Diagnostic cards in the preschool educational institution on GEF were introduced after the modernization of preschool education. They are conducted by the teacher for each child from the moment he enters kindergarten and until his graduation.
Diagnostic subject
The GEF diagnostic card is aimed at recording the individual achievements of the child. Its results are used to create a personal educational trajectory of a preschooler, to find a way to solve problems related to the development of the baby.
Diagnostic cards in a preschool educational institution on FSES are filled in by the educator at least twice a year. In September of this year, the teacher plans for each pupil individual development in certain educational areas. In May, he compares the entry-level and the results. Among the common methods used for such diagnostics, questionnaires are distinguished. In order to conduct observation, the educator must have information on the indicators used to characterize the skills of preschool children in each educational field.
Diagnostic Structure
The GEF diagnostic card is filled out on the basis of the baby’s personal development path, it reflects his personal development, and the intermediate and final results are systematized. The basic requirements for the level of training of children in preschool educational institutions are indicated in the new standards; they are guidelines for work. In order to organize his pedagogical activity, correctly fill out diagnostic cards in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard, the teacher uses special tables. They indicate all the educational areas that the kid must learn at a certain stage of development, the planned results are noted.
An example for the educational field “Speech Development”
Diagnostic cards in the preschool educational institution on GEF require a clear indication of all the skills that a preschooler must master.
In the speech area, it is assumed:
- knowledge of some genres of children's literature;
- retelling of a literary work, the ability to compose a story according to a certain plan;
- mastering the differences between a word, sentence, letter, sound, determining their sequence;
- ability to use antonyms, synonyms, generalizing words in colloquial speech , make complex and logical sentences
A child’s diagnostic card involves evaluating the formation of such skills and abilities using a three-point system. Next, the average score is determined, and it is indicated in the table.
The procedure for conducting pedagogical diagnostics is organized in different ways, depending on the directions of the program and the characteristics of the child. In any case, the map should reflect different types of activities: gaming, movement, visual, intellectual. GEF recommendations contain examples of creating problem situations with which you can analyze the skills available to a preschooler. Such examples are not yet offered for all educational areas, so educators are forced to independently develop methods for conducting observations of their wards in order to fill out diagnostic tables. Among the requirements for such a diagnosis, we note that the study should be conducted in natural conditions for the child, it is not allowed to use special test items to analyze the skills of the future student. The teacher works in close collaboration with the child psychologist to exclude any stressful situations that could negatively affect the mental state of the preschooler, somehow upset him.