The Xeon E3-1230 microprocessor boasts a good combination of technical parameters and low cost. This chip has a fairly high performance and is able to solve any problems. It is this semiconductor solution that will be considered in this short article.
Intel Xeon E3-1230 , , , . -, , . , . . - . .
Intel Xeon E3-1230 Sandy Bridge. Core. , 32 , 4 . 8 . 3,3 . 3,6 . 3- 8 , . 80 , - 69,1 . Xeon E3-1230 - DDR3. 1066 1333 . LGA1155, 202.
Xeon E3-1230 230 . 2011 . , , . 60 150 . . - , . . - , .
Xeon E3-1230. - 4 -. . , - -. , , . , .