When and how to wean a baby from a breast?

Mother's breast milk is without a doubt the best food for the baby. It is full of vitamins, minerals and other components necessary for the proper development and protection from adverse environmental conditions. All pediatricians strongly recommend that you continue breastfeeding for as long as possible, but sooner or later the question “how to wean from the breast?”

As a rule, during the period of breastfeeding, the child becomes so accustomed to the taste of mother's milk that the process of weaning becomes very long and painful. Therefore, it is worthwhile to approach this issue with all responsibility. The main thing is not to rush and not be nervous, and only then the process will go smoothly for both mom and baby.

There are several options for how to wean a baby from the breast, but first of all, mother should once again make sure that the weaning process will be beneficial. It has already been repeatedly proved by scientists that a breast-fed baby has a more stable immunity. In addition, the connection between mother and child is much stronger. If a mother needs to go away from time to time in order to escape from household chores, it is simply impossible to leave the baby to loved ones. The older the child becomes, the stronger is the connection with the mother. The answer to the question of when to wean from the chest is quite simple. It is worth starting the excommunication process when the child has not yet reached the age of 1 year. Growing up the baby grows wiser, and begins to deliberately demand attention.

It is categorically not recommended to wean babies who are allergic or prone to diseases from their breasts. Breast milk for them as a medicine that helps fight the disease. In addition, my mother’s breast is a kind of psychological sedative. It is not recommended to stop feeding during periods of tooth growth, when the baby most needs care. A sharp change in environment should also not be accompanied by cessation of feeding. This factor can cause severe stress, and aggravate the not so calm condition of the child.

Before weaning from the breast, it is worth taking care of the nutrition of the baby. Food should be varied and fortified. It is necessary that the consumed products are fully consistent with the needs of the body. The daily menu should include porridge, meat or fish, vegetable and fruit purees and compote.

Regardless of how to wean the baby from the chest, the process should not be abrupt, except in situations where milk disappears. Abrupt withdrawal of your favorite food can lead not only to an upset, but also to a change in character. The first thing to start with is to reduce the amount of daily breastfeeding. You can express milk in a bottle or a drinker, and offer the child. After some time, it is necessary to replace one, and then two feedings with milk mixtures. When during the day the baby stops asking for breasts, it is worth starting to weaning from night breastfeeding. Parents who sleep in the same bed with their baby should also teach their child to sleep in their crib. This will be an auxiliary step for weaning. If this is not done, then the baby can constantly wake up from the smell of breast milk and ask for breasts not from hunger, but from the desire to simply suck. In no case do not take drugs that worsen the taste of milk - this can cause the child’s nervousness and cause frequent moods.

During excommunication, it is worth pampering the baby with attention. Hug him and kiss, this will compensate for the lack of breastfeeding. And the most important thing: if you are not 100% sure of the correctness of the decision, then it is better to wait until you finally decide that it is time to wean your baby.

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