Money is an important component in the modern world. Everyone understands this. However, many in Russia live from paycheck to paycheck, counting every penny. This is why the home accounting software becomes a real helper. After all, it allows you to control every penny.
It is curious that, according to statistics, about fifty percent of respondents are only going to start keeping records. There are those who calculate all the costs, writing in a notebook. This, of course, is better than nothing. But why not use the more convenient option - a program for doing home accounting? It is enough to enter information about the spent expenses and revenue, all the other calculations will be performed by the program. She will provide data on the balance of available funds, etc.
Who needs cost control?
In order not to waste time wasting while downloading and installing a program for conducting home accounting, you need to clearly understand for whom it is relevant.
- For those who spend all their money. These people have a stable salary, but at the same time, by the end of each month their wallet is completely empty. What is the problem, what are the means spent on? To understand this, a simple program for home accounting will come in handy.
- For those who have loans or interest-free loans. In this case, cost control is especially important. After all, overdue payments spoil the credit history, and untimely return of debts - relations with friends or relatives. With proper planning, a program for conducting home accounting will allow you to pay off loans not only on time, but even faster than planned.
- For those who have a financial goal. There are ambitious people who not only dream, but also strive to realize their desires. The program for home accounting is their reliable and loyal assistant. It allows you to set the desired amount, the accumulation period and other parameters. Putting aside a certain amount of money from each salary or other income, you can track how much is already available and how much is left to achieve the goal.
There are those who do not need a home accounting program. Reviews say that it is not for everyone useful. Without the need, it’s better not to waste time installing and downloading a program that allows you to take into account and control finances.
Description and Overview
So, based on the above information, you could decide whether you need a home accounting program or not. Now it remains to choose the most convenient for you.
There are so many programs that a novice user has a hard time. If you act by trial and error, you have to spend a lot of time. Save it will allow a review of home accounting programs with a more or less detailed description of each of them. Even if you familiarize yourself with the functionality in absentia, it will be easier to make a choice and not waste time on useless installations that clog the computer's memory and do not bring any return.
Accounting programs are divided into paid and free. There are those that offer to pay extra for additional functionality. That is why it is better to immediately decide for yourself the question of whether you are ready to bear the costs or consider every penny, therefore, consider only those options that can be used for free.
No need to think that free software is a low-quality product. With their main functions - accounting for finances - they do just fine. As a rule, users have to pay extra for a spectacular design and all sorts of tricked out chips that you can do without.
"Family budget"
This is an incredibly simple program that makes life easier for users. Its feature is that the user requires a minimum of action. You just need to remember to enter information about your own income and expenses. The program does the rest.
- It takes into account income in different categories. This is true for those who live not only on one salary.
- Allows you to take into account debts, loans, deposits and other financial calculations. This is true for people who have loans or, conversely, try to increase funds using available methods.
- There is a function of automatic selection of categories. When making an expense, you need to start entering the name of the product or service for which the funds were spent. The program itself will tell you in which category the information should be entered.
- For those who are not used to perceiving information from the screen, the function of printing accounting is available.
Using this program is absolutely free. It allows you to establish stable control over income and expenses. Also, the user can master the planning skill by scheduling the budget ahead.
The developers have provided the ability to import information from Microsoft Money, Quicken and some other applications. What does this mean? If you previously kept records of finances in another program, then they will not be lost, and you will not have to collect statistics first. You can simply transfer information.
The program can find duplicate transactions. This is quite useful for forgetful users who don’t remember whether they paid expenses or not, and therefore repeat this action.
"Family Accounting"
Another useful program for the use of which you do not have to pay a penny. An option for those who are tired of asking the eternal question: where did the money go again? Even having a source of income, such people spend everything clean, and then they are surprised.
The advantage of the program is that it controls not only expenses, but also revenues, as well as debts. Having detailed information about your own financial condition, you can plan expenses. Thus, it is gradually possible to gain control over their own money, to accumulate for a long-desired goal or to try to increase revenues if money is still categorically not enough.
The program is available for several people, each of whom can create their own account with a password.
A simple and convenient program that can be mastered by any user who wants to curb personal or family finances.
After collecting statistics on income and expenses, you can build charts. This will provide visual information about expenses and other financial transactions.
The program works with different currencies, so it is suitable not only for those who are used to making all expenses in rubles.
Users can build their own plans, print previously entered data and have access to other useful functions. For example, access to your account can be password protected and make sure that no one else gets access to your confidential financial information.
"Home Bookkeeping"
Allows you to control personal or family finances. It is very comfortable. After all, starting to keep the budget alone, the user can eventually create a family. He will not have to look for a new program.
This option is so simple that it does not require serious knowledge in accounting. The most important action for the user is not to forget to write down his own expenses and budget replenishment items in a timely manner.
Based on this information, the program generates statistics and allows you to make some forecasts, plan spending, etc. After all, accounting for finances is actually the first step in gaining control over them.
After downloading and first launching such a program, its interface may seem unnecessarily simple. However, do not trust the first impression. At the same time, you need to spend only half an hour to understand all the functions and understand all the advantages of AbilityCash.
One of them is that you can use the accounting program for free. This is especially true for those who begin the path to financial freedom. Indeed, to achieve material goals, any amount can be useful.
Using the program, you can create different accounts. The currency can be not only the Russian ruble. Other options are available to users. Accumulated data can be exported to a table.
"Your money"
This is another item on the list of the best home accounting software that can take control of your own finances. You can take into account not only current income and expenses, but also planned. It is very comfortable. This function allows you to really assess your financial condition and avoid cost overruns.
Zen Mani
This program is ideal for those who want to control their own financial condition, but do not want to make each transaction on their own. Using Zen Mani, you can perform the following tasks:
- find out what the money is spent on;
- repay debts and loans, if any;
- start saving for vacation or other purposes;
- plan all expenses in advance.
Zen mani is also available as an application, for some users this can be especially useful. If you connect the program to the Internet bank, you do not have to make each operation yourself.
The program, which allows you to control your own finances, has a large set of functions. However, according to users, not all of them are equally useful.
Like other analogues, this program allows you to make spending and income, and then analyze financial information based on accumulated statistics. Users can take into account debts, loans, savings and other purposes. You can also find reserves of financial resources and those categories for which the most funds are spent.
Positive reviews
There is not a single product that users would be completely satisfied with. Home accounting software is no exception.
Someone believes that they really help to learn how to count money, not to squander and save for financial purposes. Over time, the ability to control income and expenses becomes a habit. Even refusing to further record each spending, users note that they have stopped buying the unnecessary and putting money down the drain.
Negative reviews
There are those who have not changed their financial behavior. Such users find home accounting software useless and recommend that you do not spend your time on them.
Whether you can achieve your goals or not, you can’t say in advance. It depends only on you what financial result you will receive from regular and conscientious use of the best programs for home accounting.