Mac OS Hot Keys Windows keyboard shortcuts

Each operating system has a number of its features. Some of them are useful, some are not very. Apple's system is called Mac OS and has various versions, as well as the usual Windows. And here too there are secrets. So, Mac Os hotkeys are slightly different from any version of Windows.

mac os keyboard shortcuts

Key designation

Apple products have a number of features. In particular, this also applies to the keyboard. In addition to the usual keys, there are several special ones, the designation of which is worth knowing. If you did not look into the instructions on time, then it will be useful for you to know what and what is called.

, Ctrl «» control. , Mac Os . . Alt option. , Apple. CMD. command.

, , . , .

windows 8 hotkey

Mac OS . , . , . , .

mac os

, CMD C. . , CMD V. , . Mac. , : CMD . .

mac keyboard shortcuts

Combinations such as CMD and S allow you to quickly save the action on the computer. This happens under the standard name that the system has chosen. As well as CMD, Shift and S. This combination allows you to save a document or file with a name change to the one you like best. Another useful combination is CMD and Z. This allows you to undo the last action.

Not everyone will need it

ctrl shortcut

Such a combination as CMD and F may not be necessary for everyone, but it is useful to know. This means quickly performing a search. That is, the combination performs the function of “find” in the document or on the page, in the entire folder or system. In the search dialog box, you can enter any required search parameters.

, , CMD, Shift N. , . , .

, - CMD + H. Mac OS , , . Windows, , « ». - CMD + Alt + H. , , .

Mac OS . :

  • Ctrl + F1 - ;
  • Ctrl + F2 - ;
  • Ctrl + F4 - ;
  • Ctrl + F5 - « ».
    keyboard shortcut on laptop


Windows , , . , , , Backspace . , : Enter , .

Delete . , . , . , . Delete Shift. , . . , .

Windows «». . , , «» + F1 . , . «» + D . , - , .

, , , F5. .

Ctrl Windows. :

  • Ctrl + A - . , , , . , .
  • Ctrl + C - . -, .
  • Ctrl + V - . , .
  • Ctrl + Z - . , - , . .
  • Ctrl + X - . . .
  • Ctrl + Alt + Delete - . . , «» «», .

, , Windows, – «». , . , . Windows 8, . , .

windows hot keys


Windows 8 – Alt. , . :

  • Alt A - ;
  • Alt D - ;
  • Alt E - (, );
  • Alt M - ( );
  • Alt T - , ;
  • Alt V - .

, . Alt, . , - . , , .

Win F , . , Windows 8. , ( Microsoft) Esc – , , .


, , . , , , . , Fn + F2 Wi-Fi, . ( ). , , Fn. , . , Apple . , . , .

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