Food Storage Container: Options Available

Want to find your perfect food storage container? Then this article is what you need. Any housewife is delighted with the abundance in the kitchen of all kinds of "bottles", jars, boxes. And if earlier your shelves were lined with motley containers with inscriptions that did not correspond to the contents, it's time to change everything. Having bought new jars, you will understand how much better they are than the old ones. However, selecting them is not so simple. What is it, the ideal container for storing food?

food storage container

A lot of options: bright, with different shapes and capacities? jars and ask in hand. But do not be tempted to buy them all. It is necessary to take into account the rules for the use of certain containers for food storage.

At first, back in Soviet times, cute tin jars decorated the kitchens. In them not only bulk products were stored, they also became elements of the decor of the room. But their service life, unfortunately, is short-lived. After all, the material from which they are made is susceptible to rust.

glass food storage containers

Then plastic containers began to appear for storing bulk products and others. They had a number of advantages: easy to use, convenient. But such products were very fragile, covered with a net of cracks from one careless movement. They usually store salads and cakes. These products are disposable. So it’s better to purchase one reusable plastic food storage container than many. There is more choice here: with snap-on covers, screw-on, vacuum and others. Some are suitable for storing food in freezers, others for microwave heating. Reusable items are lightweight, durable, they can be of various shapes and sizes. Entire sets are sold, the so-called "nesting dolls", when one container is inserted into another. But you should choose them very carefully. Always see what they are intended for: a container for storing bulk products may not be suitable for microwave heating. In addition, melamine, formaldehyde, which makes containers strong, is often included in plastic. This substance accumulates in the human body, without specifically harming it, but the next generation may suffer. The second dangerous substance that your plastic food storage container may contain is asbestos. Look at the product labeling before buying it. Do not purchase products in bright colors - this suggests that there are many chemicals in the composition. Always ask for quality certificates for the goods. It is important that the container remains safe even after heating in the microwave.

bulk storage containers

Glass containers for storing food are very popular. Usually they have plastic covers. Such products will need to be handled carefully, but they do not harm health. Just do not need to put in the microwave a container of glass that you just got out of the refrigerator. In glass containers equipped with lids of the same material on latches, they usually store products that can lose taste and aroma, absorb foreign odors.

Thus, choose containers for products not only in appearance, but also for reasons of their safety for your health.

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