Created and presented to the general public in 2010, the Viber program was originally an experimental development, in many ways reminiscent of the notorious Skype. However, the case took an unexpected turn when the mobile application began to gain crazy popularity, thanks to slightly different principles of work based on the numbers of mobile operators. Starting with version 4.2, many innovations appeared, including the ability to block unwanted contacts (blacklisting them). To date, the solution to the problem of how to block a contact in Viber on an iPhone, an Android device or a Windows device (the operating system is not important in this case) is represented by at least five options, each of which will be reviewed below.
Preliminary information
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Here the program looms a clear minus. And no less significant drawback is the unfinished computer version, which, in fact, is simply limited in the ability to configure and manage all the parameters available in mobile releases.