A great option for organizing the output of documents on paper both in a small office and at home is the Canon i-SENSYS LBP7018C. Reviews about this printer, its technical specifications and other important nuances associated with it, will be further considered.
Niche of this printer
. , , . , , 10 , . Canon i-SENSYS LBP7018C. , , . , «» .
Canon i-SENSYS LBP7018C:
— . .
. - , 4 , . - 729Bk. , . — 1200 . 729 (), 729Y () 729 () . 1000 . , 700 . , .
, 1200 1000 . Canon i-SENSYS LBP7018C. , .
Canon i-SENSYS LBP7018C. :
( , , ) 4 . . . . :
, .
2 .
. . . . , .
. . , . 2 .
. . .
Canon i-SENSYS LBP7018C. — USB. - 2.0, 1.0 1.1 . 3.0 3.1 . , — Wi-Fi. , .
, « » « » Canon i-SENSYS LBP7018C. . 2400600, — 600600. , .
— 4. 5, 5 Letter. , , . 150 . , 50 . 60 163 /3. 220 /3.
66 , Canon i-SENSYS LBP7018C. , . , 10 . 13,6 , — 24. 16 , — 4.
. : Windows, Linux MacOS. . - , - . .
Canon i-SENSYS LBP7018C. :
Canon i-SENSYS LBP7018C. WiFi. . Wi-Fi . , , . . — . — . , , , 1 .
8000 . , , . . 4 4 800-1000 . (1000 ) , 1 .
The ideal budget printer of the class was Canon i-SENSYS LBP7018C. Reviews indicate that it is perfect for use within a small office or home. His resources in such a situation will be more than enough. Well, the possibility of self-recharging the cartridge makes it even more budget and affordable.