It is quite difficult to imagine a modern computer without access to the global Internet. Even inexpensive tablets from Chinese manufacturers allow you to connect wireless modems for third-generation 3G networks and are equipped with an Ethernet connector.
That's just for a beginner who bought a computer yesterday and does not know what a provider is, an Internet connection is a whole problem. This is quite normal, everything happens for the first time, and even the arrogant computer scientist once timidly wrote down the necessary terms and actions on a piece of paper. The difficulty is that it is not always obvious where to go and what to do to connect the Internet services. In technical and grocery supermarkets on the shelves you can not find a product with the name "Internet". But thanks to the developed media system, everyone at least once heard the word “provider”. This is exactly what you need! What is a provider? In fact, everything is quite simple. A provider is a company or private individual that for a fee provides a number of services related to the Internet.
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Everything is much more complicated when connected to the wireless Internet. Not distributed through Wi-Fi equipment, but working through the stations of GSM and CDMA mobile operators. You should not expect maximum theoretical speed and inexpensive unlimited tariff plans - these are privileges of wired networks. The main thing in them is the coverage area, the wider it is, the better.