Powder "Biolan": its types and features

Laundry detergent "Biolan" is often found in stores that sell household chemicals. We are interested in what washing powder should be in accordance with GOST 25644-96, and whether all types of Biolan powder meet its requirements. Now it is produced according to TU-2381-107-00336562-2007, which makes it easier for the manufacturer to circumvent the strict requirements of the state standard.

biolan powder

Commodity Examination of Biolan Powder for Washing Machines

For the examination, which was carried out in 2012, a plastic packaging weighing 2 kg 400 g was taken. As a result, it was found that the Biolan powder had no visible defects. However, his washing ability is only 34.3%, and the norm is 85%. Perhaps by 2017, manufacturers have improved the quality of Biolan.

Standard Detergent Composition

The following components are mandatory in washing powder:

  • Surfactants (surfactants): ionic and nonionic. Combining them in different quantities, manufacturers allow the powder to wash out various contaminants.
  • Electrolytes, phosphates and sodium salts. Electrolytes enhance the action of surfactants. Phosphates soften water and allow surfactants to penetrate deeper into pollution. Sodium salts, replacing phosphates, reduce the cost of powders, but reduce the degree of purification.
  • Enzymes help cleanse protein and fat contaminants.
  • Optical brighteners do not really lighten the fabric. She only seems whiter.
  • Chemical bleaches really destroy dirt and further disinfect it.
  • Sulphates. Almost do not participate in the washing, but only give more weight to the powder. Make it less efficient and cheaper.
  • Foam regulators.
    washing powder biolan

All these components are also included in the Biolan washing powder. Of course, we won’t know only their exact percentage.

Product range

“Biolan Alpine Mountains” detergent is produced for hand washing in small cardboard boxes weighing 350 g and in plastic bags with a large dosage of 2 kg 400 g. Biolan Ekonom Expert powder can be used in washing machines and can also be used for handwashing. It is packed in boxes and weighs 0.35 kg. In plastic, its weight reaches 900g. Read the specifications on the packaging. Also available are “Orange-Lemon Biolan Automatic Machine”, 350 grams, and Color Biolan Automatic Machine Powder. The latter in plastic weighs 2400 g and 6 kg. 20% free. You can purchase Biolan for a washing machine (White Flowers, an optical active whitening system). 1/5 part - for free.


“Biolan” powder, like all others, is better to pour not by eye, but at the rate that the manufacturer provided. With this, the hostess kills two birds with one stone: an excessive amount of detergent is not consumed, and her hands and respiratory tract are protected from the harmful effects of its components. If the word “bio” is added to the name of the powder, it is better to wear gloves. Enzymes not only dissolve food and drink stains, but also actively harm the skin.

The foam that forms during washing, during the friction of the product captures particles of dirt, and antiresorbents do not allow it to re-stick to the fabric. As a result, when heavily soiled, the foam seems to fall off and the water becomes cloudy. Soak heavily soiled items in advance before washing. Powder "Biolan Economy Expert" is good for processing all fabrics except wool and natural silk.

For washing machine

For mechanical washing, detergents with reduced foaming are used. A large amount of foam can lead to depressurization of the machine and its breakdown. Therefore, for the washing machine should choose the powder "Biolan-automatic". Its additional name is “Economy Expert”.

automatic biolan powder

If the machine is fully loaded and the laundry is dirty, use a measuring cup. If the tissues are very dirty, then two doses of powder are taken. For a good wash, you must select the correct temperature. For white and very dirty objects, hot water is used, for black and other fabrics of dark colors - cold, and it is good to turn them inside out. The rest is washed in warm water. This way the fabric itself and the brightness of its color will be preserved longer - this is the general rule of washing in Biolan and other detergents.

"Biolan White Flowers"

This powder contains bleaching agents that contain oxygen and optical brightener. It is recommended exclusive for fabrics of white color.

Powder “Biolan Automatic Color”

The ingredients that make up the detergent allow you to wash things well, maintaining their original color with repeated washing. On the back of the package there is a table indicating how to use it with varying degrees of contamination and water hardness.

powder biolan automatic color

The powder consists of white granules with rare blue spots. He has a pleasant smell, but does not remain on his clothes, which, of course, many buyers will consider a plus. Because everyone prefers to choose their own fragrance. It cleans well non-stained spots and removes fresh dirt. The color of the fabric does not change.

In general, we characterized the Biolan powder. In stores, it is in steady demand, in all likelihood, because many buyers found in it a sufficient number of positive properties.

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