For every woman, the health of her child is important. Therefore, you need to take care of it from the very planning or the onset of pregnancy. Throughout the period, doctors strongly do not recommend the expectant mother to take any medications. But sometimes it is simply necessary.
Modern manufacturers of medicines produce a variety of means by which the prevention of colds is carried out. During pregnancy, such drugs are not always allowed. Every expectant mother should remember the main rule: no medications can be taken independently. If you have signs of the disease, then you should seek the help of specialists.
Watch out in the cold season
Cold prevention during pregnancy should always be carried out. But special attention is paid to it in the cold. If the street is damp and windy, then you can easily catch the infection. Note that viruses spread most well in the cold, but not frosty period. If the window is minus temperature, then the chances of getting sick are reduced significantly.
It is very important to pay attention to your clothes. Choose it according to the weather. Do not try to dress warmer: you can easily sweat and catch a cold. If your journey takes a lot of time, then take a thermos with you in a warm drink: tea or fruit drink. Hardening is a good way to increase immunity, but only before conception. If you are already pregnant, then it is worthwhile to turn out from such events.
Protect yourself from infection
Medicines for the prevention of colds during pregnancy are usually not recommended for use. Therefore, the expectant mother gently take care of her health independently. Try to avoid crowded places, during epidemics it is worth staying at home. But here it is important to follow certain rules: ventilate the room as often as possible, the air surrounding you should be moist and cool. Be sure to refuse to receive guests.
If you cannot afford to sit out the epidemic at home, then use masks. They need to be changed every two hours. Infection is inevitably transmitted through contact with a person: through the air, handshakes, documents. You can catch the disease even in a store, a bus, your own entrance. Therefore, it is so important that you thoroughly wash your hands with antibacterial soap when you get home. Use antibacterial wipes and hand sanitizer gels throughout the day. Do not bring brushes to your face and, of course, do not eat with dirty hands.
Use folk remedies
The safest prevention of colds during pregnancy is folk remedies. But in this you need to know the measure. You should not drink decoctions in liters and eat honey in kilograms. This can lead to allergies. It is worth noting that such a reaction develops not only in expectant mothers, but also in their babies. Subsequently, the child is born an allergic person. So, what can be done to prevent colds during pregnancy?
- Herbs: chamomile, calendula, mint, eucalyptus. Gargle with decoctions of these plants. They will have a bactericidal, antiseptic, antiviral effect. In low concentrations, you can make tea from these herbs, but always be careful.
- Onion and garlic. These two plants are considered natural antibiotics. There is a myth that garlic should not be consumed in the first trimester of pregnancy. Doctors are skeptical of this statement and assure: within reasonable limits - it is possible.
- Sources of vitamin C: orange, lemon, parsley, cabbage. These products make up for vitamin deficiencies in the body and help boost immunity. It is important to eat them raw.
- Ginger tea. This drink is considered a natural immunomodulator. You can use it, but it is worth limiting the volume and concentration. Start your morning with a cup of light ginger tea with a spoon of honey, and your immunity will become much stronger.
Nasal lavage - a sure cold prevention
During pregnancy, you can use a variety of saline solutions and drops. They are introduced into the nasal cavity in order to cleanse, moisturize, relieve swelling. The presence of salt helps to draw excess fluid out of the mucous membranes, which makes breathing easier. In addition, the solution promotes the regeneration of inflamed and damaged tissues. If you come into contact with an infection, then the nose and throat become a passage for it into your body. Therefore, upon returning home, it is necessary to clean these mucous surfaces.
The virus is not able to hit its target in a few hours. You can easily get rid of pathogenic microorganisms, which helps prevent infection. Saline solution can be prepared independently or use well-known sodium chloride. The pharmacy also sells special devices that simplify the cleaning process: Dolphin, Rinostop, Humer, and so on.
Drugs for prevention: immunomodulators
Prevention and treatment of colds during pregnancy can be carried out with the help of drugs that increase immunity. If previously you had to use those without a doctor’s prescription, now it is prohibited. Many medicines of this nature also have an antiviral effect. Indications for the appointment of immunostimulants are frequent colds, accompanied by complications, a high probability of infection, sluggish bacterial pathologies.
You need to remember the list of medicines that are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy: “Immunal”, “Isoprinosine” or “Groprinosin”, “Cycloferon”, “Bronchomunal”, “Proteflazid”, “Amiksin” and so on. You can list dangerous drugs endlessly. It is much easier to say what can be used. Prevention of colds during pregnancy can be carried out by the following means: Oscillococcinum, Magne B6, Viferon (from 14 weeks), Arbidol.
If you get sick ...
