Can pregnant women pull out teeth: what doctors say

Pregnancy is an important and complex physiological process when an enormous load is placed on the body. Sometimes the immune response does not always manifest itself adequately, and a variety of health problems arise. Even if you consume a lot of wholesome food and a variety of mineral complexes, then almost all of the beneficial substances will go to the formation and growth of the fetus. Particularly urgently, the body of the expectant mother needs calcium, since it is spent on building the musculoskeletal tissue of the child. This situation adversely affects the oral cavity, and a logical question arises: can pregnant women pull their teeth if nothing can be done?

Do pregnant women have their teeth pulled out

Features of dental procedures

Toothache can cause discomfort not only to a woman in position, but to any healthy person. A pregnant woman begins to worry about the child, his proper development and the possibility of infection through the affected cavity of the tooth. Sometimes you may hear such an opinion that treatment at the dentist is very harmful to a developing child. Many follow this erroneous stereotype and believe that only removal can save the situation.

Doctors warn that with the illiterate use of medicines and prohibited manipulations, it is really possible to cause significant harm to the fetus. However, with informed decisions, a thoughtful approach to each patient and competent actions, the possible risk of therapy can be minimized. Therefore, to avoid tooth loss, you should trust a professional and save a decaying tooth. However, it is always important to know exactly what the doctor should not do if the patient is in position.

Prohibited Procedures

If the situation has gone too far, women are wondering if pregnant women can pull their teeth out. Such manipulation is allowed, but prohibited procedures should be considered, including the following:

  1. X-ray Of course, now many clinics have installed new equipment that is allowed to be used. But the patient herself must make sure that a radiovisiograph is used for the picture. The device is characterized by minimal radiation exposure. In addition, the abdomen, pelvis and chest must be covered with a tight apron made of lead alloy.
  2. General anesthesia for a pregnant woman is prohibited. If anesthesia is required, then only local.
  3. Prescribing medications without taking into account the opinion of the gynecologist.

Can pregnant women pull their teeth out? Modern dentistry has a large number of tools that minimize the risks of this procedure. Important for a woman is the choice of a doctor whom she could trust. Such a doctor must be familiar with the intricacies of dental treatment in pregnant women, know what medications and procedures are allowed; one who does not neglect his work.

From the reviews of those who removed the teeth in position, we can conclude that trust in the doctor is the basis for the success of the procedure.

Can pregnant women pull out teeth with anesthesia

Is it possible?

Can pregnant women tear their teeth? The delicate position of the patient requires a careful approach from the doctor. In this case, unjustified risk is unacceptable. Experts unequivocally argue that if necessary, it is allowed to break teeth, because constant pain, increasing inflammation and the possibility of infection can cause much more harm than a small operation.

Dentists know that inflammation in one part of the jaw can spread very quickly and lead to purulent infection. At the same time, pathogenic bacteria spread throughout the body through the bloodstream and penetrate the placental barrier .

But you should always trust the doctor and your own feelings. If the doctor advises postponing the manipulation until the postpartum period, it may be better. But if pain does not allow sleep, then surgery is inevitable. However, dentists should always consider gestational age.

First three months

The most dangerous period in terms of the possibility of spontaneous miscarriage and violations in the development of the fetus is the first trimester. To pull out a tooth at this time is only possible with acute indications:

  • purulent inflammation;
  • acute pain caused by the development of pulpitis.

Any gynecologist will confirm that the laying of all the organs of the unborn baby occurs in the first thirteen weeks of pregnancy. Also, at this time, an increased tone often occurs, and bleeding can occur. Active hormonal restructuring is underway, against which the emotional state of a woman is unstable. Toxicosis and general malaise may join. Any stress can adversely affect the fetus, therefore, the operation to remove the tooth and the medicines used can provoke deviations in the unborn baby or during pregnancy.

Doctors say that it is dangerous to tear out a pregnant woman’s tooth in the early stages and take this procedure only in the most neglected situation.

Tear out a pregnant wisdom tooth

Second half of pregnancy

The second trimester is considered the most favorable period for dental treatment and their removal. It is best to pull out a tooth from 16 to 26 weeks. It is in this period that the placenta is already formed, which is a powerful barrier to the penetration of drugs. Moreover, all the main organs and systems have already been formed and are successfully developing. Significantly increases the resistance of the unborn baby to the effects of toxins. It is considered important that the toxicosis recedes, the hormonal background normalizes, and the woman feels confident and calm. Dentists and gynecologists agree that it is the second trimester of pregnancy that is the best period for the removal of diseased teeth.

