"Josamycin" during pregnancy: composition, instructions for use, contraindications, reviews

The feasibility of using various kinds of drugs by pregnant women always raises many questions. In particular, expectant mothers are very worried if the doctor prescribed antibiotics for them. Of course, such preparations for the fetus cannot be useful by definition. However, sometimes it happens that taking a medicine causes an unborn baby less harm than the mother’s disease itself, for the treatment of which it is prescribed. For example, doctors who prescribe women who are expecting a baby often prescribe Josamycin. During pregnancy, taking this medication is considered relatively safe.

Composition and form of release

This medicine belongs to the group of antibiotics officially approved for use during pregnancy. In our country, the trade name "Josamycin" is "Vilprafen." That it is written on the packaging with this drug. This medicine is available in the form of biconvex white tablets intended for oral administration. The product is supplied to pharmacies and clinics in conventional blisters.

The main active component of this medication is josamycin itself. This substance is a fine dispersed white powder, readily soluble in alcohol and ether. Bacteria of the actinomycete class produce this component. Vilprafen also contains several additional substances - polysorbate 80, cellulose, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, etc.

Pregnancy pills

Features of the drug

Once in the patient’s body, the active substance “Josamycin” inhibits the translocation of the protein of harmful bacteria. Destroy this medicine can, for example, chlamydia, mycoplasma, legionella, Neisseria. In this case, the advantages of this drug include the fact that it has virtually no harmful effect on the microflora of the intestines and stomach. Also, the undoubted advantage of this medicine is that it does not cause resistance in patients.

During pregnancy, "Josamycin" can be taken, but only in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician. The disadvantage of this antibiotic, like almost any other, is that it is able to penetrate the placenta and also pass into breast milk.

Its maximum concentration "Josamycin" in the patient's body reaches after 1-2 hours after administration. This drug is excreted with bile and urine.

When it can be prescribed to pregnant women: diseases of the urethra

Doctors Josamycin are usually prescribed to expectant mothers when they identify diseases such as:

  • Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease, dangerous for the development of pathologies in the fetus, often leading to miscarriage.
  • Mycoplasmosis is also a sexually transmitted disease, which is dangerous in that it can cause pregnancy fading.
  • Syphilis is an ailment that can lead to miscarriage, infection of the fetus, the development of pathologies in him.
  • Ureaplasmosis is a disease transmitted both sexually and by contact, fraught with infection of the fetus and miscarriage.
  • Gonorrhea is a disease leading to fetal death, inflammation of the membranes, and placental insufficiency.
Diseases in pregnant women

Application for ENT diseases

Also, this medicine can be prescribed to pregnant women if they have such ailments as:

  • acute bronchitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • whooping cough;
  • tonsillitis;
  • psittacosis and some others.

All these diseases are not particularly dangerous. But all of them, unfortunately, can harm the fetus. With these ailments, a pregnant woman can begin premature birth. Also, such diseases in some cases even lead to the development of pathologies in the fetus or to infection of the child when it moves along the genital tract.

Indications for pregnant women: skin infections and ophthalmic ailments

With such diseases, "Josamycin" can also be prescribed to expectant mothers. Ailments of this group can lead to complications of pregnancy and harm the fetus. Josamycin is prescribed during pregnancy for treatment:

  • lymphangitis;
  • pyoderma;
  • furunculosis;
  • dacryocystitis;
  • blepharitis.
Pregnancy treatment

"Josamycin" during pregnancy: whether it can harm the fetus

As noted above, this medicine, among other things, is able to penetrate the placenta. As a result of clinical studies regarding the possibility of harm to the fetus by this agent, no adverse effects were detected. However, Josamycin can still enter the child’s body. Therefore, it should be prescribed to a pregnant woman only by a doctor and only after he has assessed all the possible risks.

There are many diseases in which women waiting for a child can be prescribed this medicine. But this does not mean at all that when diagnosing any of these ailments, the doctor will immediately prescribe the antibiotic Josamycin to the future mother. In pregnancy, this remedy can be harmful in any case. Therefore, at first the doctor, most likely, will nevertheless try to use some means safer for the fetus for the treatment of the disease. "Josamycin" is usually prescribed to pregnant women only if the use of more sparing drugs does not give the desired results.

Pregnant doctor

The use of the drug in trimesters

In the first trimester, "Josamycin" during pregnancy is usually not prescribed to women. Using it at this time is extremely undesirable. Doctors prescribe it to women in most cases not earlier than the 10th week of gestation. Until this time, the milder “Azithromycin” is usually used to treat serious diseases, such as chlamydia. Treatment of not such dangerous ailments - ureaplasmosis or, say, mycoplasmosis is postponed to a later date.

In the 2nd trimester during pregnancy, “Josamycin” is prescribed to women quite often. However, during this period, doctors prescribe it with extreme caution. Absolutely calmly, this medicine can be taken only from the 22nd week of pregnancy. At this time, all the basic systems of the child are already reaching the final stage of their formation. Accordingly, the tool can not cause much harm.

