Stress is a concept that is very firmly included in our vocabulary. But how could it be otherwise if a large part of the world's population suffers from it. But modern research and observations of zoopsychologists show that these are not only people. Stress in a dog is not at all as rare as it might seem at first glance. Let's look at what it is and how to deal with it.
Animal nervous system
The famous physiologist Pavlov I.P. devoted his whole life to research on dogs. Thanks to this, he seriously advanced science. These animals have a highly organized nervous system, while their body is in close interaction with the outside world. Stress in dogs, as in humans, is an important physiological mechanism. It is necessary for the animal to survive, it activates and prepares for action at the limit of possibilities. But he can destroy it.
What is stress?
Physiologists answer this question very accurately. Stress in a dog is a state of stress that is caused by external influences. This is a body response that usually involves two forms. The first is flight, and the second is attack. In nature, stress in a dog is resolved immediately, at the time of occurrence. She responds directly to the stimulus, but acts on the situation. That is, it either runs away or fights, after which the body receives a discharge.
But we are not talking about physiological stress. This is a natural mechanism that helps to survive. Another thing is that stress in a dog works properly in vivo. And in the city she faces the same problems as a person. She cannot escape, otherwise she will die, and has no right to fight. Moreover, this applies to people and to surrounding animals.
That is what is rightly called what is called simply stress in everyday life. Not a mobilizing mechanism, but a destructive syndrome. It develops when stress is superimposed on one another and acts for a long time without receiving discharge. This is a bad form of stress that depletes the nervous system. That is what we are talking about today. But it would seem that this can affect the pet? After all, his life is carefree, no need to hunt, to seek shelter from the weather. Man gives everything that is needed. In fact, there are enough reasons for the animal to experience it.
Close connection of physical and mental
Stress is not a form of emotion. This is a physiological reaction of the body. Researchers have repeatedly confirmed this on the basis of changes that occur in the body of the animal. At the time of stress, his immunity decreases, small capillaries burst, changes occur in the adrenal cortex. Regular stress exhausts the body. Against his background, chronic diseases develop, the animal can become susceptible to various infections.
If the dog does not eat and drink, behaves extremely restlessly, then the owners should start to sound the alarm. First of all, you need to establish the cause of what is happening, and therefore, consult a veterinarian. If it was not possible to establish any reasons for what is happening, then you need to remember what has happened recently in your life.
The causes of stress can be non-standard situations, the inability of the animal to quickly adapt to a particular situation. It can be sharp sounds and smells, unfamiliar objects, change of ownership or residence. It is not always possible to exclude all causes. Therefore, it is important to carry out preventive measures. It is necessary to teach the animal to adapt to various kinds of stimuli. Every time you walk along new routes, be on busy streets, in flowering clearings. The animal will get used to the flow of information and will stop responding to most stimuli.
Stress classification
The behavior of dogs depends heavily on what surrounds them. We shape their reality and are responsible for their health. Therefore, each owner must be aware of their responsibility for this creation, which just can not speak. And the rest is not too different from us. So stress can be:
- Short-term.
- Long lasting.
- Chronic.
For example, a dog is afraid of injections. Going to the veterinarian will be short-term stress. These include haircuts and claws, visiting a noisy and crowded place. The manifestation is that the dog does not eat or drink, refuses to play. Usually she tries to retire or hide. This condition lasts from several hours to several days.
Things get a little more complicated when we deal with chronic stress. It occurs if traumatic actions or situations are repeated. These may be facts of abrupt and rough treatment, the departure of the owner. A severe trauma for an animal becomes a situation when it is given to other people. The appearance of a new family member at home - a child, a puppy, a kitten - can be perceived as competition. In this case, signs of chronic stress may not disappear over time.
Signs of stress
Imagine a situation. Your pet is a charm itself. He does not go back a single step, he always asks for it on demand, calmly plays with his toys on the spot and carries out the necessary commands. But if you go away from home, and the dog’s behavior changes dramatically. She begins to rush around the house, howl, drop flower pots, gnaw furniture, relieve the need for a room. All this suggests that the animal is stressed. For him, your departure is such a traumatic event that a pet cannot even sit down during your absence. Imagine what would happen to him if the owner went to work the whole day.
There may be other symptoms of stress in a dog. She eats sluggishly or completely refuses food. It can lie still and refuse to communicate. It happens that animals begin to gnaw the base of the tail or paw, bite themselves as if it catches fleas.
How to help an animal
If the dog is afraid of injections, then visiting the clinic for diagnosis will be another blow for her. It is better to call a doctor at home. In a quiet environment, the inspection will be much easier. Measure the temperature in advance so that no stranger does this:
- If you have a haircut, it is best to use light tinctures on herbs that have a sedative effect.
- Driving in a car is also stressful. Do not force the pet into the car.
- If the dog is afraid of a thunderstorm, then try at the first thunderclap to take her to the far room where they are not so audible. Stay this time with her, talk and give a treat.
All that a pet needs is your attention and affection. As soon as he gets the opportunity to be near the owner, he immediately forgets about all the fears. Therefore, if you are a very busy person, then you should not burden yourself with animals. It is too attached to the house.
Of course, refusal to eat greatly scares a loving host. But before you panic, you must first analyze everything that has been happening lately. Play with your pet, try to spend the whole day with him. If the animal does not have fever, vomiting or diarrhea, and after kind words and stroking the pet noticeably comes to life, it means that it is not a disease at all. The following treatments are recommended:
- Labor activity. Physical activity is a very important part of a dog’s life. Long joint walks, jogging, sports - all this will help to amuse the dog. Refusal of food disappears immediately after returning from the street. Be sure to bring along a treat to encourage your pet.
- The effect of novelty. Buy your pet a new toy, treat him with a delicious bone from the pet store. You can introduce a neighbor's pet so that he can play with him for fun.
- Sedatives for dogs. Use them only in the most extreme case. Be sure to consult your doctor so as not to harm the pet. Moreover, preference should be given only to the most light and harmless. Use these funds only if the pet really reacts very strongly to something. You can use them before a thunderstorm or in a crowded place. Medication will not relieve the animal of stress. They will only slightly reduce its effect.
Drug selection
Dog sedatives are abundant on the market today. Let's do a brief review of the most harmless drugs:
- Fiteks. This is a domestic product, which has a number of contraindications. At low blood pressure, it cannot be used. The medicine can be used for 2-4 weeks. Do not forget to consult with your healthcare professional.
- "Cat Baiyun". Another herbal preparation. It can be given to animals from ten months of age. Once you can apply 3-4 tablets or 4 ml in liquid form.
- Stop stress. This is a comprehensive, sedative, the main active ingredient is phenibut. There are medicinal herbs, which in combination give such an effect. But this drug has many side effects, in particular lethargy and drowsiness. The drug is forbidden to use for preventive purposes. All restrictions should be taken into account, that is, do not give this medicine to animals under the age of one year, lactating and pregnant animals. That is, you can not do without consulting a doctor.
Instead of a conclusion
Dogs of all ages and breeds are subject to stress, it does not depend on gender. But the owner can create the conditions in order to minimize the risk of its occurrence. It is impossible to predict everything, in rare cases, you can resort to the help of medicines, at least ordinary valerian. But prevention is much more important. Therefore, walk a lot, play with your pet, and do not be too strict.