The advantage of working with 1 C reporting.

Currently, it is impossible to find a business person who does not know about the 1C program. A variety of configurations make it vital for both a large concern and a small entrepreneur.

Ease of use, timely updating of databases in accordance with changes in the current legislation, allow all users of the program to keep up to date. One of its advantages is the possibility of concluding an ITS contract, which will allow using the services of 1C specialists or the technical support service on the site throughout the contract. For any questions that may arise from the user, you must contact them.

 The owners of the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform, who have a 1C: ITS PROF contract, are given the opportunity to use 1C reporting for free. - following this link information on 1s reporting, specialists will provide all the necessary information to you. This functionality of the program greatly facilitates the work of accountants.

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