During the bearing of the long-awaited baby, and even at the stage of planning the baby, every woman is very worried about her health and wants to do everything possible so that the baby is born full-term and healthy. It is not surprising that the first symptoms of uterine fibroids cause a real panic in the fair sex. Not everyone knows comprehensive information about such an ailment.
Are uterine fibroids and pregnancy compatible? If the size of the tumor is quite large, and at the same time the woman is already in an interesting position, then, of course, there is a danger for both the woman in labor and the fetus. However, each case is individual, so do not despair ahead of time. To understand whether uterine fibroids are dangerous during pregnancy, it is worth learning more about this ailment. Consider what it is.
This ailment occurs if fairly serious hormonal disorders occur in a woman's body (for example, with an excess of estrogen or a deficiency of progesterone). Because of this, benign tumors appear on the walls of the uterus, which are called fibroids. After some time, the neoplasms begin to grow, which leads to abnormal cell division.
If uterine fibroids progress during pregnancy, then in this case, a woman may begin to suffer from the resumption of menstruation. However, this time menstruation is more protracted and is characterized by increased blood loss. In addition, the rapid development of pathology can provoke severe pain in the lower abdomen and back, which very much resembles contractions. Also, patients suffer from constipation, frequent urination and too much enlargement of the abdomen.
If we talk about the danger of uterine fibroids during pregnancy, then in this case it all depends on where the tumor was formed. In medical practice, multiple fibroids are found. If we talk about the location of the tumors, they can develop both under the outer covers of the uterus, and in the thickness of the walls or in the layers of the endometrium.
Uterine fibroids during pregnancy: is it dangerous, what threatens
First of all, it is worthwhile to understand that if you already have fibroids, the fair sex will have to spend a lot of energy to conceive a child. Benign formations quite often begin to squeeze the fallopian tubes, which, in turn, makes it difficult for the sperm to move towards the ovum. In addition, this affects the ovulation cycle of a woman, which also leads to problems during conception.
It is most difficult to give birth to a new life when pregnancy is diagnosed with a large uterine myoma. If the tumor is at the initial stage of development, then the fair sex has every chance not only to conceive, but also to endure a healthy baby. Therefore, do not despair.
On the other hand, in some cases when a woman is pregnant with uterine fibroids of small sizes, bearing a fetus is unacceptable for medical reasons. It all depends on the specific case and the characteristics of the organism of the future mother. Therefore, it is better not to make hasty conclusions and consult a doctor.
The effect of fibroids on pregnancy
There are a huge number of factors that can adversely affect the process of bearing the fetus. Therefore, uterine fibroids and pregnancy are still not fully understood. However, we can say with confidence that if the tumor is too close to the placenta, then there is a violation of blood circulation, which is why fetoplacental insufficiency will most likely occur. In this case, oxygen will not reach the fetus in the required volumes, and the child will not be able to receive all the necessary nutrients.
Uterine fibroids during pregnancy can lead to placental abruption. In this case, there is a high risk of miscarriage. In addition, the tumor takes up a lot of space. Because of this, the fetus can receive a wide variety of injuries (for example, the skull or limbs will not develop properly).
Another negative effect of the neoplasm is that fibroids secrete special enzymes into the woman’s body that provoke uterine contractions. This is very dangerous in the early stages of pregnancy, as it can lead to a miscarriage.
Among other things, a tumor can lead to presentation of the fetus. In some situations, if doctors assume that pregnancy is possible with uterine fibroids, a cesarean section may be required during childbirth. Thus, when a tumor occurs, patients require an individual approach.
Varieties of uterine fibroids
To date, several types of such tumors are distinguished. Subserous myoma is the safest, as it is located quite far from the fetus, so that it can fully develop. The risk is only when the neoplasm has become too large. If we talk about whether pregnancy is possible with uterine myoma, then in this case the answer is most often positive. However, if the tumor is on a leg, this can lead to quite serious complications.
There is also submucous myoma. A tumor of this type is considered the most dangerous, since the tumor appears directly in the uterus. Because of this, the fetus cannot fully form. Most often, a miscarriage occurs. In addition, the tumor blocks sperm, so problems are observed even at the stage of conception of the baby.
There is also an interstitial neoplasm. In this case, it all depends on the size of the uterine fibroids during pregnancy, since it is usually located in the muscle layer. If the tumor is too large, then the fetus will not be able to fully develop, which can lead to quite serious pathologies.
Childbirth with uterine myoma
If the future mother was diagnosed with this ailment, then gynecologists are strongly advised to go to the hospital to save no later than 37 weeks of gestation. In this case, the doctor who observed the fair sex throughout pregnancy, decides whether she will give birth in a natural way. If during 37 weeks there were no complications, the fetus is located and developed normally, then in this case no surgical intervention is required.
If we are talking about pregnancy and uterine myoma of the subserous type, then there is a big risk of tissue necrosis. In this case, a caesarean section is recommended. Surgical obstetrics is also recommended for pelvic presentation of the fetus, the presence of scars on the walls of the uterus, and too large a tumor.
Also, during the operation, doctors can completely remove the uterus if multiple tumor formations were found in it.
If fibroids appeared during pregnancy
In this situation, it all depends on many factors, including how quickly the tumor is growing. As a rule, the most active increase in fibroids is observed during the first and second trimester of bearing a baby. The size of the tumor depends on the rate of increase of the uterus itself and the level of stretching of its tissues.
