Congratulations to our colleague on the anniversary: ​​original ideas, options for memorable gifts

People celebrate their birthday not only at home and with friends, but also at work. No wonder employees come up with interesting greetings. And if on a passing birthday you can do with warm words, then on a significant date something significant should be presented. How to originally congratulate a colleague on his anniversary, what to give and how to present a gift, read on.


Congratulations to your colleague on the anniversary

One of the most popular gifts presented on the anniversary is cups. Such souvenirs will be especially valuable for those people who have worked in the same company for most of their lives. They are pleased to receive souvenirs that can be put on the shelf and subsequently shown to friends. Cups will be the perfect gift for conceited people who like to brag about their achievements and often display them.

Present a golden prize should be in a festive atmosphere. You can gather all the employees and shout together: "Congratulations to your colleague on the anniversary!" And then the head of the enterprise or the head of the department should congratulate on behalf of the team. Pleasant words, warm sincere handshakes and tears of joy in the eyes will be a clear confirmation that the hero of the day is not indifferent to his team. And it is always important to know and understand, especially on your birthday.

Nice words

happy woman

How to congratulate a colleague on the anniversary? 50 years is the date that for many is symbolic. Half a century, like half a life, was left behind. Any person on his anniversary birthday sums up. Therefore, colleagues should help the person to raise self-esteem. At a festive event in honor of a birthday, you need to say a lot of kind words to a person. Speech must be honest and sincere. What can I say? The head of the department should tell all employees about the success of the hero of the day. You can list the transactions that the birthday man closed, or talk about the projects that he conducted. Colleagues who work with the hero of the day can talk about how they are pleased to work with a smart and knowledgeable person. It can be mentioned that a birthday man always comes to the rescue at any request and never leaves his in trouble. Warm reviews about your person will be pleasant to hear to any person, especially the one who celebrates the anniversary.

Broken gift

congratulate a colleague on his anniversary 55

Do you want to originally congratulate a colleague on your anniversary? A woman who celebrates her birthday can be scared for fun. Ladies are very vulnerable, they tend to worry about anything and even without it. You can play on this feeling. You need to prepare for the original congratulations. Take the big empty box and fill it with broken glass. Pack this box in a beautiful package. At the solemn part, when the head reads a congratulatory speech, you need to take out the box and "accidentally" drop it. For the plausible implementation of the scene, you should choose the most awkward employee in the office. A real gift must be made before the birthday girl is upset. But it is worth waiting for a while so that the whole situation reaches the woman. Then she will be doubly pleased to receive her gift unharmed. Such a scene can be played not only for women, but also for men. But the performance will impress only a very sentimental person.

Personalized cake

congratulations to a colleague

How did your team congratulate a male colleague on his anniversary last year? No way? This approach to celebrating anniversaries needs to be changed. Birthday is one of the main holidays of the year for each person. Therefore, you need to have respect for the person and do not forget to congratulate her. What can be presented to a male colleague? Present a personalized cake. Such a sweet should be made to order. Depending on the size of the team, you need to choose the size of the cake. But the very sweetness must be ordered in accordance with the taste of the birthday. But the main highlight of the gift should be decoration. You can order a cake on the principle of sweets for kindergarten. Each employee will rely on a small piece of the name, and a birthday cake can be allocated a small cake with a funny scene. The hero of the day will not have to share his gift with anyone, and he can, with a clear conscience, take the culinary masterpiece home.

Surprise party

how to congratulate a colleague on the anniversary in an original way

You can please a person not only with something material, but also with a fun event. For example, the one that employees will spend after work. Congratulate a colleague on his 55th birthday with a surprise party. Do not warn the person about the upcoming event. And on the day of the holiday, finish the work a few hours early, get together in one office and call the hero of the day there. The person will be pleasantly surprised to see the dressed-up room, tables, champagne and colleagues in holiday caps. Creating a good mood is easy. Noisy fun will need to be streamlined. To do this, someone alone should take up the organization of the event and write a script. Competitions and fun games will enliven the event and help people have fun, and not be bored in the company of colleagues who flash before their eyes for days on end. Such a party will be a celebration not only for the birthday man, but for the whole team. People will talk, get to know each other better and spend nontrivial time in their native office.


congratulated on the anniversary of men colleagues

Congratulating a female colleague on an anniversary is very simple. In order to surprise the birthday girl, on her birthday you need to order a photographer. In order not to distract the hero from the work process, you do not need to say anything about the photo shoot. Shoot should be a break. You are unlikely to succeed in taking a woman by surprise. Many girls wear beautiful dresses on their birthday, make stylish hairstyles and apply bright makeup. Such images simply need to be captured on film. And at the same time, you can take collective photos, which are too few in the office. Where to be photographed, let the birthday girl decide. She can take a series of pictures in the office or go with the photographer for a walk along the street to get beautiful shots against the backdrop of the city. Such a congratulation will leave its mark not only in the memory of the birthday girl, but also in her family album.

Life-size doll

Birthday is a holiday of childhood. How to congratulate a colleague on his birthday in an original way? Hire a life-size doll for a while. You need to choose the character that the hero of the day likes. For example, you can order a big bear, a cat or a piece of pizza. Not everyone got a congratulation from a soft toy. Therefore, such a gift will be original and memorable. And to make the congratulation fun, you can ask the life-size doll to act as an animator. You can have round dances around the birthday person or play some funny games. If the event takes place in the evening, then it can smoothly go to a feast with songs, dances and funny contests. Plan the appearance of a gentle hero so that the birthday boy has the opportunity not only to hear kind words, but also to take a picture with him.


All girls love balloons. This holiday paraphernalia cheers up and is a great props for a photo shoot. Have you decided to congratulate your colleague on your anniversary? "Congratulations!" - it is such a joyful cry that all employees should make when the hero of the day enters the room. At this moment, several tens of balloons inflated with helium can be launched into the ceiling. It will be effective if you buy balls as many years as the birthday girl. These balls can decorate the office or its workplace. Balls will cheer you up and make any atmosphere festive and relaxed. It may be difficult to work in such an environment, but not only the birthday man, but all employees will have a positive attitude. You can sacrifice one productive day to get a lot of pleasure from the holiday.

Attention, wanted!

congratulated on the anniversary of men colleagues

Birthday is an occasion to make fun of the birthday boy. You need to print a poster in advance with a photo of the hero of the day and the inscription "Wanted." The banner should be placed on the office door or at the entrance. He should be striking from the threshold so that the birthday boy would definitely not pass by. In small print below you need to write: "Congratulations to a colleague on his anniversary and ask him to come to the director’s office." By the time the jubilee arrives at work, all employees should already have gathered in the appointed place and wait for the birthday boy to appear. While waiting, you can rehearse speech and even learn a little rhyme. And when the hero of the day comes in, you can throw it confetti or blow up a few crackers. Congratulations, nice souvenirs and champagne - this is what the hero of the day should receive in the appointed place.

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