What is included in the system software?

System software is designed to work with the files and programs that make up the computer's operating system. System files include feature libraries, system services, printer drivers, settings, and configuration files. Programs that are part of the system software include compilers, compilers, file management tools, utilities, and debuggers.

system software includes


Windows . , , « Windows» « » Mac OS X. , -.

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system software designed to

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system software concept

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  • BIOS ( /) , , , , ;

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system software features

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  • Windows - Microsoft, -;

  • Mac OS - Apple Macintosh;

  • Linux - Unix- , (Linux ).

Windows . 2018 , Windows 85 . Mac OS 6 , Linux - 2 .

windows system software

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  • Apple iOS;

  • Google Android;

  • BlackBerry OS;

  • Windows 10 Mobile.

The embedded operating system is intended for use on computers embedded in larger systems such as cars, traffic lights, digital TVs, ATMs, aircraft controls, points of sale (POS), digital cameras, GPS navigation systems, elevators, digital receivers and smart counters.

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