In the later stages, there is practically no possibility that this drug will have a negative effect on the fetus. Therefore, you can take "Josamycin" during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester almost without fear. Cases of the negative impact of its use on the bearing and development of the fetus at this stage have not been identified.

Dosage of medication

Of course, the instruction "Josamycin" during pregnancy (and in any other situations) should be carefully studied. Future mothers should take this remedy exclusively in the same way as the doctor recommended. Dosages prescribed by a specialist during treatment with "Josamycin" must be observed exactly. Doctors usually choose the treatment regimen using this drug, taking into account the characteristics of this particular disease. For example, with chlamydia, the course of treatment with this agent is usually 14 days. With mycoplasmosis, "Josamycin" drink 10 days. Also, when choosing dosages, doctors take into account the weight of the woman, and, of course, the gestational age.

How to take

Drinking tablets "Josamycin" (during pregnancy, including) relies between meals. In this case, they will affect the body most effectively and gently. It is best to swallow these tablets whole with a large amount of water.

How to take the drug

What side effects can cause

Acquaintance with the instructions for use of "Josamycin" during pregnancy should in no case be neglected. This medicine belongs to the group of modern drugs that have a minimal harmful effect on the patient's body. No side effects in pregnant women, as in any other patients, are usually not observed with treatment with this agent. However, sometimes this medicine, of course, can have a negative effect on the body of women. For example, in pregnant women undergoing treatment using this tool, you may experience:

  • heartburn, nausea, diarrhea;
  • hives;
  • hearing impairment;
  • dysbiosis, candidiasis.

Sometimes patients taking Josamycin also experience abdominal pain. Loss of appetite is also one of the side effects that this drug can cause.


Doctors prescribe the medical preparation “Josamycin” to pregnant women with caution. In some cases, this medicine, like any other, can not be prescribed to expectant mothers at all. Contraindications to therapy using this agent are:

  • individual intolerance to any components;
  • serious impaired renal and hepatic function;
  • hypersensitivity to macrolides.

Analogues of the drug

In some cases, instead of this, doctors can prescribe medications similar to the therapeutic effect to patients, including pregnant women. Analogues of "Josamycin" are:

  • Sumamed
  • Clarithromycin;
  • Azitral
  • Amoxicillin.

The active substance of all these drugs is josamycin. They can also write out for the treatment of various diseases to pregnant women. However, changing “Josamycin” to any of these funds yourself, of course, is not worth it. In pregnant women, this can lead to unpredictable consequences. Instead of using this drug, any substitute for women who are expecting a baby can only be consulted with your doctor.

Should I take "Josamycin" during pregnancy: reviews about the drug

With regard to the effectiveness of this tool, the opinion of expectant mothers was mixed. It helps some pregnant women with various infectious diseases. For others, this tool, judging by the reviews available on the Internet, turned out to be completely useless. In some cases, as future mothers note, this medicine helps with all kinds of infectious diseases only after passing two courses.

The undoubted advantages of this drug, many women include the fact that it really can be considered safe for the fetus. In the 3rd and 2nd trimester during pregnancy, “Josamycin”, according to many patients, really does not have any harmful effects on the child. Children of mothers taking this drug are born healthy. As many patients note in their reviews on the Web, their babies did not develop an allergy to antibiotics.

Healthy children

Another plus of this medicine is expectant mothers to consider the softness of its action. Judging by the reviews from the Internet, this medicine almost never causes side effects.

Combinations with other medicines

Sometimes "Josamycin" (during pregnancy, including) can be prescribed simultaneously with other drugs. It is not very useful for expectant mothers to take, of course, any medicines. And it is up to the attending physician to decide which drug combinations can be used and which not. In any case, the doctor must be aware of what other medications his patient is taking at the time of discharge of “Josamycin”.

On the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, this drug has, as already mentioned, not a very strong effect. But nevertheless, it refers to antibiotics and in this regard it cannot be useful for the stomach and intestines. Therefore, doctors at the same time quite often prescribe Linex and other similar drugs to pregnant women, which include lactobacilli. Also, of course, in combination with "Josamycin" expectant mothers can take all kinds of vitamins. Means with lactobacilli are useful in that they are able to restore the microflora disturbed by the antibiotic. Vitamins also contribute to the rapid strengthening and restoration of the body during treatment with this medicine.

Instructions for use

Can I take with lactation

In pregnant women, this drug may be prescribed in some cases. But during breastfeeding, a woman will still have to refuse treatment with this remedy. You can not prescribe "Josamycin" to nursing mothers.

In rare cases, treatment with this particular drug becomes a necessary procedure. If "Josamycin" cannot be replaced with any other drug, the child will most likely have to be transferred to artificial feeding.

For children, this drug is usually prescribed no earlier than 3 months of age. It is prescribed for small patients up to 14 years old in a dosage of 40-50 mg per 1 kg of weight.

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