Summer set for discharge - we make it ourselves

An extract from the hospital is an important moment for mom and baby. They are always carefully prepared for it, acquiring a special kit for this purpose. As a rule, it includes a beautiful openwork corner, several vests, diapers, hats. Manufacturers of goods for children have already made sure that they can find a ready-made kit in the hospital for sale. However, such sets are very similar, and therefore babies look almost the same. If you make a summer set for discharge yourself, then you can create individual clothes for the baby, and for the mother - a festive mood.

summer discharge kit

Such a set can be sewn by picking up a natural soft fabric. After all, the baby’s skin is very tender, and therefore even an elementary effect can provoke irritation. Fortunately, today manufacturers offer materials that vary in composition and color scheme. Therefore, it is possible to purchase fabric in red-pink or blue-blue tones without any problems. This will allow you to sew a summer set for discharge for both the boy and the girl. Indeed, traditionally, sons are taken home in sets decorated with blue embroidery and tied with a blue ribbon, and daughters in pink clothes.

set in the hospital

It should be noted that initially it is necessary to acquire fabric of various composition. The baby's undershirts should be sewn from materials of various density. The first should be made of a thinner one. The second can be sewn from the same that will go to the manufacture of a corner or a duvet cover. Many mothers refuse to purchase traditional sets in favor of various envelopes. For their sewing, it is better to choose a denser fabric, but be sure to buy material based on natural fibers.

If sewing is not your hobby, then the summer discharge kit can be tied. Given that it is warm enough at this time of the year, the threads need to be purchased accordingly. The best option would be cotton yarn. Work can be done with knitting needles or crochet. In the first case, a very thin canvas will turn out in which the baby will not be hot. You can crochet quite beautiful products with a hook. Many in this case resort to openwork. It is not always possible to achieve the same effect with knitting needles. But the undershirt and hat that are adjacent to the child’s body are still better to sew from thin fabric. In this case, the newborn will feel much more comfortable.

summer discharge kit

Many mothers do not buy babies in advance, believing that this is a bad omen. After giving birth, there will most likely be no time for creating clothes. Indeed, during this period, a woman is just starting to get used to the new role, and therefore she will obviously not be engaged in needlework. Therefore, most likely, either a hired needlewoman or a close relative will create a summer set for discharge. Therefore, I would like to invite the expectant mother to express her wishes in advance. In this case, at the time of discharge, she will not expect a surprise in the form of a set that she will not like. Moreover, all clothing will be unique: it will not be possible to find another such set for discharge. Summer will demonstrate it in all its glory.

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