely ground. During this period, it is better to put whole foods on a plate. Fruits and vegetables should be put directly in your hands. So the chewing reflex will develop. Their favorite dishes appear when the child is already nine months old. The development and nutrition of a child is his learning book. With every novelty he learns the world.

Ideal time for crumbs to wake up from 6 to 7 in the morning. If the little one gets up later, then laying it in the evening will be more difficult. The baby develops such habits earlier, so if your daily routine is lost, then changing it will not be easy.

In general, sleep should take 14 hours a day. Of these, 4 - in the daytime. The night for your doll must last from 22 pm to 6 am. Twice a child is napping in a day. If sleep in daylight lasts no more than 30 minutes, try to find and eliminate the causes. Among them may be loud sounds or heat.

We conquer new difficulties

Experts believe that the optimal age when a child should sit on a pot is 9 months. Development, nutrition, mode - all these factors affect this process. Pediatricians recommend putting the child on the toilet as soon as he wakes up or 20 minutes after lunch. At this age, a sense of hygiene is formed. A wet and full diaper annoys the baby more and more, but they like dryness and comfort. As soon as your doll understands the difference and the principle of action, immediately ask for a pot. But usually such a science drags on to two years.

baby 9 months development nutritional regimen

The task of mom and dad today is to show that the toilet is not terrible. It is worth planting the crumbs on the pot, giving the opportunity to get acquainted with a new object. In total, experts note that the sooner and more often you accustom yourself to hygiene, the faster and better the result.

Now the baby is completely dependent on your love. Therefore, do not be lazy to learn new information and put into practice the practical advice of specialists.

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