Third trimester

This period lasts from 28 to 40 weeks and is characterized by an almost fully formed fetus. However, when answering the question whether it is possible for pregnant women to pull out their teeth, it is worth considering that at this time there is instability in the psycho-emotional state of the expectant mother. Also, loads on her body are significantly increasing. Problems with cardiovascular activity may occur, violations in the work of the kidneys and the entire excretory system can be recorded. Stress and the negative impact of surgery can adversely affect both the health of the woman herself and the fetus.

Dentists try not to pull out teeth in women who are in the last stages of pregnancy. Specialists know that manipulation, like any other medical procedure, can trigger a premature birth.

Can pregnant women pull out teeth

Removal cannot be avoided

Pregnant women often have oral diseases. To violations in bone tissue and its depletion leads to leaching of salts of phosphorus and calcium from the body of a woman. In addition, there is a general weakening of the body, which leads to:

  • malfunctions of the immune system;
  • exposure to harmful substances;
  • increase the likelihood of caries.

In this regard, doctors are trying to postpone removal to the postpartum period and apply gentle therapy that alleviates the patient's condition. However, such actions do not always lead to a positive result. Sometimes, in order to stop the destructive process, it is necessary to tear out a bad tooth.

Direct indications for removal surgery

Dentists and gynecologists claim that pregnant women can tear their teeth if:

  • Concerned by acute and prolonged pain, which does not subside when using gentle means;
  • there is no way to save the root of the tooth;
  • trauma to the jaw;
  • purulent inflammation, the treatment of which did not bring the desired effect;
  • the root neck is affected by a malignant tumor.

The above symptoms are direct indications for removal manipulation, because the inflammatory process and constant pain will lead to a much more deplorable situation than the operation itself.

Can pregnant women pull out teeth with anesthesia?

Of course, few will agree to tear their teeth without pain relief. And the doctor will not expose a pregnant woman to such stress. Therefore, the question “is it possible for pregnant women to pull out teeth with anesthesia?” Gets a positive answer. But only local anesthesia is used. The dentist makes a choice of medication, focusing on the safety of the fetus and the health of the mother.

Modern anesthetics that are specifically designed for patients in the position of:

  • not able to penetrate the placental barrier;
  • do not have a vasoconstrictor effect;
  • do not adversely affect the fetus;
  • have a good analgesic effect in a specific area of ​​the oral cavity.

It should be remembered that all drugs based on adrenaline are completely prohibited.

Can pregnant women tear out a tooth with an injection

Approved medications for pain relief

General anesthesia is used in exceptional cases when the situation threatens the life of the mother. This procedure has a strong effect on the nervous system of a developing baby. Therefore, general anesthesia is used only when a malignancy is detected in the oral cavity.

But is it possible for pregnant women to tear their teeth with a local injection? Yes, but the choice is slightly limited. Approved medicines include modern drugs:

  1. If the situation is simple, then Novocaine is used as a spray. The patient must be warned that saliva cannot be swallowed.
  2. Ultracain is used for severe pain relief, but the doctor individually calculates a safe dosage based on the weight of the woman.
  3. "Ubistesin" anesthetizes well and is not able to penetrate the placental barrier. It is proved that the medicine does not harm the mother's body and the fetus.

Women who turn to dentistry are often worried about whether pregnant women can pull out a tooth with an injection. Indeed, sometimes the situation is urgent, and without anesthesia, not many will agree to go to this procedure. Doctors use painkillers that do not have a harmful effect, so you can safely trust a specialist by indicating your condition.

Is it possible to tear out a pregnant wisdom tooth?

The problem is that wisdom teeth appear already at childbearing age and often cause a lot of problems. They can injure the gums, grow toward adjacent teeth and cause inflammation. Therefore, many are interested in whether a wisdom tooth is pulled out by pregnant women. In this case, it is necessary to listen to the opinion of several doctors and come to a general balanced decision.

Some doctors prefer to treat hard-to-reach eights and consider them to be important components of the jaw. Others believe that access to them and manipulation can damage healthy neighboring teeth - they must be removed.

So is it possible for pregnant women to pull out wisdom teeth? Doctors unequivocally say yes if:

  • Concerned about gum inflammation that is not amenable to conservative treatment;
  • the patient suffers from acute pain;
  • inflammation affects the facial nerve;
  • the tooth is almost destroyed.

Can pregnant women pull out wisdom teeth? There are situations when the operation is clearly needed and supported by all dentists:

  • figure eight injures a neighboring tooth and grows obliquely;
  • severely affected by caries;
  • a cyst is diagnosed on the neck.

Whether to remove the wisdom tooth or try to save it - this must be decided in conjunction with the attending physician. If the therapy allows you to wait for the postpartum period, then it is better to postpone the procedure. To tear out a pregnant woman’s wisdom tooth is only if the pain is very disturbing.

