During pregnancy, women take a clinical blood test several times. According to its results, the doctor can judge the patient’s health status. One of the most important indicators in the analysis is the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Depending on its value, the doctor can diagnose a pregnant woman with "anemia" with a mandatory indication of the degree of the disease. With small deviations of the indicator from the norm, the specialist gives recommendations for adjusting the nutrition. But most often low hemoglobin during pregnancy requires more serious treatment with the use of medications. Otherwise, the consequences of anemia can be disastrous for both the mother and the fetus.
The value of hemoglobin during pregnancy
Hemoglobin is a protein that is found in red blood cells and provides oxygen transfer to the tissue. During pregnancy, a woman has an accumulation of fluid and physiological dilution of blood. As a result, the hemoglobin concentration decreases. In addition, as fetal growth of the child occurs, iron and folic acid stores are consumed. If a woman had a deficiency of these substances in the body before pregnancy, then problems associated with a decrease in hemoglobin can occur in the early stages. This question should be addressed in more detail already at the planning stage.
Normally, the hemoglobin level in a healthy woman is 120-150 g / l. During the bearing of the child, this indicator decreases. On average, it is 110-155 g / l in the first trimester and 100-140 g / l in the third. Low hemoglobin during pregnancy must be increased, otherwise the fetus will receive insufficient oxygen, which will lead to a delay in fetal development. Such a condition bears no less danger for the expectant mother. A disease in which there is a decrease in hemoglobin concentration with a simultaneous decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood is called anemia. And it requires emergency therapy.
Causes of Low Hemoglobin
As mentioned above, during the bearing of the fetus in a woman, an increase in the volume of circulating blood occurs. This leads to a relative decrease in hemoglobin after 20 weeks of gestation. But an increase in blood volume is far from the only cause of anemia. Although it arises in absolutely all women. There are other causes of low hemoglobin during pregnancy:
- increased fetal need for vitamins and minerals, in particular iron and folic acid, and their deficiency in the mother;
- multiple pregnancy;
- the gap between past and present pregnancy is less than three years;
- exacerbation of chronic diseases, history of bleeding;
- hormonal changes in the body;
- intestinal dysbiosis;
- polyhydramnios;
- stress and nervous strain;
- toxicosis in the early stages;
- taking medications that interfere with the absorption of iron.
The maximum decrease in hemoglobin in the blood occurs at 32 weeks of gestation.
Symptoms of Iron Deficiency Anemia
Sometimes a disease associated with a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood proceeds without visible signs. But most often, anemia manifests itself simultaneously with the confirmation of this condition by the results of a general blood test. Symptoms of low hemoglobin during pregnancy:
- fatigue, weakness, decreased performance;
- pallor of the skin, dizziness;
- the appearance of sores and cracks in the corners of the lips;
- hair loss, brittleness and fragility of nails;
- the appearance of shortness of breath even with small physical exertion;
- non-standard taste preferences (the desire to eat a piece of chalk is not the norm).
But the presence of one or all of the above symptoms is not a reason to say that the pregnant woman has anemia. The doctor has the right to make such a diagnosis only by the results of a general blood test.
Three degrees of pregnant anemia
You can judge how serious the situation of a pregnant woman is by the results of clinical studies. When making a diagnosis, the doctor must indicate the degree of anemia. It depends on the level of hemoglobin in the blood. There are three degrees of anemia during pregnancy:
- Easy - with a hemoglobin level of 90-110 g / l. Often occurs in the absence of any clinical signs.
- Moderate severity - diagnosed with a hemoglobin level of 70-90 g / l. The pregnant woman can observe the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease, to which she often does not pay any attention.
- Severe - the diagnosis is made at a hemoglobin level of 70 g / l or lower. With this degree, almost all clinical signs are manifested. During pregnancy, low hemoglobin is dangerous for both the mother and the fetus. A woman is prescribed treatment, including medication and nutritional adjustment.
What is the risk of low hemoglobin during pregnancy?
Not all women in the situation understand the seriousness of the situation and often neglect their treatment. But such a condition is dangerous not only for the expectant mother, but also for the fetus. The consequences of low hemoglobin for a pregnant woman are as follows:
- preeclampsia - accompanied by the appearance of edema, protein in the urine, increased pressure, and in severe cases, threatens to terminate pregnancy at any time;
- the risk of developing infectious complications after childbirth;
- high risk of preterm birth;
- weak labor activity;
- bleeding during delivery;
- risk of premature placental abruption;
- problems with lactation, impaired milk production.
