How to have a baby

When the day of childbirth is just around the corner and the laid nine months have almost expired, a period of increasing excitement sets in. A woman giving birth for the first time raises many questions, doubts and fears: how to give birth to a child, how to survive pain, whether everything will be fine with the baby and so on. All these unrest are absolutely natural. Expectant mother needs to be well prepared and know a lot - so far only in theory.

how to have a baby

The first signs of upcoming birth

How to give birth to a child, nature will tell you. Listen carefully to yourself and trust your body. The following signs will tell you that it’s time to go to the hospital:

  • a day before the significant date, most pregnant women feel fever, palpitations, headaches, anxiety;
  • the appearance of the first contractions of the uterus is possible. They are painless, and a woman may not pay attention to them;
  • there is pain in the lower abdomen and in the back, pressure rises, intestinal upset occurs;
  • the number of mucous secretions increases markedly. This indicates the passage of the mucous plug.

What awaits you later

The above signs may be absent, or pass unnoticed. In some cases, labor begins abruptly. You will find out about this when the contractions begin. Not to notice them is difficult enough. This is a process of uterine muscle contraction accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Contractions contribute to the opening of the cervix and the movement of the baby through the birth canal. When they started, all your actions should be subordinated to one thought - “I want to give birth to a baby”, everything else is not important for you at the moment. Contractions are characterized by periodic pain, which gradually becomes more frequent and stronger. If at this time you are not yet in the hospital, then urgently go there.

give birth to a third child

Water discharge

How to give birth to a baby, you will be sure to tell the obstetrician who will be present during childbirth. In addition to him, you will be surrounded by nurses who will help in a difficult situation. In any case, you certainly will not stay alone. It is very good if all these people are near when the water is leaving. This is the process of rupture of the amniotic fluid and the exit of the mucous plug. From this moment, your child is not protected by anything. If you are still not in the hospital, various infections can enter and harm the baby. Water can drain immediately, but can gradually. After this, it is strictly forbidden to stand, and even more so to walk.

The most important stage

Now the question "how to give birth to a baby" is the most important for you. The expectant mother already feels how the baby descends down the birth canal. It is very important at this moment to do everything that the doctor says. He will tell you how to breathe and when to push.

I want to have a baby

Now almost everything depends on the woman herself. The more active and energetic she is, the faster a new person will be born. The enlarged cervix after birth contracts, but becomes more elastic. Therefore, giving birth to a third child or even a second will be a little easier.

During childbirth, women are given painkillers that help them survive unpleasant sensations. You can talk to your doctor about this in advance.

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