Hearthstone is one of the most popular card collection games developed by the notorious Blizzard company. Even at the beta testing stage, the project attracted the attention of a wide audience. People gave away tens of dollars and bought keys to the CBT. And all this in order to be among the first to try out the new brainchild of Blizzard. Interest in the game has not faded even now, two years after the release. In contrast, Hearthstone is only gaining momentum. For example, in May last year, it was found that the game was downloaded by more than 30 million players. These are pretty impressive numbers. So what makes Hartstone so attractive to gamers? You will find the answer to this question in this article.
Why is Hearthstone so popular?
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Also quite often, players make fun decks. They are not meant to win. The main goal of such decks is to get maximum pleasure from the game. One of the most interesting decks in recent times is Malilock. The strategy of the deck is to call Malygos and the subsequent OTC of the opponent with the help of cheap Warlock spells. Despite the fact that the deck is fun, it shows itself well in meta. Some players even managed to take “Legend” with it.