Is it possible for pregnant women to go to the cemetery and other superstitions of expectant mothers.

Pregnancy is not only a time of expectation of something beautiful, but also a lot of worries. Your rhythm of life is completely changing, you need to give up some habits and acquire new ones, think not about yourself, but about the future baby. During this happy time, mothers are especially susceptible to belief in everything unusual and supernatural. There are a huge number of signs and superstitions that women awaiting a baby pass from mouth to mouth. Is it possible for pregnant women to go to the cemetery, to cut their hair or not, to sew or knit, and much, much more. For the most part, all signs come from ancient times. A modern woman should be more competent and adequately look at the world. Should pregnant women go to the cemetery or prepare a dowry for the baby, you and no one else can decide.

The thing is that believing in all these signs, you doom yourself to the fact that for nine months you will only be afraid and live in fear of doing something wrong. If you program yourself for any superstition, then it will certainly begin to come true. Surely in the circle of your relatives or friends there are such instances who like to tell, let's say that pregnant women cannot go to the cemetery, as well as sit on the doorstep, knit or play with a cat. Let's see who is right and who is wasting his nerves on faith in fables.

Many believe that while the stomach is invisible, you can in no case tell others about pregnancy. This prejudice came to us from ancient peoples, who thus tried to protect a woman and a child from evil spirits. Currently, this recommendation can only be associated with caring for the preservation of pregnancy with the threat of a breakdown in order to protect a woman from various inquiries.

Can pregnant women go to the cemetery? Why not? In this case, only the level of your sensitivity and attitude to the funeral matters. Think, if not too close person died, then, perhaps, it is really better to stay at home and not injure the psyche once again. But if you want to say goodbye to a very close person, the question is whether pregnant women should not be able to go to the cemetery and arise. There is no reason, other than superstitious nonsense, not to go, say, on a memorial day to the grave of relatives.

The notion that you can not cut hair is connected exclusively in the belief of our ancestors that they are a source of vitality. At the moment, there is no evidence for this superstition. So cut your hair with pleasure, not to turn into a groomed creature for nine months.

The sign that it is strictly forbidden to buy things in advance for a baby is also suitable only for ancient times. Then it was believed that if the clothes were cooked, then it was as if intended for someone else, otherworldly forces, because the child had not yet been born. Now all modern adequate women are buying a dowry for the baby long before the birth. Why entrust it to a husband, mother or mother-in-law later, if you can get real pleasure from choosing small socks and hats yourself?

All kinds of superstitions that a pregnant woman should not look at dead people, ugly people and various ugly things also do not have sufficient grounds. Just scientists advise you during pregnancy to admire the beautiful, listen to good music and watch good movies. After all, the child in the womb is already interacting with the outside world.

There are also opinions that it is impossible to sew, knit, untangle knots and so on. Believe me, entwining the umbilical cord in no way can be associated with these activities. Therefore, the next time you want to ask if pregnant women can go to the cemetery or hang clothes, just think logically, discard superstition and far-fetched reasons. Rejoice and enjoy your pregnancy only.

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