Danger to mother and fetus can be eliminated by timely and correctly prescribed treatment.
The consequences of anemia for a child
One of the most important functions of hemoglobin is the transfer of oxygen to cells. And we are talking not only about the tissues of the mother, but also the fetus. The consequences of low hemoglobin during pregnancy for a baby can be dire. Most often, with severe anemia, there is a delay or termination of the intrauterine development of the baby.
With low hemoglobin, the child’s brain receives insufficient oxygen, and all processes in the body slow down. Not a bright future awaits the baby:
- mental and physical developmental delays;
- problems with the immune system and digestive organs;
- muscle hypotension;
- problems with the nervous system.
Low hemoglobin in the mother is dangerous because the baby can be born premature and immature, often with anemia in the neonatal period. In severe cases of the disease, fetal death occurs in 12% of cases.
Pregnancy Anemia
You can increase hemoglobin by eating and taking special medications. Treatment is carried out in a complex. This means that along with the use of iron-rich foods, medicines are prescribed by the doctor.
Not all women who try to independently increase low hemoglobin during pregnancy know that it will be very difficult to do this with proper nutrition. Most products contain non-heme iron. It practically does not affect the level of hemoglobin and does not bring much benefit to the body. The medicines also contain heme iron. It is perfectly absorbed by the body, thereby contributing to an increase in hemoglobin in the blood. Depending on the degree of anemia and the presence of contraindications, the doctor may prescribe medications:
- Sorbifer;
- Totem
- Tardiferon;
- Maltofer and others.
Self-treatment is not welcome. The dosage and timing of taking the drugs is determined by the doctor.
How to increase low hemoglobin during pregnancy with nutrition?
Revise your diet and add iron-rich foods to it at the planning stage. This will avoid lowering hemoglobin during pregnancy.
Iron, which enters the body as a part of products, is:
The first group includes products of animal origin: liver, tongue, beef, veal, pork, lamb, chicken. But even of them, only 6% of iron is absorbed by the body. The second group includes products of plant origin (buckwheat, mushrooms, legumes, apples, spinach, beets, carrots, pomegranates, etc.). But of these, only 0.2% of iron is absorbed by the body.
In addition to consuming the above products to increase low hemoglobin during pregnancy, you should follow the daily regimen. No less important are daily walks, full sleep, gymnastics.
The rules of combining products to increase hemoglobin
With anemia, you need to properly compose a diet. This is due to the fact that some products interfere with the absorption of iron, while others, on the contrary, contribute to this. Recommendations are as follows:
- Iron is perfectly absorbed with vitamin C. Therefore, it is recommended to drink buckwheat porridge for breakfast or lunch with orange juice.
- Calcium interferes with the absorption of iron. For example, the same buckwheat can not be consumed with milk, cottage cheese and cheese.
- Iron is poorly absorbed with a lack of vitamin B12. Therefore, along with iron-containing products or medicines, it is useful to take folic acid.
- The use of pomegranate juice is recommended to be limited to two sips per day, since it causes constipation.
Reviews of women about the increase in hemoglobin during pregnancy
According to most women, low hemoglobin during pregnancy increases a drug like Totem well. But you should drink it through a straw, as it stains the teeth strongly. But Sorbifer, according to reviews, often causes constipation. It is not recommended for women with such a delicate problem.
As for nutrition, beetroot-carrot juice helped many pregnant women to increase hemoglobin. It’s not difficult to cook it. It is enough to combine 100 ml of freshly squeezed beet juice and 100 ml of carrot. According to reviews, such a cocktail raises low hemoglobin during pregnancy literally in 2 days. For many, this method has proven to be really effective.
Prevention of Pregnant Anemia
The following measures will help prevent a decrease in hemoglobin in the expectant mother during the period of bearing the baby:
- intake of vitamin and mineral complexes from the first days of pregnancy;
- taking folic acid, which promotes the absorption of iron;
- balanced diet;
- avoidance of stressful situations;
- walks in the open air.
During pregnancy, it is important to take all the necessary tests in a timely manner and monitor the level of hemoglobin, since its excess is no less dangerous than the deficiency.