Even with the most experienced housewife, it happens that there are embarrassments when, due to an oversight or some other reason, the food burns out. Sometimes trouble can be corrected by adding more spices. Sometimes not. But in any case, then you have to deal with damaged dishes.
We fight with soot
So, if trouble has already happened, how to clean a burnt pan? Of course, now there are a lot of very different household chemicals, including very aggressive ones. Using it to clean up is pretty easy. And if there is nothing suitable at hand? Then it is necessary to recall the tried mother's and grandmother's methods. After all, they knew very well how to clean a burnt pot, no matter what material it was made of.
- Do not rush to immediately rub the dishes with something - just leave the walls and bottom to cool. And then pour hot water with the available detergent, and let it stand an hour or two. After that, try to wipe with a hard side sponge. Everything turned out - fine, rinse and rinse the dishes thoroughly again.
- Alternatively: Pour ¼ into a glass of regular baking soda. Add a solution of hydrogen peroxide (available at the pharmacy). You will get a pasty substance. Put it on blurred places. Then wipe with a sponge or rags. Now you know how to clean a burnt pot not only from the remains of spoiled food, but also from greasy stains, stains, etc. An undoubted plus of this method is the absence of any unfamiliar chemicals.
- Ordinary stationery (paper) glue and laundry soap are another excellent alternative to all kinds of “Fairy” and “Bingo”. Digestion in this mixture of dishes returns her perfect condition. How to clean a burnt pot, pans, etc. in this way? Boil water in a large bucket, pour a bottle or two glue (standard, 100 grams) and add a thinly planed piece of laundry soap (it is also called washing). Stir everything with a stick, and when a fluffy cap of foam forms, lay pans, cast-iron, pots, lids. Cover the bucket, reduce the heat to medium, and let the dishes cook for an hour and a half. Then you need to pull it out and rinse well under hot running water, and rinse with cold. Take the method into service if in doubt, how to clean a burnt enameled pan or stainless steel utensils. It works great with any material. Cool the solution itself, put it somewhere on the balcony and use it several more times if necessary.
- Cinder and all dirt will leave perfectly, colored and white enamel will shine, as if brand new, cast iron and stainless steel will get their original appearance if you clean them this way: pour whiteness into hot water (200-250 g per 1 liter), stir and pour into dishes in need of cleaning. Put on gas and boil a little. Then wash thoroughly, pour clean water and boil again to digest the remaining chlorine. Here's how to clean the burnt bottom of a pan or other container.
- And finally, the most elementary way: to make a saturated saline solution, add soda, pour into a saucepan and boil. Boil for about 40 minutes, and let stand for half a day. After such a procedure, any plaque and deposits will leave without effort. Or generously fill the stain with the same table salt, let it stand for a couple of hours and rinse off!
Such little tricks will help you, dear hostesses, to keep your kitchen and all utensils in perfect condition.