The use of various drugs during pregnancy is currently a rather controversial issue. Doctors and expectant mothers often disagree about their admission. Sometimes the influence of grandmothers and mothers, who flaunt that they themselves endured and gave birth to their children without any medicine, is especially great. The problem is that everyone forgets about the terrible statistics of those years when, out of a hundred percent of newborns, only 30-40 percent of those who were really completely healthy survived. Nowadays, the environment has deteriorated significantly and unhealthy diets occur all the time. Therefore, it is necessary to understand that at the moment pregnancy and childbirth are physiological processes that often require outside intervention. Doctors often prescribe chimes during pregnancy. It helps to heal, as well as prevent various complications in the child and mother.
Curantil during pregnancy, the instruction tells us that this drug belongs to the group of immunomodulators. It is produced by the German company Berlin-Chemie in the form of pills and tablets. Curantyl during pregnancy improves blood microcirculation in small vessels, which is necessary to provide the cells with everything they need. The female body, which has been carrying a child for nine months, is working at maximum stress, we can say that all organs and systems are working for wear. That is why they need high doses of oxygen and nutrition. Indeed, with the disruption of the functioning of your blood vessels, the onset of many pregnancy complications begins, such as headaches, increased pressure, toxicosis, edema, convulsions and many others. All these undesirable effects appear due to circulatory disorders in the kidneys, brain and other organs. That is why chimes during pregnancy is a good way to take care of small vessels. The components of this drug do not penetrate the placenta, therefore, it is not able to cause any harm to the growing fetus.
In addition, chimes during pregnancy acts as an immunomodulator, respectively, increases the body's ability to withstand various viruses and infections. This drug is usually prescribed for those who can predict placental insufficiency in the complicated course of pregnancy, in case of cerebrovascular accident and encephalopathy, with varicose veins and various viral colds. At the same time, it is important that the doctor can determine that chimes during pregnancy are contraindicated for you. This is possible in the presence of certain diseases of the internal organs.
Like any other drug, chimes can cause side effects. Currently, the body’s reactions to taking chimes are known, such as impaired heartbeat, low blood pressure, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, bleeding, noise in the head, impaired coordination of your movements, dizziness, urticaria, or any other skin rash, joint and muscle pain, weakness, runny nose. Do not be alarmed, these side effects, provided that the therapeutic dose is observed, are usually mild. If an overdose of the drug has occurred, an urgent need to rinse the stomach and be sure to call an ambulance. This condition requires medical treatment.
In no case do you need to self-medicate, but even if the doctor prescribed you chimes during pregnancy, then listen to his authoritative opinion, it is not for nothing that you see him. This drug can only be beneficial and will not affect the condition of the child you are carrying. The environmental situation and other negative factors affecting our body force us to take additional measures to protect ourselves and the baby.