Of course, the most beloved men's holiday, when representatives of the strong half of humanity can swim in the female attention, is February 23. The scenario of the festive feast should be not only as saturated and interesting as possible, but also able to captivate absolutely all guests (including female representatives). We bring to your attention the scenario of February 23, which fully satisfies all of the above conditions.
So, the festive event takes place at home in the company of relatives or friends (most of them are married couples). Number of men: at least 4. Guests are seated at the table. The leader takes the word, the role of which can be played by the hostess of the house.
Well hello comrades men
You have no reason to be sad today -
After all, a wonderful holiday has come,
Glasses ring and a chic table is set.
For starters, I suggest a drink
For you - men - and I sincerely wish
So that all the peaks easily obey you,
And plans and desires came true.
Always let them surround you
Beloved ladies,
What can the strict il give support:
Sisters, wives, grandmothers and mothers.
And finally, not only for the Fatherland,
But for us, stay support.
After all, the weak half of humanity
Need protection, so try
Armor to become reliable
For a loving family.
You with a grand date
We want to congratulate you.
Everyone drinks for men.
Game "Toast or Action"
Since it is not recommended to conduct any mobile competitions immediately after the meal, the fun scenario game will continue the scenario of the February 23 holiday . For her, it will be necessary to prepare cards with tasks in advance.
Well, men are dear,
Brave and brave such
Show your skill
Skills, skills show us.
Pull the cards you boldly
And then get down to business,
And who does not complete the task,
The toast proclaims.
Men draw at random one card with simple tasks. Here are a few examples:
- perform three army (military) songs;
- to walk in combat line;
- crawl in a plastusky way;
- name and illustrate three army teams (for example: equal, quietly, freely, etc.);
- push out 10 times.
If, for any reason, the man cannot or does not want to complete the task, he makes a heartfelt toast in honor of the holiday.
Competition "Masters"
Since we are celebrating a purely male holiday - February 23, the scenario of its holding requires purely male contests and tasks. For another such event, four or eight men are invited to the center of the room, they must be divided into two teams. Next, the leader in verse form announces the task to them.
Knows even kids
That men are masters
To hammer a nail for you is a trifle.
Try to do so
So that this constructor is glorious
It has become an excellent stool.
Men see the main parts of the stool in front of them: 4 legs and a seat. In relay order, team members run up to their stools and nail their legs. One participant - one leg at a time. The team that will cope with the task faster wins.
If it is not possible to get “spare parts” from a wooden stool, use a plastic analog with removable legs. In this case, to complicate the task, it is recommended to blindfold men.
Dish for Beloved Competition
True man and handsome husband
To be able to cook should be cool,
To surprise a lady of heart
And every day more and more to conquer her.
Prove your love you lady
And build a curious dish.
Each man is given a plate. Of the products present on the festive table , they must lay out the original composition on their plate. This "work" will act as a way of declaration of love. Men give the names of dishes and make a small presentation, according to the results of which the winner is selected by voting.
Blind Postcard Contest
Despite the fact that we are celebrating February 23, the scenario of the holiday also implies female participation. The ladies present must reward their heroes who steadfastly withstood all contests and trials with a symbolic present.
All the tests you passed
And here is the result: heroes
Sitting in front of us at the table
Defenders, we bow to you!
Now the ladies have come the turn
To make a move in return
You’ll have to show your talents,
Men nice postcard to bestow.
Just one small nuance:
We will blindfold you now.
Blindfolded women draw postcards for their men. They are given one minute to do this. At the end of the process, the ladies make a presentation of their “creations” and a winner is selected.
We have brought to your attention a fun version of the February 23rd. The scenario of such a holiday will be remembered by the guests for a long time and will charge them with positive for a year in advance.