"Feliferon" for cats: instructions for use, analogues and reviews

The drug "Feliferon" for cats, the instructions for which contain detailed information on the application, was developed not so long ago, but has already managed to interest many veterinarians. What is it and in what cases is it applicable?

Drug information

The development of the drug began in 2012 by BioInvest. The instruction "Feliferon" for cats reports that this is the first domestic drug, which is based on interferon cats.

Interferon is a protein that is responsible for countering the body's cells with viruses. That is, this substance is one of the main in the immune system. The drug "Feliferon" for cats with instructions is available in the form of a ready-made solution for injection. The nominal volume of one ampoule is 3 ml, while it contains 2.5 ml of the drug. The containers with the substance are packed in a cardboard box to ensure safety during transportation.

feliferon for cats instructions for use reviews

Shelf life and storage conditions

Reviews about "Feliferone" for cats with instructions for use note the convenient packaging of the drug. Ampoules are equipped with rubber stoppers that allow you to store the drug until the expiration date without changing the pharmacological properties.

Shelf life is 2 years from the date of issue. The opened bottle can be stored for 5 days in a cool dark place. It is not recommended to keep the drug near food and animal feed.

The optimal temperature for the drug is from +2 to +8 degrees. A one-time freezing of the drug is allowed. After the expiration date, the medicine should not be stored and used.

Benefits of the drug

Feliferon injections for cats with instructions for use have the following advantages:

  1. Antiviral effect, which is due to a slowdown in protein synthesis in the affected cells in order to enable the body to overcome it.
  2. The immunomodulating effect is to increase the level of activity of leukocytes, which are responsible for cleansing the body of viruses.
  3. The drug contains cat interferon, which is suitable specifically for these animals, as a result of which a positive effect is noted after the first application.
  4. It has no toxicity related side effects.
  5. Regular use of the drug for the disease provides a rapidly developing positive dynamics of the course of the disease and a speedy recovery.
  6. Not addictive.

Thanks to a set of positive qualities, "Feliferon" has often been used to treat cats from viral diseases.

Application rules

As for any drug, the instructions for use in cats "Feliferon" for cats are:

  1. The medicine is used in cases of infection of animals with acute respiratory infections, intestinal infections, and also as a prophylaxis with high risks of infection.
  2. Contraindication is only the sensitivity of the cat to the components of the drug.
  3. After the animals have been vaccinated, it is recommended to refrain from administering Feliferon for 10 days.
  4. The solution is designed for intramuscular administration. Traditionally, the injection is carried out in the muscle of the hind limb.
  5. Use for pregnant animals is allowed only after consulting a veterinarian.
  6. With intramuscular injections, it is not recommended that the Feliferon instruction for cats mix several drugs in the same syringe. The exception is immunobiological substances.

feliferon for cats instruction

Before administering any medication to the animal, consult a veterinarian to avoid side effects.

Indications for use

Veterinarians recommend the use of the drug "Feliferon" in the following cases:

  1. Viral and bacterial diseases of the digestive system.
  2. Immunity reduction in acute respiratory viral diseases.
  3. Avitaminosis.
  4. Helminthic infestations.
  5. Anemia.
  6. After childbirth or surgery to maintain the immune system.
  7. Acute intoxication.

feliferon instruction for cats

The use of "Feliferon" provides significant support to the immune system in the fight against viruses. However, at the same time, the drug is not used independently, it serves as a support when using other active drugs.

Drug dosage

Instructions for use "Feliferon" for cats allows the following dosage of a medicinal substance:

  1. 200,000 IU is prescribed to maintain the immune system in viral diseases. Injection is done once a day for 5-7 days.
  2. A dosage of 200,000 IU is also used to prevent most viral diseases. The drug is administered twice with an interval of 48 hours.
  3. In severe cases of the disease or mixed infection, the dosage is doubled - 400,000 IU.

feliferon for cats instructions for use

Dosage increase is carried out only after examination of the animal by the attending physician.

Safety measures for humans

When contacting a veterinary drug, do not forget about personal safety. Most often, "Feliferon" is not dangerous to humans, but there are exceptions in the form of individual allergic reactions. It is recommended to prevent the drug from getting on the skin or mucous membranes. Before administering the drug to an animal, it is important to wear disposable medical gloves.

feliferon for cats instructions and reviews

Upon contact, thoroughly rinse the contact area with running water, and if an allergic reaction occurs, consult a doctor. Containers from the drug are not allowed to be used, they must be disposed of as household waste.

Reviews about the drug

The new drug "Feliferon" for cats, the instructions and reviews which report a positive effect after the first use, deservedly gained popularity among veterinarians and pet owners. Users note an improvement in the well-being of the animal, the appearance of appetite. The advantage is the fact that "Feliferon" can be used from the first days of a kitten's life.

The goal of the drug is to maintain immunity, with which it copes 100%. In this case, it is important to adhere to the instructions and make injections strictly according to the specified scheme, without taking breaks.

feliferon for cats injections instructions

Analogues of the drug

"Feliferon" is an effective, but expensive and not always affordable drug. Veterinary doctors can offer the following drugs that have a similar therapeutic effect:

  1. "Fosprenil", the drug is available in the form of a solution for intramuscular injection. Dosage 0.2 ml of the drug per 1 kg of animal weight. Indications for use are similar to "Feliferon", however, the drug can be used not only for the treatment of cats.
  2. Neoferon is an effective immunomodulator. A solution for injection is prescribed at the rate of 0.5 ampoule volume per animal.
  3. "Immunofan" contains a complex of active substances that have not only immunomodulatory effects, but also are hepatoprotectors.

The choice and purpose of the drug depends entirely on the opinion of the veterinarian regarding the effectiveness of a particular drug in this case.

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