Today we will tell you in detail what it is - a laptop power supply . How to parse this element, we describe below. Drops, power surges and much more make such devices useless.
Consider how you can repair a laptop power supply yourself. How to disassemble this element is the first question that needs to be addressed. In most cases, inexpensive parts and soldering equipment will be required to achieve the desired result. The question of how to disassemble a laptop power supply is complicated by the fact that on its case there are often no screws, bolts or mounts. However, this design only seems monolithic. On the side faces there is a narrow seam that covers the entire perimeter.Two parts
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The main difference between the individual disassembly methods comes down to different aesthetic approaches to the process. You can also use a different tool. In any case, the housing must be divided along the seam line. There are two main approaches. You can disconnect the device with effort or cut it. On most models, the halves are glued together. And not very durable. A groove-overhang assembly may also be used. It, too, is usually supplemented by gluing. To cut the block body, we use any tool with a particularly thin blade. A scalpel or knife is fine. Apply impact force. We put the blade directly on the line of the seam itself, slightly hit it with a small hammer. We intuitively feel how hard it is to strike in order to break through the plastic cover and not damage the metal underneath. We get a cut,which is equal to several centimeters. Move the blade to its beginning. The result should be a continuous line. “Sawing” with a knife is dangerous for the fingers, but for some people this approach is more familiar. If you have at your disposal a diverse arsenal of tools, we can cut the case with greater security and speed. For example, the nozzle-disk on the drill will significantly facilitate the process. In this case, the whole procedure takes a couple of minutes. The cut will be relatively even. However, in this case it is important to carefully control the immersion depth of the disc. Significantly increases the risk of damage to the metal. There is another way to disassemble. Let's try it out. We need to separate the individual halves of the housing. So, we make one small incision at the seam. We insert the tip of the screwdriver into it.Next, we carry out several easy turns to turn it into a lever. Most often, the adhesive holding the plastic is easy to give. As a result, the gap grows. After one side is released, we take up the case with our own hands. This approach significantly speeds up the process. Further, in the lower and upper halves of the body, closer to the corner, we drill a small hole with an ordinary drill to make it possible to use pliers. Bred pens. The seam diverges. With a knife or a flat screwdriver, we help him completely disappear. If you can’t leave marks on the case, you can go the other way. We cut off the cable through which the laptop should be charged. In the resulting hole, we apply the previously tested lever. Now you know what features the laptop power supply has. How to disassemble this device,we described in detail above.
Custom shape
Let's look at how to disassemble the power supply of an Asus laptop. For example, take an Eee PC device. The action algorithm begins with a search for a stub. Next, remove it. After that, unscrew the bolt. Armed with a scalpel, we separate the side part from the side of the fork. With a light tapping at the junction, we are engaged in extracting the upper part of the power supply. We preliminary pass through the joints, since they are also glued. Solder the cable. Separate the connecting fragment of the cable with pliers. We drill the remains of the wire from it.Outages
Now consider how to disassemble the power supply of a Lenovo laptop. As a rule, the owners of these devices are faced with a situation in which a laptop computer suddenly stops receiving power from the network. We take a flat screwdriver and divide the contour. Almost all stages coincide with the universal algorithm described at the beginning of this material. Features include the fact that the structure is bonded with glue. For greater process efficiency, you can not use a screwdriver, but a screwdriver with a nozzle.Force application
Now, let's see how to disassemble the power supply of an Acer laptop. These devices are particularly durable, so it’s best to use a solid knife and hammer to gain access to their internal elements. The remaining steps are similar to those described in the universal instructions above.