By the third trimester, the tumor is significantly reduced, and in rare cases, completely disappears. However, according to medical reviews of uterine fibroids and pregnancy with fibroids, the tumor can not only not stop growing, but also reach unacceptable sizes over several trimesters. In this case, there is a huge danger to the life of the baby and the woman herself.
If in the process of carrying the baby the myoma increases too much, then the fetus is in very cramped conditions and does not receive the right amount of oxygen. Also, in some situations, the fibroid can be squeezed and twisted. In this case, the woman may experience heavy bleeding, which is also dangerous. In such situations, the doctor may decide to undergo an operation, regardless of the gestational age, in order to save the life of the fair sex.
To determine whether uterine fibroids and pregnancy are compatible, a woman should be monitored by a specialist who will record the growth rate and size of the tumor. This is very important, since at any stage of bearing a baby complications or unforeseen situations may arise. It is morally necessary to be prepared for any outcome, but try to hope for the best.
Can fibroids affect pregnancy test result?
As you know, such test strips determine the level of hCG in a woman’s urine. The level of this hormone increases significantly with successful conception. If we talk about the fact that the test can show a positive result due to a uterine tumor, then such a development of events is impossible.
Features of pregnancy after removal of fibroids
This topic excites all women who got rid of the tumor. If we talk about pregnancy after uterine fibroids, it all depends on how it was removed. When the tumor size is relatively small, then most often the doctor decides to perform an excision. However, there are other methods of getting rid of fibroids. For example, laparoscopy may be performed. In this case, a small incision is made on the front wall of the abdominal cavity of the woman and the tumor is removed. After that, the fair sex has every chance to give birth to a new life. The same applies to hysteroscopy (the introduction of a special apparatus directly into the uterus), FUS-ablation (ultrasound removal) and vascular embolization (blood flow obstruction).
If the myoma on the walls of the uterus during pregnancy is too large, and a hysterectomy has been performed, then in this case there is no chance of having a baby. This procedure means the complete removal of the uterus from the body of a woman.
However, it all depends on the qualifications of the specialists who conduct the operation. If devices are inserted into the woman’s uterus, they can severely damage her. The remaining scars will be quite a significant barrier to becoming a mother. However, do not despair if this happened. Over time, the wounds heal, and the reproductive function of the fair sex is fully restored.
Can myoma cause bleeding
Yes, there really is such a risk. If during pregnancy, a woman noticed bleeding, then you should immediately consult a doctor. In some situations, bleeding fibroids becomes the basis for an emergency operation to remove the tumor.
However, do not be scared. Most often, it is about the removal of the neoplasm, and not about the surgical termination of pregnancy. Most of these operations are successful, after which women continue to bear and give birth to healthy and full-fledged children.
If the fibroid does not bleed, then everything depends on the sensations of the lady herself. If a woman suffers from severe pain, then in this case it is better not to endanger her.
Can myoma hurt
In fact, such situations are very rare in medical practice. Most often it is a psychological factor. A woman who realizes that there is a neoplasm inside her body, sets herself up so that she should experience severe pain. But tumors rarely cause such symptoms.
If a representative of the fair sex complains of severe pain in the abdomen, but the doctor does not observe blood formation or other dangerous symptoms, then most often he prescribes a woman bed rest and No-shpy.
Can myoma resolve
As mentioned earlier, in medical practice there are cases when the tumor completely disappears by the end of pregnancy. However, no one has yet found a rational explanation for this fact. There is a version that myoma disappears due to a strong hormonal jump, which occurs in the body of a woman in the process of bearing a baby. Some experts are inclined to believe that the tumor resolves due to insufficient blood supply. That is, by and large, the tumor is drying up.
Can a doctor take myoma for pregnancy?
Such a probability does exist, but only at the very earliest stages of bearing the baby. Up to 5 weeks of gestation, the fetal egg is very easily confused with a tumor in its size and shape. In this case, the doctor may make a mistake both during a visual examination and in the process of studying ultrasound images.
However, establishing a pregnancy or fibroid is very simple. To do this, it is enough to conduct a test for hCG level. If the hormone level is exceeded, then in this case the woman is absolutely accurate pregnant. In a situation where hCG is within normal limits, we will focus on the treatment of the tumor.
In addition, during the development of fibroids, critical days come on schedule. This is not characteristic if a woman is in an interesting position.
Fibroid treatment
If the tumor was diagnosed when the woman was already pregnant, then in this case it is recommended only to observe the state of education. Specialists resort to removal measures only when it has grown too much and threatens the life of a woman or her unborn baby.
Treatment of the tumor becomes impossible during pregnancy, since it is possible to get rid of fibroids by using hormonal drugs that are categorically contraindicated to ladies who are in an interesting position.
However, in this situation, there is a risk of developing anemia. To prevent this and not harm the fetus, the doctor, as a rule, prescribes iron-containing drugs to the lady. It is also necessary to eat a balanced diet and eat only healthy foods. The daily diet should be agreed in detail with the attending physician. It will also be useful to start taking B vitamins and vitamin complexes with a high content of folic acid.
In addition, you must always remember that fibroids are not a sentence. The female body is capable of the most amazing things, especially when a new life develops inside it. Therefore, you should never despair. A positive attitude during the bearing of the baby plays a huge role both for the woman herself and for the unborn child.