The annotation to this drug indicates that pentoxifylline tablets are able to influence the microcirculation of the blood, causing its improvement. In addition, the drug is able to increase blood flow to the heart muscle. Why is pentoxifylline prescribed during pregnancy, especially since all the directories say that it is contraindicated?
We make an informed decision
The fact is that before prescribing any medication to a woman who is expecting a baby, the doctor must take into account the benefits for this woman and the possible harm that the medicine can cause to the fetus. According to accepted international standards, any drug that is taken during pregnancy must undergo certain studies that prove its safety not only for the fetus, but also for the expectant mother. As you know, many drugs simply did not participate in these studies, so it is impossible to say exactly about their safety. Pentoxifylline also belongs to them. In this regard, the instructions indicate its undesirable use of this drug for women during pregnancy.
When procrastination is dangerous
Naturally, no one will prescribe any drugs without special need, but when you just can’t do without it, it’s better to trust the experience and recommendations of the doctor. Before prescribing the medicine, pentoxifylline during pregnancy, the doctor will find out how long the pregnant woman is and will take an interest in her well-being. Taking medications in the first trimester, when all the organs and systems of the unborn child are being laid, is prohibited. This is especially true for those drugs that do not have appropriate studies that indicate their safety. If there is an urgent need, the administration of drugs is possible only after the onset of the twentieth week of pregnancy. Pentoxifylline also belongs to such means. Indications for its use - insufficient supply of blood to the placenta. This condition is very dangerous, as there is an insufficient intake of oxygen in the body of the unborn child, which contributes to the development of a condition such as hypoxia.
Often, specialists have to prescribe pentoxifylline tablets during pregnancy due to possible fetoplacental insufficiency. This condition is especially dangerous for the normal development of the fetal nervous system. It is she who reacts most acutely to a lack of oxygen. If no effective measures are taken, then its gradual degradation is observed. Pentoxifylline has a positive effect on blood microcirculation, due to a change in the properties of the blood itself, and also increases the lumen of small vessels, which contributes to a more complete enrichment and saturation of the placenta with oxygen. Due to the fact that the drug pentoxifylline interferes with the bonding of blood cells, it, in turn, becomes more fluid and passes through the blood vessels faster.
Side effect
Having made an informed decision and taking into account possible consequences, doctors, if necessary, prescribe pentoxifylline during pregnancy. In order not to miss possible side effects, it is imperative to inform the specialist who is conducting your pregnancy about any changes in overall health. Symptoms of severe and intense headache, insomnia and unexplained anxiety, loss of appetite, sensation of hot flashes and arrhythmia, cardialgia, leukopenia and hypofibrinogenemia, angioedema, bleeding from various vessels, anaphylactic shock and pancytopenia may appear.
Therefore, consult your doctor before taking any medicine. Take care of your health and the health of your unborn baby.