When is the day of angel Julia?

Angel Day Julia is coming Happy New Year. January 3 - the feast of the martyr Juliania of Vyazemsky and Novotorzh. This woman was the wife of Prince Simeon of Vyazemsky. She is famous for having remained faithful to her husband by giving a heroic rebuff to his killer, who wanted to take possession of her. She died from his sword. After her burial, miracles began to happen. The saint helps healing the sick and


day of angel julia

The Righteous Julian Lazarevskaya

The next time Angela Julia celebrates her day on January 15th. At this time, Christians recall the holy Julian Lazarevsky, who showed unprecedented meekness and self-denial. For this saint, the main business of life was caring for those in need.

Day of angel Julia in spring

At a time when nature is filled with the juices of life, the Orthodox praise Saint Julian for three times. March 17 and April 2 are the days of the martyr Juliania of Pontius, and May 31 - the virgins of Julia. These women received the title of saints for their commitment to faith. They themselves kept the commandments holy, and others called for it.

Day of angel Julia in summer

Angel Julia's Day 2013

June 15, July 19 and 29, August 30 and 31, it is quite possible to congratulate Yul's acquaintances on their birthday. All these days, the Church recalls saints with that name. Roll up a special holiday, of course, is not necessary. But you can congratulate a girl by handing a bouquet of flowers. On the day of the angel, Julia himself is best to go to the Temple to ask his defender for protection or fulfillment of desires.

Autumn name day

In autumn, Julia can be congratulated on Angel's Day twice: October 11 and November 14. It turns out that you need to either buy gifts many times a year, or from relatives to find out when the day of the angel of Julia. 2013 is no exception. All dates are named, only one remains. Before the New Year holidays, there is another reason to present a gift to her friend Julia - December 17, this is also her Angel Day.

Angel Day Julia

It is believed that the female name Julia is derived from the male. Now not often boys are called Julia, although in ancient times it was quite popular. If you have a friend with such a rare name, then you can also congratulate him on name day. So when is Angel Julius’s day? Date February 19th is that day. The church recalls the holy martyr Julian, who died in 312 for his commitment to faith. He was a doctor, sacredly fulfilled his duty. Another day when a young man should be congratulated is July 4.

angel day Julia date

When to congratulate Julia and Julia on birthday

First you need to decide when to congratulate these people. The celebration of the day of the angel is due to the fact that before the children were given names according to the holy calendar (church calendar). That is, they were named after the saints who were remembered in the church on the day the baby was born. If the date was not a personal one, then they chose the saint whose name was closer in time. In this regard, it is recommended that friends be congratulated on the day of the angel who is celebrated closest to his birthday. But it’s okay if you check all the listed days. The girl or boy will be pleased. But the birthday people themselves are recommended to come to the temple or at home to pray the icon of their saint. Moreover, every time he / she is remembered in the church.

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