What if the prevention of influenza and the common cold during pregnancy was ineffective? At the first symptoms of infection, treatment should be started immediately. Its basis is the mode:
- Give up work and stay at home: rest more and lie down, keep peace.
- Drink plenty of fluids. It can be plain water, tea, fruit drink. Do not abuse raspberries (especially in the first and last trimester). If possible, replace it with cranberries.
- If there is no appetite, do not force yourself to eat. Do not worry that the baby inside you will remain hungry. Now it is much more important to regain good health.
Many expectant mothers do not want to see a doctor and try to eliminate the disease on their own. Such an approach is possible, but once again it is worth recalling the prohibition of any drugs. It is imperative to appear to a specialist in the following cases:
- Body temperature rises to 38 degrees.
- Coughing, headache, photophobia torment you.
- There is abdominal pain, diarrhea.
- Runny nose acquires a thick consistency, discharge becomes green.
- You do not feel better for 2-3 days.
Fever and pain
Prevention of colds during pregnancy (especially in the early stages) is not always successful. The reason is a natural decrease in immunity. It is necessary so that the body does not reject the fetus. If the infection did occur, and you have a headache, then it is permissible to take an antispasmodic. The safest and most popular are No-Shpa and Drotaverin. Expectant mothers are not contraindicated.
If the body temperature rises, then it must be controlled. It is worth taking antipyretics if the mercury on the thermometer has risen to 37.6. The safest medication in this situation is Paracetamol. In the second trimester , Ibuprofen is acceptable. “Analgin” and “Aspirin” are strictly prohibited. These drugs can cause fetal damage.
Runny nose and nasal congestion
Prevention of colds during early pregnancy does not always bear fruit. Every third expectant mother in the first trimester suffers a runny nose. This phenomenon in itself is not dangerous for the baby in the womb, but it is unpleasant for the woman. A safe and proven remedy for the common cold is the spray and drops of Grippferon. It is worth noting that they can be used for prevention. This medication is allowed to expectant mothers throughout pregnancy. It has an antiviral and immunomodulatory effect.
With a cold of a bacterial nature and protracted chronic rhinitis, “Pinosol” is prescribed. The composition of this drug includes only natural plant components. Note that for women with a tendency to allergies, it is better not to use it. All vasoconstrictor drugs are prohibited (especially in the first trimester). But if the swelling in the nose is such that the expectant mothers are forced to breathe through the mouth - drugs can be prescribed in minimal doses.
How to relieve sore throat?
What other means can prevent colds during pregnancy? In the early stages, as later, you can use the Miramistin solution. This drug has antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal effects. Spray is effective in all diseases. If infection has occurred, then the drug needs to be irrigated with a throat up to 6 times a day or use a diluted rinse. "Miramistin" perfectly disinfects and treats, but it does not have an analgesic effect.
You can get rid of perspiration and discomfort with the help of “Hexoral” and “Tantum Verde” preparations. According to the doctor’s prescription, it is permissible to use “Ingalipt”, “Gedelix”, “Doctor Mom”. Frequently gargle with decoctions of chamomile and sage.
Antibiotic use
Prevention of colds during pregnancy (3 trimester or early periods - not so important) is never carried out with antibiotics. These drugs are prescribed for indications only. They are strictly prohibited until 14 weeks. Later, medications are prescribed only after examination. The doctor, before prescribing a medicine, weighs the pros and cons. Antibiotics are indicated in the following cases:
- High temperature persists for more than 5 days.
- A cough with wheezing in the bronchi and lungs joins her.
- The secret released from the nose takes on a green color.
- There is purulent plaque in the throat.
There are not many antibiotics allowed during pregnancy. The most commonly prescribed penicillin preparations are Flemoxin, Amoxiclav. Less commonly prescribed macrolides "Sumamed", "Aziromycin".
Doctors say: if the prevention of colds during pregnancy has failed, the 2nd trimester is the safest and most suitable time for its treatment. Note that other diseases identified in women are corrected precisely at this time. Antibiotic therapy is prescribed from 16 to 25 weeks. But if necessary, it is carried out later.
Reviews of women indicate that almost every representative of the weaker sex is faced with colds during pregnancy, and in some they occur more than once. Expectant mothers and successful parents say that there is nothing wrong with that. It is important to consult a doctor on time. Do not be afraid of drugs. If they are prescribed by a doctor, then they are likely to do no harm to you or the baby.
Every expectant mother should have a cold prevention during pregnancy. 2 trimester is considered the most beautiful, easy and safe period. At this time, all the organs and systems of the baby are already formed, and the woman’s immune system is gradually being restored. Visit your doctor regularly. Ask him how else you can protect yourself from infection. You feel good, do not be sick!