Dental Nerve Removal

Any conscientious dentist will try to keep the expectant mother a completely healthy jaw. Therefore, practicing doctors believe that pulling out a tooth and treating a pregnant woman is possible only for acute indications. However, the situation is not always favorable, and sometimes the volume of affected tissue is more than 90%. In this case, inflammation is almost never amenable to therapeutic treatment. In such a situation, the doctor will offer the patient to remove the dental nerve (pulp).

When it comes to pulp inflammation and the need to clean the canals, many patients, not even pregnant, get scared. But modern dentistry has stepped forward a long time ago and there are many tools in the arsenal of doctors that make this procedure as painless, safe and fast as possible. If there is even a slight opportunity to save the tooth, and the doctor assures us of the safety of the anesthesia used, then it is worth a try.

Tooth extraction rules

The above facts make it clear whether a pregnant woman can pull out a tooth. But in order for the manipulation to be successful and not cause complications, the doctor must follow certain rules:

Firstly, removal can be carried out in the second trimester of pregnancy. In the early stages or the last trimester, the operation requires the approval of an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Secondly, a pregnant woman should be as far away as possible from stressful situations and unrest. It means:

  • timely reception;
  • the goodwill of all clinic staff;
  • clarification of all controversial issues;
  • guaranteed absence of pain;
  • use only safe medicines;
  • speed of manipulation.

You can use an x-ray only for sharp indications and if it is possible to use a modern radiovisiograph.

You need to calculate the dose of anesthetic individually and use the minimum dose. It is necessary to conduct a test before the introduction of an analgesic to exclude an allergic reaction and anaphylactic shock.

Pregnant after the procedure, it is necessary to advise drugs for sanitation of the oral cavity. For this, antimicrobials are prescribed that have low toxicity and are approved for use during pregnancy.

Only compliance with these rules guarantees the success of the entire operation and the absence of a negative reaction from the development of the fetus and the health of the expectant mother.

Can pregnant women tear teeth

Prevent removal

Do pregnant women have their teeth pulled out? This worries many women who have problems with the oral cavity. No wonder the obligatory examination of women in the position includes dental. During such a visit, it is advisable to find out the condition of the teeth if necessary to cure them. Such therapy is allowed from 14-16 weeks of pregnancy, when the placental barrier reliably protects the baby.

It is important to get advice from a specialist on caring for the oral cavity, because a change in the composition of saliva during pregnancy has been proven. Acidity increases, a strong calcium deficiency occurs and ideal conditions are created for the propagation of pathogenic microflora. Therefore, if a woman does not competently take care of her teeth, then by the end of pregnancy can earn problems ending in removal.

Doctors warn that tooth decay is not a harmless disease, but can cause disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. Also, the problem provokes infection, which can threaten the health of the fetus.

At all stages of pregnancy, it is important to prevent dental disease. Here, a balanced diet is important when all the necessary nutrients, minerals and vitamins are present.

Dentists know that a common problem in pregnant women is gingivitis, which, with untimely treatment, turns into periodontitis. As a result of gum disease, you can lose your teeth.

You can treat and tear out a pregnant woman

Actions after tooth extraction

Dentists warn that after an operation to remove a tooth in the gum, a wound opens. She needs proper care to avoid infection and complications. You can significantly minimize the risks after medical intervention, if you follow the following rules:

  • for two to three hours it is forbidden to eat and drink (except water);
  • Do not warm the sore spot;
  • rinse is necessary if the doctor makes such an appointment.

When eating, at first it is recommended to avoid loading the place of removal. Care must be taken to ensure that food particles do not penetrate the wound. A blood clot forms inside, it is necessary for speedy healing. Therefore, doctors do not recommend strongly rinsing your mouth so that you do not accidentally rinse it out.

The procedure does not always go smoothly, and the wound can hurt. As an anesthetic, you can take only a paracetamol tablet.

Reviews of women in the position on tooth extraction

Dental clinic doctors will confirm how many pregnant women decide to remove the tooth.Almost everyone claims that the manipulation does not take much time and is painless. For comfortable treatment and removal, modern medical institutions have everything you need:

  • modern equipment;
  • painkillers that do not harm the mother and baby;
  • qualified staff.

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It is important to visit the dentist on time, especially during pregnancy. Serious caries or pulpitis does not appear instantly. Pathology is a consequence of the neglect of the oral cavity. Therefore, you must take care of your health and always undergo the necessary research.

Pregnant patients are always on a special account in dental clinics. Doctors try to choose not only suitable medications for therapy, but also an individual approach. After all, such women should not be nervous, and tooth extraction is a stressful process in itself.

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