Repair brush

During the construction of new housing, as well as in the repair of the old, such an important tool as a paint brush is always used. Without it, it is simply impossible to paint a wide variety of surfaces. The quality of paints and varnishes, of course, plays a huge role in creating high-quality surfaces, but a poor paint brush can spoil the best coloring matter. It just looks terrible on the walls of the paint, in which the lost hairs remained. A bad tool can leave ugly stains or unevenly paint the surface, so certain requirements are imposed on it.

Paint brush

The paint brush should pick up and hold the coloring matter well. The best is the one with which when dipping in the container does not drip paint. Another important attribute of a good brush is its ability to apply the coloring matter to the surface. In this case, the contractor should not make additional fine-tuning for uniform distribution of paint.

The paint brush should have comfortable handles. They can be wooden or plastic. They have a special clip (plastic or metal) that prevents paint from getting on the pen area (even with vertical painting). Any paint brush is made of hairs, on which the quality of coloring depends. They can be natural (from pig bristles, horse hair), artificial or from various mixed fibers. Natural fibers are distinguished by color: light, gray, black.

Round brush

A stiff pork bristle paint brush is considered ideal for most repairs. The popularity of this tool is due to the structure of these hairs. They have a conical shape, which allows you to collect a sufficient amount of dyes on the brush and spray them less. As a result of using such a tool, perfectly painted surfaces are obtained. Such a paint brush has a fairly high price. It is suitable for almost any paintwork. Cheaper in cost are brushes made of horsehair. They wear out faster, and hairs lose their elasticity and fall off. Paint is dripping heavily from worn brushes.

The cheapest are tools made from synthetic fibers. When properly handled, they last a very long time, but their main drawback is that the artificial hairs get a little paint, it drips heavily from them. When working with such a tool, the consumption of materials and the duration of the work increase significantly.

Flat paint brush

On sale you can find tools of different sizes and shapes. So, a round paint brush is used to paint doors, windows, profile or flat surfaces. It is impossible to quickly paint large surfaces with such a tool. The flat paint brush is intended for painting and varnishing large areas (doors, furniture).

There are other tools of this kind, designed to perform some specific work. So, for painting hard-to-reach spots (pipes, heating radiators, wire structures), special brushes are used. A special clamp with a bristle tuft bent at a certain angle and a very long handle are their distinguishing features.

Such large paint brushes are also on sale: whitewash (used for priming and painting large surfaces); fly (has a bristle up to 180 mm long and a long handle, used for processing large areas); flute (width up to 100 mm, used to align poorly painted surfaces).

The smallest paint brushes are paneled. They are rounded, have a diameter of 6-18 mm. They are made from soft hairs of squirrels, a badger and a column. Use paneled brushes for applying stencil drawings, coloring hard-to-reach spots, stretching panels.

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