Let's see why the baby cries before bedtime?

Reflecting on why the baby is crying before going to bed, any mother will first begin to suspect him of some ailments. Still would! There are so many, and the baby is so small and defenseless! But let's think without panic, is everything really so scary? Maybe screams and unwillingness to sleep are not due at all to the poor health of the crumbs?

why does the baby cry before bedtime

Is the baby crying before bedtime? Komarovsky talks about the rules of preparation for bedtime

The most famous doctor of our time claims that a healthy and sound sleep for a child must be ensured by creating a normal environment in the room where the baby is sleeping. It implies the following:

  1. No dust stores in the form of rugs, pads, a huge number of soft toys in the children's room!
  2. The air temperature in the sleeping room should not exceed 20 °, and humidity, respectively, - 50-70%.
  3. Heaters that dry the air and warm clothes will not help your baby fall asleep; rather, on the contrary, they will make his sleep anxious and difficult.

Only in normal conditions does the baby calmly fall asleep without signaling to the “slow-witted” parents about his discomfort.

Why is the baby crying before bedtime? Down with bad habits!

the child cries at bedtime Komarovsky

But not only the above factors prevent the baby from sleeping. Perhaps you taught him to fall asleep only in your arms (or rather, it was he who taught you)? Thus, the instinct of the newborn came into force.

The fact is that his relationship with his mother until a certain age is very strong. Without her, the baby does not feel protected. And he can realize this only when he is in his hands and sensing something big and warm nearby. And, succumbing to such a provocation, mom only fixes this instinct more strongly.

For different children, by the way, this need is expressed to varying degrees, while sleeping on your hands will not become an acute problem if you do not support the baby in his demand.

The main thing is to make sure that screaming before going to bed is precisely the desire to be “safe”. It is clear that no pain goes away because the baby was picked up. If he screams in the crib, and immediately falls silent in his arms, be patient and wait out his stormy emotions, comforting yourself with the thought that this will pass soon. But if the baby removed from the crib continues to cry, you must look for other causes of concern for your child.

Why does the baby cry before going to bed: maybe he is sick?

A crying child may try to tell you about his poor health: his stomach hurts, his nose does not breathe well, his teeth are cut, etc. But certainly not only the vagaries at bedtime will be symptoms of the disease. If you find that the baby is sick - contact a pediatrician. He will help you deal with the problem and find the right treatment.

Constant whims and reluctance to sleep can be a consequence of developing fears or phobias in your child. In this case, you need a neurologist.

The baby cries in the evening before going to bed

baby cries in the evening before going to bed

For a sound sleep, of course, you must definitely walk up in the fresh air and get tired well in the afternoon. But do not overdo it! Do not run and jump shortly before laying - then tears are provided to you.

Toward evening, occupy the fidget with something calm, and laying down to sleep, try to stay with him for a while, holding the baby by the hand and quietly singing or telling a fairy tale. Perhaps this is precisely what the baby is seeking.

The warmth of communication, love and attentiveness will help parents figure out why the child is crying before going to bed, and eliminate this problem.

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